CJ is here in KL for a couple of days. Actually she planned to come here because we promised a reunion for SyUC Ale July'05 but then at the end most of them backed off. I can't believe Dash ffk-ed us in the gracious-est manner since she knows CJ is here for only few days. Hussen was drunk when we called him, so yea, one asshole. The rest of them I think either evaporated or etherealized from physical existence. All that was left were 4 of us : CJ, me, Danny and Hazree. 2 from S1, 1 from S2 and 1 from A1. Equal representative wtf. We couldn't club in this pathetic meagre amount of mortals so we just hanged out and chilled (like...duh). I feel so sorry for CJ cos she took bus all the way from JB and gonna fly back to Tempe in couple of weeks time but yet...disappointed. Anyways, we went Williams and Laundry at the end of the day. Still happy to catch up la and I'm going back JB again around next next week in spite of being around the realm of final exam to hang out with CJ cos it's so troublesome in KL as both of us are geographically and mobile challenged. Yes, about final, I will be having half of the August for some intensive revisions cum dwelling in library for betterment of future :D I'm so determined to masuk SBU or UB. Die die also must gain admittance to either one of these Uni's in my desire major!