Monday, August 31, 2009

I want to share this

Here's what I found on the internet pertaining some solutions to deal with the most common kind of characteristics you found around the people in you life.

Firstly, define and work out ways to respond to this group of people :

At work, at home or anywhere else, we are bound to encounter arrogant people. A person is usually unaware when they're acting with supreme arrogance. It is a trait best observed by other people who may or may not say anything about it to the person concerned. Arrogant people are defined as such by other people .


  1. - Ask yourself, "am I misreading his/her confidence for arrogance?"
  2. - Recognize their achievement and show appreciation before they can get started. Sometimes, arrogance masks a desire to be appreciated and recognized. If this doesn't seem to be the case...
  3. - Look past their arrogant behavior. Do not be intimidated. Being intimidated fuels the arrogance, especially when they see people in awe or even afraid of them.
  4. - Downplay their actions. Make light of their achievements by acting as if it's of no importance. Better yet, point out how the team contributed to their supposed achievement.
  5. - Put them in their place. Some of their achievements might not even be achievements per se, but routine duties that simply needs to be done.
  6. - Walk away. Don't be part of the audience. Arrogant people thrive on having an audience. Once that goes away, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.
Credit : eHow

How to Deal with Arrogant People

The best way to deal with an arrogant person is to understand why he is being arrogant. This may sound odd, but the truth is, as soon as you know the reason behind his arrogance you will pity him.

Arrogant people think that they are always right, they think that they know the best answers to all life problems and they think that they are better than most of the ordinary people. Arrogance is no more than a shield that covers inner emptiness and sometimes an inferiority complex.

What Causes Arrogance

Arrogance is a defense mechanism used by their subconcious mind in order to prevent further criticism. If someone had a terrible childhood and if he was hurt by others he may develop arrogance in order to prevent further criticism from hurting him, the trick usually works, because if someone criticized him he can simply devalue him and assume that he is worthless.

Arrogant behavior can be a result of feeling neglected. If someone felt that he is not getting all the attention he deserves, he may unconsciously become arrogant just to attract some of the lost attention.

Arrogant people are single minded, they either think that they are superior to others or inferior to them. This arrogant person who is intimidating you feels inferior to someone else because this is how his mind works, this arrogance may be nothing more than a way to cover this feeling of inferiority he experiences when dealing with someone else.

The weak Point of Arrogant people

Dealing with an arrogant person is much easier than you think. Just treat him as if he is not superior, I am not asking you to ignore him, just treat him as if he is like the other normal people and this will be enough to let him avoid you. The arrogant person is carving for attention so if you ignored him you will remind him of his old wound and this will let him forget about his superiority when dealing with you.

Impressing an arrogant person is very simple, just convince him that you can do something that is of importance to him better than him and he will become impressed. The moment you make those people believe that you are more powerful than them, they will stick to you like your shadow.

Credit : 2knowmyself

And if you've exhausted the humane and peaceful way recommended above against this group of people but find it futile, go ahead and try this :

How to "INSULT" Someone 100 Times

To INSULT SOMEONE 100 TIMES...Start with Number One

- You started out with Nothing & Still have Most of it Left.
- If I Throw a Stick, will you Leave?
- Whatever kind of Look you were Going for, You Missed.
- Not all People like you are Annoying. Some are Dead.
- I'm trying to Imagine you with a Personality.
- When I think of you I think. Too many Freaks, not enough Circuses.
- Nice Perfume. Must you Marinate in it?
- You should go to a Mind Reader…They'll only Charge you Half Price
- I Remember you from Ten years ago…I never forget a Suit
- You're probably Outstanding in your Field…
and that's where you should be… Out Standing in a Field
- Have you ever Thought of Suing your Brains for Non Support
- You're the Type of Person my Parents told me Not to Play with…
- You must have been Raised by the Book... the Ugly American
- You remind me of a Flower... a Blooming Idiot
- Lets play Building and Loan…
Get out of the Building and leave me Alone
- There are Two Schools of thought that People have about you…
They either Dislike you or They Hate you
- You must be Sitting Backward because all I see is an “****”
- The more I know about you…
The more I Understand why some Animals eat their Young
- Something Terrible happened when you were Born…you Lived
- You'll never get Hemmorroids because you're a Perfect ****
- You remind me of Hemorrhoids or some other Pain in the Ass
- I need a Vacuum... is your Head Available
- I bet a lot of Great Ideas go through your Head..
because there's Nothing Stopping them
- You look like the Loser in an Axe Fight
- Its not the Ups and Downs in Life that bother me ...
It's the Jerks like You that do
- If Moses would have Known you…
There would have been Another Commandment
- You sound like a Manure Salesman with a Mouth full of Samples
- Lets do some Impressions Together…
I'll be a dog and you be a Tree
- Lets both do an impression of a Horse…
I'll be the Front End and You just be Yourself
- You have the Face of a Saint… A Saint Bernard
- Your Face reminds me of a Flower… A Cauliflower
- You must have been One of the Main Reasons for Birth Control
- You're the Result of What Happens when Cousins Marry
- Do you know if it weren't for Stupidity…
You’d have No Personality at all
- You should be in the Movies… You Look much better in the Dark
- I don't have to insult you...God already did it for me
- You look Good in Everything but a Mirror
- Most people deserve a Hand… You should just Settle for the Finger
- Is that your Face or did your Neck Throw Up...
- You work well when under Constant Supervision
or when Cornered like a Rat in a Trap.
- You would be out of your Depth in a Parking Lot Puddle.
- You should Go Far, and the Sooner you Start, the Better.
- You've got a full 6-pack,
but lack that Plastic Thing that holds it all together.
- You've been working with too much Glue.
- You're the Type who would Argue with a Sign Post.
- You bring a Lot of Joy...whenever you Leave the Room.
- When your IQ reaches 50, You should Sell.
- Your Gates are Down, the Lights are Flashing,
but the Train isn't Coming.
- If you were any more Stupid, you'd have to be Watered twice a Week.
- If someone gave you a Penny for your Thoughts, They'd get Change.
- It's hard to believe that you beat out 1,000,000 other Sperm.
- Some drink from the Fountain of Knowledge; you only Gargled.
- It probably takes you 2 hours to Watch 60 minutes.
- When I look at you I realize that the Wheel is Turning,
but the Hamster is Dead.
- The problem with your brain is that it is Too Tense...
It's "two tenths" the size of everyone else's
- I have trouble Remembering Names...Can I just call you "****"
- Do you have a Chip on your Shoulders...or is that your Head?
- Some people bring Happiness wherever they go...
You bring Happiness..."Whenever" you go...
- "If brains were Dynamite...
You wouldn't have enough to Blow your Nose"
- "Why don't you go Tie your Shoes...
That should Kill about Twenty Minutes"
- "The Lord sure Screwed up a Nice Ass...
When he put Teeth in your Face"
- "You have a very "Striking" Face...
How many times have you been Struck There."
- You look like a Million Dollars… "All Green and Wrinkled"
- You may not be Tall, Dark and Handsome...
But you are Tall... and Handsome in the Dark
- I know how you can Lose 10 pounds of Ugly Fat...
Cut off your Head
- "You are not so much of a Has-Been,
but more of a Definite Won't Be."
- "You should not be allowed to breed."
- "You should only Open your Mouth,
when it's time to Change Feet."
- You are depriving a Village, Somewhere, of an Idiot."
- I never Forget a Face...
but in your Case, I'll make an Exception
- You have Lips like Petals... Bicycle petals...
- If you see Two people Talking and one looks bored,
He's the Other one."
- Jesus Loves you, but Everyone else thinks you're an ****
- Your gene pool has had way too much Chlorine.
- Save Your Breath… You'll need it to Blow up your Date!
- You’re A few Clowns short of a Circus.
- You’re A few fries short of a Happy Meal
- You’re All foam, no beer.
- The cheese slid off your cracker.
- You apparently fell out of the Stupid Tree
and Hit every Branch on the Way Down.
- You’re As smart as bait.
- You’re Belt doesn't go through all the Loops.
- You’re Proof that Evolution CAN go in Reverse.
- You’re multitalented…
you can talk and annoy people at the same time.
- You’re one of those Bad things that happen to Good People.
- You remind me of the ocean...
not because you’re wild and reckless...
but because you make me sick.
- If you ever took an Aptitude Test…
You’d probably discover that you should be a Galley Slave
- You're he type of guy who if he studies real hard
and graduates college… will one day have his own paper route
- Does your Train of Thought have a Caboose?
- Did the Aliens forget to Remove your Anal Probe?
- I have a Picture of your Parents Wedding?…
You looked Cute Standing between them
- The Stork that brought you...
should have been Arrested for Carrying Dope
- I bet if you had a hemorrhoid operation…
they'd find a Brain Tumor
- Why don't you go Hang out somewhere else.
I'll even supply the Rope
- You should have been Nick Named “Treasure” ...
because you look like you've been Dug Up
- You look like a Million Dollars…..After Taxes
- Your Teeth remind me of Stars… They come out at Night
- Why don't you come out to the Pool with me
and let me give you some Drowning Lessons
- They say we all come from Dust
and when we Die we go back to Dust...
which Explains why there's always a Crowd at your Place…
- You look like a Million Dollars,
which is something I've never seen…
In other words, you look like Something I've Never Seen
- At least we know you weren't Born Yesterday
because Nobody could get that Ugly in 24 hours
- At least you're not Two Faced...
because if you were...
you wouldn't be Wearing that one.

To be very honest, you don't have to be nice to people you don't like if you don't want to, provide that he/she doesn't give you any benefits in return. Tick him/her off at your discretion, put him/her in ignore list and then move on living your lives that are 1000x better than them.

Hip hip hurray!

Happy Merdeka to Malaysia! Malaysiaku gemilang! Malaysia boleh!

I love Malaysia and I think every Malaysian does no matter what happened to our country, we don't mind to sacrifice for the country if the love we gave reciprocate.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Let me tell you something that's more horrendous than hearing your gf/bf fuck a sheep.

Last 2 days, I went to Walmart and I saw Miley Cyrus clothing brand (super low end kids brand like Anakku, Kiki Lala but worse). Then yesterday I went to Uni's bookstores and I saw Hannah Montana's portable folders, pencils, note pads, ipod skins, beverages and yada but we're all like college students here, no kid (pun unintended) but I'd assume they're just being caring to take children of some married undergraduates into the demography. Never mind, so just now I went to a supermarket nearby and was gonna shop for a birthday card but all I saw under that section is tiny amount of High School Musical designs and whatnots, and voila Hannah Montana dominates 2 sides down the aisle! Ok right since there's always a need to cater some greeting cards to minors. I'm Happy and world peace.

And then after that I went to shop for some veges at the raw food section, while I was looking at some organic brocollis on shelf and to my horror, few tiny flashy boxes of pickled veges next to those brocollis caught my attention and guess what? It's THE Hannah Montana Pickled Veges brought to you by Disney's!

Apparently there seem to be a demand among housewives as well. Everywhere has been sold out to Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana and you wanna talk about how commercialize are the Golden Arches, Starbucks and Coca Cola? Think again.

Fucking Miley Cyrus damn annoying 阴魂不散!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Day one day one

First day of class, started off with Public Speaking (yes Inti's credit is not accepted so need to do all over again ain't it just too awesome?). I'm the only Asian in the class (fyi KU has terribly minute population of Asian students other than from China). How am I suppose to make sure my legs won't turn jelly out of the 5 speeches that I need to present through out the whole course? Fuck my life. It's so scary. Worse still, I can't drop it as it's required by Pre-CLS! Fuck my life x 2. My classmates and lecturers better treat me good this semester!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hola Amigos!

After 22 hours of flight time, 2 transits, here I am finally settled down in Lawrence, a tornado prone town in the state of Kansas! I've just seen thick clouds all over and one of them with spiralling tip approaching the ground but luckily it didn't make it otherwise I'd need to run for life which I don't know where to because the apartment I'm staying doesn't even have some sort of basement shelter against tornadoes!

Tokyo trip was quite well but hell rushing! The immigration cleareance was so efficient that I managed to exit the gate in less than 1 hour. I was so excited so I went to the airport lower ground to take train to city only to realise the metro network is harder than what it seems on internet! So I asked around the helpers but they got confused as well like hello! HELLO! Well and so without much help from them I moved on and went to the wrong train in opposite direction going to Chiba instead of Tokyo! Waited for about 30 minutes before the next train going to the opposite direction came. It's really hard not being able to speak decent Japanese in Japan as most of them don't speak English and even if they did, it wouldn't sound like English that they were saying. I got so lost as I wasted 1 hour doing nothing productive around Narita. My ultimate destination was Asakusa and the Sensouji Temple which is 1.5 hours away from Narita. Anyways, I braved 4 transit stations before I found myself at Asakusa. On the way back I boarded the wrong train, the longer train and the local train which will make loop around some strange town before they went back to the main track again on 3 separate events that rendered me panicky in fear of missing my onward flight to Houston and new life. But kudos to JR, trains arrived and departed ON TIME. I managed to get back to terminal 2 of Narita Airport with only less than 1 hour time before the onward flight take off haha. What a trip and I'll be back, Japan!

Right now, my bed and mattress still pending because the store ran out of stock and they won't deliver until Monday T.T No bed to sleep at the moment. And then, I just remembered I have a box of study desk that yet to be assembled. Roar!

That's all I have to report. Till I write again!

Friday, August 07, 2009









Thursday, August 06, 2009

Revolving door

Goodbye and hello are such simple words but it takes a lot to deliver them beyond the brink of lips.