Le gOth-pUnK spirit
Just finished my P3/S2 A2's Maths forecast test.Fucking hard especially the ever confusing Integration 2(by substitution!!!) and Trigonometry 2.They got tonnes of formulae to refer to which most of them have to store in your brain forcefully like memorizing multitudinous number of cases in Tort and Contract Law.Diu,memorizing Maths formulae is like trying to reconcile Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.Tough,difficult,impossible and yet STUPID.Maths is not meant for memorizing!Duh!I couldn't do like 2 main questions out of 7 questions from Pure Maths section(exclusive of those other tiny sub-questions) and 1 question out of 4 from Statistics section.WTF.I should consider myself to be fucking lucky this time as I'd predicted to flunk this forecast at its worst.Reason:Didn't study for any single shit on that eventhough given sufficient of preparation time.Yea,I was chatting with my ex-A Level's senior and other friends which come in random,to add on,I watched Guess x 3,Kang Xi Come and went lepak in Pyramid at dinner time until 11 sumthing.oOPSs 0.0 ! *guiltiness* But at least I know I can still do better as what Ms. Wong told me as she has been always telling me how inconsistent is my performance on Maths where my result can decline from A to C out of heaven knows' reason but then climb back to A/B for the next test.I shall tramsform it into a metaphorical way suchlike making it sounds like the undulation of sea wave where ocasionally/geographically/seismotically (issit?) surged into huge wave like Tsunami during the active platonic (issit suitabe for using this word here?...and it's not "platonic" in the sense of friendship) movement of earth's crust.So come back to my current situation is like when my mood for doing Maths is on,I'll strive as hard as possible,otherwise fuck off from my vision when I dun feel like looking at those freakish symbols and numbers.So,cut the craps,it's basically fluctuating and I hope the extreme point will be falling on my AS and A2 exams. ^^''' I'm getting very lazy lately I think due to too much of energy consumption during day time(jogging,sit ups,pumping,and other movements that can be able to BURN off excessive FAT).Thus,not much energy left for revision time at night.And so,sleepy,slacking,do-nothing and PROCRASTINATING are mainly few ideal words to describe what I am now despite keep on thinking how to BURN off FAT for the sake of coming A-LEVEL BALL!!! -_-
Anyhow,since I've already done with my Maths part(forecast).So it's time for the long-lost Law and Econs.Ever since the starting day of A2 semester(my last sem. to be exact),I pay no attention to Law and Econs class instead diverted most my attention for MATHS.I'm now the muddle-head of Econs and Law class.Especially,Law( I was questioned by Mr. Raj regarding my recent absent-minded performance in class) *sadness* .Gah!
Refreshing mode activated!From today onward,I shall stayback in library to finish off mountainous of assignments,homeworks and revisions that yet to be DONE(currently or long time ago). *.* Kepala dah bengung sial!And so as puzzling what to wear for the prom night?Suit or "casually formal"?
I did this lame so called "Japanese subculture" personality test and look what I've got,OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...my favourite fashion icon and style...GOTH PUNK ala Japanese Visual Rockstar alike.Hohohohohohahahaha!
You Are a Goth! |
![]() You're so gothically outrageous, and you aren't afraid to flaunt it. Whether you dress up like Robert Smith or a tragic Little Bo Peep, chances are that you'll be parading around with the rest of the goths at Yoyogi Park on Sunday. Don't forget your white makeup and blue lipstick! Who knows? You may just get picked up by one of the seedy photographers. |
Next up...
This will be the original Goth Punk style from the Europe counterpart.(Goth Punk is originated from UK and France if I'm not mistaken,right?)
Significant part : Red and black theme is the main combination of colours.May be able to enhance with some checker art from the Brit. counterpart too.However,make sure it has to be looked like a vampire.Black nail polish,rose,black/red eye shadow and eye liner mustn't be left out as well.SOmehow,they look simpler than the Japanese way,agree?
EEEEEEaaaawww,I can't wait to slim down as I already see some results from my massive dieting off late,my waist has reduced and flabby belly has becoming firmer and of cos it gotta be sunk in instead of bulging...yay!