Malaysia is full of brainless people!
Just now while I was outside of the Pyramid cinema,one guy(17-18 probably a student,let's just call him potatoface from now on.) approached me and yea,without a single doubt I know what they are up usual...randomly approaching DONATION.Really affect my mood when seeing them.The thing that drives me mad was...
Snippets of conversation :
Potatoface : Hi,mister,we are from bla bla bla...spastic home *proceed on
showing me some verification documents*
Me : So?How much u want *break into his unended craps of
introduction nonchalantly*
Potatoface : How many children u wish to help?For each children is RM 10...
Me : Hey,I think I donated it last week in Sg Wang if I'm not
mistaken...*bluffing,of cos have to,in order not to waste my
money on this kinda unidentifiable donation body*
Potatoface : *Shocked* Issit?But this activity has just started today and we
are here to help those brain damaged spastic children*The
same old craps la,either just started or last day is their cliche*
Me : * since I've heard b4 this charity body*Ok but I can only afford
for one children.
Potatoface : *kinda-ignoring-me and proceeding with his blabber* -_-
Potatoface : I'm sure u are not brain damage right?
Me : *behsong-ness and snigger* Yea,so what if I am one of them?Do
u think I should join ur donation crew as well to be part of ur
team like u? *replies mockingly*
Potatoface : *smiles paiseh-ly*Haha...ok so how much u wish to
Me : I told u RM 10 already rite?!FUCK YOU DEAF AH?*frown*
Potatoface : *again goes on with his noble statements on how great their
charity body are...*
Again until dunno which line of his conversation...*I didnt pay attention to him though cos I was checking on the movie showtime*
Potatoface : U r not brain damaged right,I'm sure? * can't u see it urself?u
blind issit?It's so obvious*
Me : * lagi behsong-ness* Excuse me?If I am one of them I wouldn't
have to stand in front of u and listen to ur bullcrapsshit
talking,alrite?I might just ask for ur help then when my brain
really damaged k?
Potatoface : Haha! -_- *brainless bugger,so wanna bitchslap him*
Me : Just throw one 10 bucks note to him and walkaway...*to stop this
One word CI BAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(fortunately I'm not in a bad mood when he constantly tries my patient...or else I'll present to him lotsa profanities on the spot SPONTANEOUSLY) *rolls eyes*
Ok,now I understand ur hardship as I used to be one of them in the St John's team going around in July of every year asking for donation with just a milo tin!Summore had to put on heavy uniform as well and go door step by door step asking for donation thick-facedly...I admit that I'm brainless and naive too those days as I just followed what the senior told me to do but did I ever asked anyone about their brains condition?R u brain damaged?Such indirect insulting words?Mahai,stupid ppl dunno how to talk...I pardon u for that and also due to ur infant age that still consider as immature!
If not as u proceed on talking to me I'll just shoo u off rudely as what I usually dogs and cats!Go learn some moral theory first let me tell u!Diu!
U better wish that my prayer of flying colour on coming AS result will be answered,if not I'll simply curse u to brain damage as well...or worse!Do u even have a brain?
Count yourself lucky this is the beginning of the month and I just drawn some cash from ATM,if coincidentally u met me at the end of the month while pocket kosong season,U"LL HAVE TO TASTE THE BLOOD!Try me and see...sei malao!
That's why I say,Malaysian ppl are damn sicko and brainless.Me is an exclusion though :p or am I ? Since I fell into their fraudulent trap as well...T^T
Nvm,in case anything happens,I can sue him for fraudand slander under tort.Bah!
Paid 10 bucks for this hoping to accumulate virtue for coming AS result and massive diet plan.BETTER GIVE ME A DISTINCTION RESULT I tell u!
scroll to right to see the whole pictures :
Vinodh and cibai DOminic!
Kang Ju Jin!...aka Susan...North Korean -_-
Mr. Raj and some cam hoggers
Mr. Soma's lecturing...
Steph. and Kei
Tiny but crazy July'05 A1 (without Samsul)
PS : I wanna point out few of them who ffk me today,at first Ms. Jessica Octaviani Kwee then Ms. Kang Ju Jin...both of you are now in hazardous status I tell u!Esp. Kang Ju Jin!
Yay,I'm going to Celebrity Fitness this Friday...anyone?It's free for a week!