Sports Day
I WENT JOGGING TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I've been apart from that for 5 years-_-(yes,the last time I ever jogged was 5 years back during lower sec. and what I did was mostly fast WALKING rather than fulfilled the term of JOGGING -_-) my knee is like jelly,weak and no strength edi!Fuck!Hips pain oso...gotta admit that I'm aging...!
I went down to the field to jog for 30 minutes along with Steph,Khim May,Susan and later Terence and Cheryl joined bones are torn apart then!
Then immediately after jogging without resting,I quickly rushed back to room and chane to swimsuit to go for the swimming session wif Susan,Eunique and Vinodh!Mahai...damn tiring~but yes I finally got the will and urge to exercise,it feels so great after perspiring!Time to shed off fat and cha-cha-cha!-_-
Then after that we just went to Pyramid for a vy lamest movie on earth called "Black Night"...fuck...after so long didn't watch movie,I really feel like watching some great movie like TAKE THE LEAD but then mahai came this stupid HK/Jap/Thai collaboration of lame horror movie which doesn't makes any sense! back please!
After that we were supposed to go SS15 for sisha but then thx to Vinodh macha that we really had to call it off earlier and blah back to hostel...
ONly I realise I got S2,P3 and Law tutorials yet to be finised by tomorrow that left procrastinated on my desk since afternoon!Mahai,have to burn midnite oil today(again T^T).....arghhhhh!!!
Let's meet the new vampire + panda me soon!(not forgetting the new slim me soon!)*wink*