Vive la Vinodh!
Previously mistaken as 22nd b'day and by right it should be 21st(thx for ya treat or maybe NOT :p )...
Anyway,initially he invited most of the A1 classmates but it turned out that 21 ppl attended(since Vid. is 21 years old,so coincident rite?),haha,anyway the more the merrier is our intention afterall. Plus on est de fous, plus on rit!!!
So,we left hostel like 10 sumthing and headed to Bangsar.Gathered at McD and then went mamak for some drink at first(damn Bakerzin is juz in front of me at BV....*drooling*).Then,Isti told that it's already been quite late so we should go into the club and so we walked all the way there again.Like crazily walking,cheering,shouting,crapping all the way where DOminic directed the traffic in Bangsar for us,hahaha,so lame!So chit-chatted and mingled along outside Castle,and after for a while they told us inside had already usual for Bangsar's clubs cos they're juz too tiny and not that nice compare to those in KL downtown!
Thus,we switched to another not so nice club called Absolute where R & B musics were played(phew!) and inside was so cooling,haha,seldom see club that is so cooling.Too bad,the beat of the music is not blasting strong enough but no doubt we still enjoy very much with the enhancement of lotsa J.Daniel...until...unexpectedly we weren't in there for an hour long cos the bouncer told us the police might come soon to do spot check,and of cos a lot of us still illegally under we went left the sucky club and discussed again.Finally,we continued our heat and passion at Sharara(an upbeat and hot Bhangra club beside Beach Club ).
At first was quite repelled but then the beat is really too tempted and as u all know Bhangra beat is way more stronger than RnB,Techno,PowerTrance,HOuse and all!Later,we'd adapted ourselves and started to groove at the dance floor along with others...were so damn hot inside(by literally and not literally meaning)!!!Full of sexy chicks.Was perspiring but luckily the Black Label did a great job on triggering our adrenaline to next higher level...damn 'high' after few extra shots of JD and Black Label plus cigarettes(oOps,tht I only smoke once in a blue moon!).I drank like 10 cups(of cos some have to dilute with soft drink,I dun wanna be a filthy drunkard in front of public,embarrassing!).So we ended up with Terence and Danial in deadly drunk state especially Danial(but he recovered later)...Terence haha!Like a living vampire and spouting nonsense there still thought he hasn't drunk until now!Trying to act sober?!LMAO!
ANyway,we went back like almost 4 am and reached hostel around 5 sumthing...damn tiring and beat since I haven't recover from my flu yet!Head was spinning.I slept at 6am and woke up at 5pm today as a result of door banging by Susan and Eunique(damn~).No hangover though,I'm quite alcohol tolerable...:p
Eunique kena ffk again and he's now again desperately looking for a single soom,haha,no more palmville!HAHAHAhahah!FUnny...
We went to Subang Parade juz now to buy fruits and vege.(imagine!)...cos 3 of us are trying so hard to diet!But I'm more persistent than them cos tht Susan still can't seems to quit her big-eater habit and Eunique is at stake too!Only me is the one keep on insisting and try to keep away from oily,cheesie,choco,all sorts of fattening stuffs!But I ate ice cream today :( all thx to Susan who cajoled!Stupid fickle terrosist...!
Some snippets :
Devi's corner @ BANGSAR
Heavenly match?Look at Dom's michievous look...feel like bitchslap him!
Ok,hellishly match here!The lens are too small to accommodate our size,must use wide lens I think :p
Steph. and Vinodh da Bday boy!
Vinodh and Me...3 and 2???Me was not looking at the lens dunno y :/
Look at this,shining bling bling belt head ala 50 cents
Isti is a tongue ghost(real long) and this pic shows that Eunique & Dom. are into some kinda special relationship ^^'''...and Susan's thunder arms!
Some pointless candid photo that Hazree was very angry when I'm about to take this
Me trying to revenge on how Dom. treated me all the while...bOObs squeezing~
It shows that he is a boobs squeezer monster tht Eunique is trying to revenge as well and Steph. couldn't care much but proceed to pose nicely lor...
Dunno y maybe bcos they're too chic and glamour.Thus,I was in big contrast with the super slanted hideous look T^T
He always kena me take this kinda photo while he attempted to take mine.Tht girl patting on a guy is Lina and her for tht Indian couple beside acting intimimately is some random cam hogger tht trying to steal limelight...
Yay,Jack Daniel!ANd look at Terence b4 he drunk...
Hazree in hallucination though he didn't touch a single drop of alcohol cos he is a devoted MUSLIM!!!lolx
Doreen and Steph.Wanna drunk or not?
Wolflike Terence in half drunk state...look at that scary and horny look.It's like he's gonna rape a girl in next second!
Doreen and Me.I didn't intend to make tht kinda quirky look it's bcos of the disco flash...
Yay!Most of us were there.Cheryl was lighting up the spirit once again and hey,Danial had totally K.O. this time.LMAO
Part of EUnique,gigantic Susan and elfish tongue monster 2 DOm got squeezed out from the lens due to SUsan's GRAND-SIZE...
VAMPire VAmpire!!!Scary Terence,he still fucking dunno tht he is/was drunk 'till now,dun admit!I got evidence it to ur father then u noe!LMAO!
Kei and Me.One of my bestest classmates frm Japan!
DuH!Tht Bday boy was so serious dunno for wat!
Thx for Susan's marvellous photo taking skill,again our faces were squeezed out of the lens due to her GRAND-SIZE!
After clubbing mamak at Jaafar,see,Susan is eating again since last few months until non stop only!
Best Bollywood star in town,Vinodh Varma Prathappan,it's ur day!
DamN tiring man,to be honest...
Oh yeah,Kei found a tutor for Maths. for Me,she and Isti in SS15...finally I can see light for my Pure Maths cos my Trigo. 2/D.E./Intergration by subt. are in total S2 has started to screw up too esp the latest chapter Sampling&Estimation.....wth is that???!