Back when
Once upon a time..... Bored met Lost virtually. Lost was depressed. Bored was skeptical. Lost talked to Bored. Lost bugged Bored. Bored didn't get bored. Lost talked Bored out of whole universe. Bored listened. Bored happy and not bored anymore. But Bored still remained skeptical. Bored were no longer skeptical finally. Bored met Lost. Bored felt awkward but happy. Bored befriended Lost. Bored helped Lost. Lost wasn't pleasant and satisfy. Bored got tired and jaded. Bored never gave up. Bored still all happy with Lost deep down no matter how. Eventually Bored got bored with insensate Lost through out all attempts. Bored resort to coldness and nonchalance. Bored turned passive. Bored couldn't be bothered much on the surface. Lost knew nothing about the change supposedly. Bored totally gave up and turn its back on Lost. They became stranger to each other again and led their own lives.
Now, who says to every fairy tales there must be a ..."therefore, they live happily ever after?"