Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Letih banget!

Went on a date with my long lost friend in Sg.

Reached there around 11 am for that's the earliest time I could but she still half way going on her exam paper. In the meantime, I pun pergi explored the Esplanade. Took train to City Hall walked hell long to Marina Bay. Dare not jay walk cos police were everywhere roaming due to the ASEAN summit. Later kena fined SGD 50 on the spot mati pulak. Then rushed back to Orchard Rd to meet up Jessica but coincidentally we bumped into each other on the train. Apparently she sms-ed me before that asking my whereabouts and I told her I was on train heading Orchard but too bad the train arrived and landed her at my platform. I was no where on train or near Orchard yet when I sms-ed her anyways.lol. So as her wish, we sing-K again in Cineleisure for 4 hours. KBox seriously sucks, not going again( I think...). Malaysia has better karaoke chain in terms of service. RedBox and Neway definitely win hands down. Even the HK's RedBox Plus doesn't come close to Malaysia's. Anyways, dinner was in this famous eatery hiding away in Lucky Plaza, an Indonesian restaurant mainly selling Nasi Ayam Penyet ( crushed chicken cutlet with rice). Didn't expect to be so crowded and a lot rich Indonesians were dining there as well. The Penyet tasted rather er...normal haha...my taste bud is very picky one la. And sorry for the Sayur Asam, can't say that I enjoyed that bowl of sour sweet tasted soup with a lot of inedible plants inside.haha. Balik custom that time my legs already turned jelly. Hell tiring.

Did some light retail therapy as well, bought a tee from NUM and Pull & Bear cos kinda cheap despite having sales. AND I WAS EXPECTING ENORMOUS SALES GOING ON BUT NONE OF THE RETAILERS ARE PUTTING UP THE PRICE MARK DOWN SIGNS! Damn, ain't X'mas approaching already?

Probably be going Sg again tomorrow with the parents, but I doubt I won't in the meantime haha.


Weather was gloomy, it was "kebelet" but refused to rain...luckily!

The Esplanade on Bay

The newly launched Singapore Flyer

Marina Bay and spot the Merlion statue?

X'mas tree in front of The Paragon

Aquarium at Atria's basement walkway