K I'm home, the home in Johor Bahru. The home where I'll be equally facing the walls like the one in Subang Jaya. Anyways, they are just concretes and I can't be expecting anything out of it.
My past few days just spent in Godparents house with my own parents. I did not answer any call nor online though, part of me just wanna spend time with family, part of me was I dunno, apparently friends mean nothing much in my life. How sad huh? In any case, I've already used to my kinda life, glad to say, I'm stemming the tide and growing stronger, hope so. And I just realised, parents were not actually there for me when I needed them, yes, they did come due to some softcore house moving but that only applicable for 2 hours. The rest of the days, they were expecting me to cabbage. See, I'm not really looking forward to this kinda long winded holiday. It won't be any productive in my hands. Well, maybe it might be well spent for few days but BEAR IN MIND, this freaking holiday lasts for 2 months.
I have not been talking to my parents for 2 days, it's like some kinda silent confrontation. At first I thought of staying back in KL for another 2 days cos friends were asking to run a fair and I'll be earning like 100-150 per day, why not? But then just like I said, they went MIA after I replied them, perhaps they just don't need anymore candidates. To my dismay, I came back, and so here I am crawling on my OWN bed with dusts covering all over me. Rottening.
I hate pointless hiatus. It makes me feel useless, dumb and vegetative. Like duh! My life ain't gonna be better off if I choose to stay put.
Well, I think I'm gonna sit back and rehab at home for few days and then hang out with some old friends around here and Singapore. It's been half a year since I last visited Singapore, for SAT 1 test la...-_-
My point is changing my living habit is essential. People has been pinpointing my look of late. They just thought that I look older with WRINKLES! Seriously, my conciousness was all fucked up upon hearing their comments. Top it off, even my mum noticed that. I just told them I had my forehead back-lifted cos apparently that was the masterpiece of THE stylist from Raymond Choon, not my freaking metabolism. My first plan is to cultivate a good sleeping habit, no more hogging my laptop and doing blank talk on MSN(will dependent la...). I know MSN has been bothering me a lot. I will try to cut down my sign in rate, or better yet, cease to sign in altogether. Since there is no more gym in the mean time, I'll have to jog around the neighbourhood but apparently to jog around in my neighbourhood at daybreak is like slamming your head against the wall. Wayyyyyy too dangerous, oh yea, my godparents house nearly got burglarised yesterday. I was awakened by papa's yelling around 4 am and we all rushed to the front gate to see what happened but the burglar had already escaped into darkness. That bugger just managed to hop over the fence to car porch and attempting to do his foul job (HE is a Chinese!) but kena hushed off by our nervous shock, so his plan was backfired. See, the crime rates nowadays are marvellous. As far as I know, Subang Jaya is still a lot safer. Now, I have lotsa worries whenever I go for jogging in JB, there are tonnes of precedents already, snatch thefting, kidnapping...yada yada. Sighs........hell I can't be bothered already, I AM JUST GONNA BLOAT MYSELF UP during the holiday T^T
Tell me if there will be any good thing usher in this holiday which I think there won't be any.
I have lotsa sins to repent I guess.
********** Soon (the one in the 1st pic) asked me the other day : " Why you have 3 cookies and I have 2 only?"
Me : "Cos I am Cookie Monster...!"
He uttered : "But this is not your house how can you eat so much...!"
Me : ".........."
Now, that's what I called Kids Say The Darndest Things.
PS : Nah, I didn't strangle him because of that kiddo statement...
PPS : Should I be more aggresive and proactive in terms of I-KNOW-WHAT? But better if I keep with THAT in distance, since THAT-THING wanna be mean and fickle, I shall reveal you my claws and fangs once again. Seriously I'm tired of this virtual connection. Sad thing is you've done nothing to fetch it into reality. If you think the former is great, kick yourself and tell yourself in a cheerful manner with Barney's tone "I suck". I dunno la, since you've already enthroned with my shit-list status, I shan't bother much. Bye.