And I realised there are a list of things I've already forgotten for good in this fruitless 2007,
- how to communicate effectively
- how to sleep effectively
- how to play squash
- how to swim (!)
- how to carry out plans
- how to play bamboo flute
- how to play electone keyboard
- how to sing with full emotions
- how to travel by public in my hometown
- how to open my eyes when I need to
- how to use Skype
- how to smile
- how to search for inspiration
- how to keep in touch with people
- how to draw
- how to bottle up dispositions (good/bad)
- how to fiddle around with Photoshop CS 3
- how to write a few or more Chinese characters
- how to write hangul
- how to do elementary maths and calculus
- AS/A2 Law & Economics
- to read books I've bought prior to this holiday
- to materialise my 2007 resolutions before the end of it in a month time
- to do exercise, keep fit and stay healthy
- to buy a new watch
- where is my home?
- what is the purpose to sleep?
- myself
- what should I write next.........