Friday, May 29, 2009




剥夺其他生命究竟还能有什么人道可言?西方人什么东西都要扯上人道两字,殊不知这只是对自己懦弱和心理不平衡的掩饰,为丑陋的人性披上美丽的糖衣。一群人渣拥有共同的歪理,并将其美化、合理化及合法化。啧啧称奇也。要残杀就残杀,不要为之寻求神圣般的代名词。坚守人道的话,请就现在起莫谈资本主义与现有的政经文教。一句话,几百万年前石器时代蛮人当道的世界,请问人道会有什么价值可言? 当人们越野蛮、越蠢的时候,人道两字便越珍贵不是?只不过是时间贯穿于不同阶级的愚蠢度罢了。Humanism一字,还有能比它更轻浮、更霸道、更虚伪和更不人道的吗?




Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hello when was the last time I blogged about "I woke up, had bruncher (breakfast + lunch + dinner), then stone in front the monitor or staring at the ceiling whilst waiting the day to pass and nothing else of interest"? 

Here it goes,

Attended my unofficial godmother's birthday treat at a restaurant in Melodies. Been there at least 36273 times. It was fun that mummy got to meet up her SIGS gang. So cool of them to still keep in touch until now cos it has been more than 30 over years after their graduate from SIGS. Hope our kkl gang can prevail that long which I totally have no doubts on it ^^

I went for the midnight cheung k session with some of my kkl members as most of them are not free during the " day time promotion hours". Yes, they have a life unlike me. We sang from 11pm to 4am. Not enough, miraculously my voice is still there. It will normally went mute after every session. But I guess either my skill has rocketed or I've accustomed to my usual 1-9pm standard. Will see how then cos I don't think karaoke is a popular trend of killing time over the States. I need to sing the share that I won't be getting otherwise after I transferred. I can't tolerate other karaoke outlets than the beloved franchise N and franchise R. Mereka tu memang best in the world or at least in my world. Well, so after all the run and fun, we got off the place at 5th floor to the carpark at basement. Hell it was 4am,  pitch dark, nada living things were in sight of 300m radius! The girls were freaked out as my car was isolated from all others since most of them used B1 (I cleverly parked at B2). But oh well, I couldn't be bothered as I don't really believe in things not in accordance to scientific laws (I'm a future scientist mah!), so I wanted to drive over to the Autopay machine to pay in distance of less than 200m away from the car cos the girls were turning green and making some imaginative plays in mind so they needed to secure themselves in the car prior to anything else lah! Girls being well...girls *roll eyes*. So before I got off hurriedly to the Autopay machine, BBL said she spotted a janitor in red walking down the escalator (well, CS's janitors are of red uniform cos I worked there for a few times in history, and they touch down around 10pm normally when the complex closed) but NONE of us actually saw, nil, nada! It was getting very eerie as BBL was so sure about it and she warned me not to step out of the car, thus we turned to the Autopay at B1 instead. Reminds me of an incident years ago whereby a janitor committed suicide in CS by jumping down from the 4th floor and landed head on before Season bakery due to his World Cup debt. Anyways, we paid and left. Sent them home. Reached home at 4:30am. Got sounded by the parents a while. End of story.

By the way, BBL has very sensitive sense to paranormal beings and she's the one who usually provide us with been-there-done-that first hand stories about her experience. In a way, she sort of has this thing called 3rd eye or 6th sense or whatever to that effect. I'm surrounded by these extraordinary peoples in my life. Few of my other friends and cousins possess this ability to see things that we can't see in normal course. I'd prefer not to have this ability. I don't think it's something that can be classified as gifted and pleasant. I mean how many of you out there wish to see all kinds of smoky/grotesque/halfbodied/horror/shapeless/fanged/emotionless/vengeful moving beings flash across you when you are most probably doing some very normal routine in life like sleeping, doing bowel business, eating etc.? There's only one person called Melissa Gordon that are more than willing to assist those who had passed on but earthbound due to unfinished business. Go look for her then, not us "chickened littles". Having said that, I still respect "them" in every way I can. Sometimes, things can't be avoided you see. And I seriously think that car park is a place infested by "things" from other dimensions. Kid you not, it's officially our 2nd similar encounter in a car park with the first being in Plaza Pelangi's basement car park eons ago. One of us took a photo with the handphone and spotted an unidentified being in the photo with vague human outline but the expression on that "thing" is the classic of what you usually hear from someone with a similar experience of this kind. Of course we deleted the photos without a second thought and called it an end. Some of us prayed so hard after that and couldn't stop chanting mantra for few days in assist of hanging all sorts of religious talismans around, like me.


And so I hope this is not that omg "I woke up, had bruncher (breakfast + lunch + dinner), then stone in front the monitor or staring at the ceiling whilst waiting the day to pass and nothing else of interest" anymore. Don't you just love what you expected to be run of the mill to turn out like a merry cupcakes? Haha it's more fun being a random person.

Lay off balik kampung with the STACT's CS-ians/Visa application/Uni. matters (setulusnya, SANGAT pain in ass please remove it asap!) and the comfort zone aside, I'm setting off for a 1 month stint taken for pleasure (I SERIOUSLY hope it is, with every fibre of my being). Haven't tried to be this adventurous before but I'm telling you that I'm going hardcore this time! . A bit nervous though. So much uncertainies and I'm just so small but nothing's in my way (cliche). God bless the parents and the sister with pink health especially mummy! Please give her more calciums/collagens but not pain killers! Stupid mchknnccbwtfbbqdvd osteo disorders. I'm gonna swallow all of you like sup tulang one fine day!

Something awkward happened today but I'm not gonna disclose it since it's irrelevant and rather personal, and err...inconvenient? What it's supposed to be will remain as it is forever, you get me? :)

Gonne meet up with Cheryll tonight after for almost 1 year! She's back in JB for a week already but I assume she has been under quarantine for all the H1N1 hoo-haas :s

Sorry Jessica for ffked you that day, we'll wait 'till July ok? If you're still around Sg. by then. ;(

Thanks Frog, now that you've finally kept your promise :)

My MSN died on me for the 2nd time. I've no idea why prolly cos of virus attack or bugs. Therefore the lack of signing in...vagination!

This few days are quite packed, grandma's birthday on Saturdays so relatives are all back here. Edmund cuzzie will be back on next week until August. Let's see what he has got for me out of his few months backpacking over the Europe continent!

It's 7:08am and I'm still up. What's coming? Sincerely hoping for a good day ahead :DDDD


p/s : Friends, I'm terribly sorry if I ever ffk. I'm conciously aware that my ffk rate has been on the higher side recently. My life's been very unpredictable owing to few factors which I think some of my closest friends may know. I seek forgiveness from all.

Saturday, May 23, 2009



:一番风雨路后,筹备也如火如荼地开始。表面上我们分工合作,但是我知道我的搭档做的相对的多了一点因为他始终呆在学校的时间要比我多,又有车,所以所谓的“三大执委”有啥事都会第一时间通知他。至于我,嗯...只能说好像是可有可无的阿飘吧! 他们吩咐我做什么我就做罢了,完全没有动力去探索。很颓废对吗?但是要知道有时候我想耍些小聪明、动点小新意最终都会被推翻或才后之后觉,“eh...他们好像已经事先有了自己的想法哦!哇铐!不早说又一直提醒我们发挥创意,全部你们讲完啦...”。有时候几位看不下去的执委也会不断提醒我们组要加油,因为某别组现在的表现真的甲于我团,很可能会在活动后的某不必要的仪式上获得最佳组别。我心想,“去你的,这又不是我参加此活动的最大目的。况且,就凭他们抖抖屁股、左摇右摆的那几天”?我组的任务要比他们更靠近重心与宗旨,涵盖的活动十个手指都数不完,筹备都没时间还管你那么多?而且我们背后其他的努力你们又看到多少?你们也不是因为仗着他们跳舞好玩每每都去串门,难不成要来看我们学术如何沉闷地讨论怎样出题难倒学生、怎样提倡教育、怎样衰败到八个组员只来三个的窘境吗?所谓的学长团,讲难听点,各个都要表现自己的实力让大的吃馒头,小的吃拳头,而我们学术组的学长们却个个人间蒸发,再不然就是放飞机放到一个样,连一些重要的指南到最后一分钟都还下落不明。千呼万唤都使不出来,然后限期又要到了,左右为难,囧不囧你跟我讲?这下看在他们的眼里,我们是多么落后、没效率、没纪律。而我自己,明知道我的搭档都抢着做,就好像为了跟上进度拼命找事做咯!也真的难为了我的搭档,他也是因情势所逼才不得已扛下一切的。所谓物极必反,他也因此常常奔溃和抓狂,而我超高的EQ只好百忍成金以至三大执委一直慰问我你还行吗?觉得跟他搭档还可以吗?我都是一笑至之,因为纯粹以不想惹事生非为大前提。在加上之前也有和他合作搭档的经历,还蛮了解他的作风的(就除了他泪洒开会台的那一次除外)所以我认为这一路走来还没什么问题,没有人是完美的。如果那样来说的话我觉得我自己更加糟糕啦!所以组员们,之前那个叫他消失好不好”的是另有其人,并非你们所想的,要知道这世界是很大的哦!   回到重点,给别人看到我们连到最后关头的准备工作时来的组员还是只有两三个,我和搭档真的是很不好意思。虽然知道缺席的组员都是自己生活中的朋友,也算是了解他们的能力(红杉军的高层执委嘞!),对他们还是颇有信心的。可是信心归信心,别人可不是那么想,因为别人都认为他们(或是“别人”自己本身)都带有包袱和心结。什么包袱和心结?胎死腹中的十九届前执委不积极事件及红杉军蓝杉军上一代留下来未完的恩怨咯!我也不懂为什么啦!反正访间都这样流传,传来传去,无聊透顶!但是,有时高层人员的高深莫测、拖泥带水、优柔寡断和变幻莫测也使得我们进度不断受阻饶。一句话,惨不忍睹来形容我们的准备工作。虽然执委再三吩咐我和搭档最好不要插手于组员应当做的琐碎事,但是如果到头来手忙脚乱、败事有余的时候一部份的责任也不都还要找上我们?谈何容易!

:临出发的一天,很典型地,又给我来什么心与心交流的。搞得某些人不知为了什么哭哭啼啼,讲好听是剖白,难听点是哭夭。已经把我们折磨得累到半条命(当时是清晨两点多,我组还有一大堆事没搞惦,printer又不争气,用的时候大家用,坏的时候乏人问津)隔天又要五六点起身东搬西搬到传说的目的地去,不懂的人还以为来了一大班僵尸呐!就这样他们以为当时的真情流露能凑效,但是我股子里不知骂了多少脏话,只差都把它们当场释放!煞是多余! 要是这种场面发生在一切活动都完成过后的最后一晚的话,我无任欢迎!到了当地,也100%进入状况了,一路忙忙忙加上有一点的郁郁寡欢(sorry),终于还是找到我的那份存在感!虽然有时手忙脚乱,但船到桥头自然直,至少没有搞砸整个活动还可以让人宾至如归那还不算好吗?难不成要达到好像学长团不停吹嘘的当年勇那般结果不成?有自己的风格就好,不要成为一直被他人操控的玩偶好不好!我本人是要承认我组主办的活动是有蛮多的漏洞被别人抓包但是并不代表我们没有可取之处到完全不被奖赏。别组也有它没被曝露的不完美,我们留台阶给别人下,不要象某些假面仙那么明确和直接地揪出来然后自己也没有好到那里去。所谓旁观者清,清者也自清,尊重他人就是善待自己。说实在,我也是到了接近出发的那几天才对我组有那份“革命情感”,要努力做到最好给他们!不然我抱着的态度仅是让他们自生自灭,因为我眼看之前的局势真的很消极悲观,不敢抱什么希望。还有,我总觉得这一团的人(犹指很多男生),都好像抱着另外一种心态来参加活动的。

:活动落幕了,学到了很多做人的道理。幸好没有想象中的差,也对我组的表现抱有一些希望。期望大家的付出有被重视乃凡夫俗子之心对吗?有谁会喜欢一生默默耕耘,到死了功劳/苦劳始终还是被他人无情地剥夺呢?深知他们在某不必要的仪式上非官方性地颁发各类针对活动与团员的奖项时,我不禁心寒我组连半个奖项都沾不上边。我团基本上分三组争夺那五六个得奖名分,撇开得失心不谈,难道我组就没有被你们这般bigots奖赏以兹鼓励的半点原因吗?学术组的十几个活动啊,没一个能让你们看上吗?学术组有几个特有进取心、特有办事能力的组员,全部都是透明的吗?一堆石骨不化的机械人!别忘了我们活动的宗旨,你如果那么偏好康乐的话那我建议以后请低调含蓄地宣传我们的活动,不要误人子弟。以后你们就只主办歌唱比赛、篮球比赛、营火会够了,完事,为何当初要诸多要求给我们一大队狗屁理由去参加这个活动呢?搞得我们好像小丑那样被蹂躏,到头来又亏我们。Post Mortem 一百万次也得不到一个所以然。整天神神秘密搞闭门小组活动。独裁者、布偶领导人、自以为是的active bigots多不胜收也难怪这个社团越来越衰败,只差那么一点就要gulung tikar了。要在这团里立足,成事就要高调吟唱,败事最好掩人耳目。就因此社的座右铭是:忠言逆耳、活在当年勇、排斥新元素、马克思主义、独裁主义、3K主义、共济会、势必一辈子被政治人物利用。醒醒吧!看看这个两个字,改变。改变不是叫你们去撞墙或吞剑,有那么难吗?

p/s : 真的还是很对不起和感谢所有的学术组组员:Sherine, Sze Qi, EE Lian, Vivien, Sin Yee, Sai Yung, May Chong, Li Zhe。我们的付出不需要那一小搓人来肯定,不稀罕!只要我们自己开心,对得起天地良心就够了。上天的延迟并不是上天的拒絕,沒有所谓的失败,只有暂时停止成功! 在未来的人生里加油吧!

This is a one-off-er. Thereby, I swear there won't be a SINGLE post on this blog pertaining to that particular club in mentioned ANYMORE in future. Period. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

无状态 | 病态

| 热


被动 | 主动





强悍 | 优柔







我就觉得做那个什么比较没那么累 :)


原因.....? 没必要去解释因为解释不是我做人的方式。





Thursday, May 14, 2009

And it reflects our hearts

I bought this loaf of bamboo charcoal bread from Lavender when I was at CS just now since I've been hearing so much about it (it's expired i know cos the photo is taken off google image). But I wonder what's so special in it? It tastes no where remote to normal white bread. Kononnya org ramai kata ia tu healthy and therapeutic wor! Can restore you back to your "heyday" and call back your "spring". Fui yoh, habis tu ubat 仙丹 lah! Tak taulah what kinda properties contain inside tapi ku percaya khasnya aphrodisiac mmg salah satu antaranya :p

And so sorry to say this but I cannot tahan if I don't say. The bread reminds me of someone. Now there's something that finally override her previous status of "burned toast" (which sounded very vague if i used it on her metaphorically) cos bamboo charcoal bread is almighty powderful. No white spots at all! It's almost or downright HER

Bak kata pepatah, kuning oleh kunyit, hitam oleh arang.


Monday, May 11, 2009

0 to 1

On the way to hospital a while ago, I saw a rabbit (a real one) prowling along the shoulder of a busy road. Surprisingly, it was not an usual sight that we get to see rabbit (hello, it's rabbit) hunting for food around our "friendly" neighbourhood in everyday event. After much contemplation about the entire scene that is not easily explained, my attention moved on with the speed of odometer. A conclusion reached : so what's the big deal, it's prolly just a rabbit who ran away from its cage by chance. 3 hours later on the way returning home, I passed by the same place and saw the rabbit lying in a tiny pool of blood slightly in the middle of the road, lifeless and inanimated. Prolly got hit and snubbed off by some vehicles. Either way, it just kicked the bucket without any logically valid reasons.

Sidenote : I don't think I will give a damn had this event happened in years ago. Am I getting more compassionate to say the least?

Mum's wardmate is an Indian lady in near 30 who has got warded for consuming paraquet intentionally. In a way, committed suicide. Fortunately, she was fine after undergoing lavage. Reason behind her act is due to the reveal of her husband's extramarital affair and perpetual provocation from the bitch. Mum sounded her. She asked her to put off some weight and then dress to impress. Well, it's righteous to do so in situation like this. 

Sidenote : The then me will go, "padan muka! shame on you, how can you expect a creature who thinks with its bottom half to get by with an ogre like you?" But when I got to know the news after 38-ing session with mum just now, I had the urge to go over give her a pat on shoulder. I mean seriously, the foolishness part aside (they have 2 children already), they should do what's best for their children and running away from reality is really the worst solution. Can you see the difference in approaching already? It's like seeing the glass half full or half empty that sort of effect. And why so?

Verdict : We are all changing in a way that we failed to notice (above's for illustration purpose only) across time and space; and for better or worse. We don't just change because we say so but we've defintely changed if others say so. Lookers-on see most of the game.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Another one

How much democracy is enough?
How much freedom of expression is enough?
How much transparency in administrative procedure is enough?
How much justice is enough?
How much power struggle is enough?
How fair is enough?
How rich is enough?
How bad of a party is enough?

Are we trying to look up to what has been happening today in our northward neighbouring country? Is it fun to have social disintegration in colours and endless fighting among different representations? Do we like seeing our country currency depreciate to new low, retraction of foreign investments, new high unemployment rate, recession, inflation, violent public demonstrations that drove tourists away, and everything that has been building up from the past 51 years to collapse over a word of democracy? 

It is a long fight and I don't think we are all well prepared for it because this is simply not our culture unless we are willing to forgo all the goodnesses we are enjoying right now. Otherwise, we should just shut up or give constructive point outs from now onwards. 

Instead of fighting about who's right and who's not, who should rule and who should not, picking against each others; why not we all stand up and fight for a better place to live? Aren't we all doing these for the betterment of our beloved country in the first place? So stick to it.



1. 别人幸运时就想分一杯羹,自己倒霉时就拖别人下水。
2. 逞英雄,耍出众,爱得到所有人的崇拜。
3. 永远只会抱怨自己没有什么却很少珍惜现有的东西。
4. 忌妒,羡慕,炫耀一系列,对现状只有莫名的不安,也不懂要追求的是什么。
5. 贪图名利,肤浅,爱把臭铜废纸和闪亮物体往脸上贴。
6. 看其他事物时视力超好,看自己时却近乎是瞎的。
7. 自以为是却什么都不是。
8. 地球最不应该存在的生物,自称高等动物但大体上愚昧成份占百分之九十五。
9. 虚伪造作,为了生存而永远只能带着塑料般的躯壳亮相。

提示 : 两个笔画,竖起食指指向自己。

答案 :


Monday, May 04, 2009

Little thoughts in 10 to indicate my blog is still alive

1. The 19th CS (formerly RS) was fun but before all the fun, it was actually more of agonies. Yes I should not be complaining except the part being exploited for political reasons. Well, it was sponsored by political body so yeah, they provided the fund so they had all the says in theoretical sense. That the most I can say, we have already done our part. Objective achieved. Thanks everyone who made it possible. Case closed.

2. Organic Chemistry I with Lab (check). 4 bonus credit hours insured.

3. What's with swine flu if i may ask in utmost graceful manner? Why must it be here of all time in the universe? If it has to be epidemic like some other stupid influenzas, we might as well give it a synonymous meaning to the word "fuck-off"? Not like I care that much since I have runny nose for most of my life being a temperature change and dust intolerant person. Bring it on!

4. I have a new foster father. Not sure whether it is a good thing or the opposite. Obviously there is still plenty of room for improvement to intensify our relationship. In fact, the past few days with him is nonetheless happy but overshadowed by a state of mechanical love. I just do not quite understand why all the tearings. More time and close interactions are needed to break the barrier that has been building for 22 years. I would say, not so easy.

5. Everybody wants to be hero when they are working in a group, team or whatsoever.

6. No more Asia Cafe, Baker's Cottage, RapidKL, Waffle, Yau Char Kwai, Chu Yok Fun, Taman Bandaran Kelana Jaya, Subang Jaya Uptown, LDP, Damansara Uptown, Char Kway Teow, Chicken cutlets with rice, Mentakab etc. in the mean time which is a good thing but I will surely miss few of all those listed above in the category.

7. I still cannot quite tolerate people with phoney characters.

8. My laughter and my heart do not coordinate as good as before.

9. I realised that I get annoyed easily especially being tied up to extremely ceremonious events. Why must we live up to symbolic events if we can very well achieve the same thing by skipping the needs of it? It is only a symbol, one that glamourized the surface for all the wrong reasons. Action speaks louder, people!

10. + + x = *. No matter how much hatred I harboured against you, you still make up part of my life.

I have not been sleeping too well but I am complete by now. Bye.