Thursday, September 04, 2008

Random wtfs

Party hopping for $ = doormat, tailgate, laughing stock and conformation for lousy people(so sad to see our country's administration being manipulated by some past-prime politicians, three cheers for dirty politics)

Cibai Students For A Free Tibet (SFT without the prefix C of cos) = biggest hypocrite on earth, it's neither pro-Tibet nor pro-Chinese, it's pro-Brainless(don't understand what will Westerners gain from a truly independent Tibet, more like distraction than solution).

Got an Ipanema flip flop for only $9.90 at IMM and it doesn't feel much different from Havaianas though, which the latter cost me around $50, yea unfortunately! And bought lotsa cheap stuffs from Daiso, man, this place is totally heaven on earth tailored for cheapskate like me who goes around nipping 平.靓.正 deals unabashedly. $2 STORE WIDE, who can resist?

College rang just now, have to move my ass back for enrolment otherwise pay for late enrolment penalty; FF sms-ed just now for my outstanding payment this month. Suddenly I need to rush back tomorrow instead of Sunday T.T

Gotta face all the hypocrites again.

Fuck this stupid world. Kthx.