Saturday, October 01, 2005


Yesterday suppose to go to mama's hse but end up packing all my things and carried it back to my hostel again -_-...haha!Bcos our movie ended too late it's already 8 something that time and quite reluctant to travel to hell far Cheras by evil transport(bus)...hehe!

Juz went out with Susan,Abang and Isaac to see movie but b4 that gotta go to visit Abang's fren that kena beaten up by big bullier from Sri KL in SJMC -_- we(susan,me,isaac) dunno the guy that admitted to SJMC at all...juz follow Abang lo...afterall he was driving...then stay there nearly 1 hour chatting with the guy's mother which we dunno him/her...but her mother quite frenly lo...but felt really awkward la...instead send go to visit the boy...we din actually speak to the boy but his mother...funny funny thing...kkkkk!

Then after that went to Pyramid Sushi King then went to watch The Myth...quite bored the movie and outrageous,peculiar,i was like totally ??? wat happened in the movie(plus was damn tiring yeterday cos lack of sleep lo...)but at the end still know the wat the story try to say roughly lah...but really amazed by the scenery in the movie...not many actions by Jacky Cheung in this movie but nice 3D effect/scene,but felt very strange kind of feeling cos Jacky Cheung duet with Kim Hee Sun and born the love story(yeah LURVVVEEE story...)...funny huh?...old fella + pretty young Korean actress = mismatch...anyway tht's my opinion la...

Today,wow so happy i slept almost 14 hours one short without being interrupted...hohooo...then woke up at 1.30pm being freshed and my life starts all over again!!!!Then went out with Susan to Pyramid for lunch (yeah,pyramid again...)sienz -_-...went to Kim Gary crazily stuff ourselves up with foods like hell...esp those toast...felt like vomit once i think of bread...toast...eurghhh!then went lepak lepak here n there ,arcade,bowling(but ended up they r having tournament again,so din play...)...saw the KoreAN Drama OST songs collection 3 CD in 1 for price of only RM29.90 at Tower Record...made punde!i bought one wrongly last week in JB that is all ochestra version without vocal all instument cos i don't know when i saw the song i want inside then just grabbed it to the counter to pay...2 CD in 1 for also RM29.9(after 10% popular card discount)...fuck up man!brought back home play it and felt like wanna crach my whole CD player up...cos it is sleepy ochestra version -_-...puts me to my dreamland...omg!wasted my money since i really try hard to save up money now to buy new hp...ya btw juz now saw the LG G262 new one in nice and colour one...attractive which require fork out 13x RM100 notes and err...still quite short of it...weeeee!
Haiz,gotta do msian study stupid presentation work tonight lah...powr point sux...!Kim Chi here i come...yummy!^o^

I wanna buy many things Mind Mapping by author Tony Buzan(Auntie recommended one!),Discreet and The Samuel and Kelvin collection,Globe The Best OF collection 3 CD in 1 for RM56.90(ower record),Do As Infinity older Do The Best B-side Collection 2 CD in 1 for RM51.90(tower record),that particular 3 CD collection of Korean Drama Songs Collection(tower record),My Chemical Romance~Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge,Foo Fighters~In Your Honor,Bon Jovi latest 2005 album~Have A Nice Day(i want this very bad...!)help me y tower record hasn't selling yet!!!....wat to do half to tighten up my wallet time more loose liao then buy lo....haiz...but can buy pirated one also...T-T...desperate!