Friday, February 15, 2008

The V Chapter

Have been seeing flowers and bears since the 13th roaming the streets.

Can't they just think of any other things better to give aside from cakes, chocs, bears, flowers and cakes and chocs and bears and flowers and...oh well.

If this is gonna carry on for forever, what's the difference between Qing Ming Festival and V day? Every year we visit graveyard and offer flowers as a respect, soon became a symbol. But V day ain't got nothing to do with symbolism IMHO. It's a day of love and caring appreciation. Flower and so are optional. Nothing to symbolize, it's the bonding of love and caring between 2 persons that matter. The efforts run by both...this is a day to show appreciation instead of throw on a flower and get it over. I mean, if it were to happen to me, I will be overjoy to receive flowers and other conventional goods as well but later on I will have to ponder a little bit, what's the practical point? I receive flowers this year and I won't remember what actually happened this year by the next V day hits. I will be sitting around anticipating another bouquet of flowers again, if I doesn't receive any, still I will be sad and I definitely won't feel thankful for last year. It's already being pampered with materialism without meaning.

Last year. This year. Next year. 10 years later. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. 10 days later. No matter when, when you're in love with the right person. V day happens everyday. Everyday will be meaningful enough, deeply engraved in mind. Not just yet another day of flowers and chocs.

Flowers will die. Chocolates are diabetic and fattening.

Then again, singleton is bitter.