Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Day

Fucking landlord was trying to wake me up from slumber on a wonderful Saturday again. Tell me that bugger's not retarded or what to knock my door at 9 freaking a.m. YES A.M., ANTE MERIDIEM! So I decided to ignore and zonked out into lalaland again. All was great until the second time he came knocking again at 11 a.m. and this time I opened the door showing him my pasty and tulan face in order to tunjuk perasaan. So he felt something wrong with my manifesto and pleased me back to sleep. Asshole. I'm not interested in house meeting unless food is provided or what but no. Maybe I'll consider if it's after 12, ANTE MERIDIEM. Told you I'm nocturnal.

I swear if he ever fuck me up from my sleep again in future, I'll hang him upside down with his head in toilet bowl whilst flushing all our excretions into his oesophagus. Mercilessly, thank you.

Good, so I couldn't resume my sleep after that, mood was fucked up. So I prepared myself to meet up with my BFF, Stephanie for she'll be leaving for Oz in 2 weeks time :(((

I was supposed to meet her in Inti-UC at 2-3pm but my luck had got the better of me since I opted out college bus due to the incapability of waking up at 6 in the morning cos remember my initial plan was to work for i-challenge which I didn't in the end. Boarded the wrong bus (kudos to this company called Airport Liner which I don't know shit about) and voila, took a detour to KLIA and LCCT. Sainted! I swear I got the urge to kill myself on the bus when I saw lotsa hangars and runways appeared around me. Cos it was obviously so wrong for there won't be such buildings being erected from Nilai, the nearest municipal from Nilai is Sepang. Bordering side by side under different constituencies and states! So dumbfucked. It took me a good extra 2 hours. 2. Two. Dua. Er. Ni to reach Inti-UC! There's no way I could recognise all the roads in spiral to KLIA and LCCT cos I hardly go there FFS. The last time I went there was last year for DJ Tiesto rave party at F1 circuit. Cos KLIA is really built pointless for JB-ians, we prioritise Changi International Airport in any case due to the proximity. 1 hour vs. 4 hours journey away. You do the calculations la.

ANYWAYS. I reached Inti-UC eventually around 2 hours after our appointed time and managed to catch up with Steph. for 1 hour plus cos she looked weary after her sleepless day the day before and her final paper. Gossiped a little bit then bade her goodbye with hugs. Can't believe everyone's leaving and time really flies. Everything seems like yesterday where we used to hang out 24/7 kapsiao-ing in THOL, One U, house partying, clubbing and shopping together-gether every week. Le sigh. Whatever it is, take care and bon voyage darling!

Dom. just had his MRI scanning a while ago, we are all so worry about the outcome. Hopefully it's nothing pertaining to brain, spine, ortho-insert jargon* and neuro-insert jargon*. He was so rummy cos he called me to announce that he's dying. I was completely startled. Didn't know to laugh or to send him my deepest condolence (which is kinda inappropriate haha) but nonetheless I laughed all the way still and poked the fun outta him to cheer him up. So later he came and look for me with DD tagging along. So qiut! But then I spotted some rashes blossom on my chin this morning which I credit to what DD did to me last night from all his lickings!

And I'm going back home next week!!! So ridicuously happy can!!! It's been few months I never went back already. Thanks to the cropped out of ON and all. Gonna catch up with my kkl and bff Cheryll so badly. Then at the same time need to discuss some university matters with the parents as well. I've narrowed down my university choices to two which they are not only possible for my result and ability to gain admission but they are prestigious yet affordable too! Both are in the same state under same governing body. So by the end of this semester my study plan will be smooth sailing and more distinct. What a great relief since I don't need fucking physics in my curriculum. I never was a physics kinda person cos they are rigid, stiff, cold, hard, emotionless and stoic compared to Chemistry and Biology which are more fun. No offence to physics enthusiasts but I kinda think that engineering and IT major students are boring since they deal with lifeless things like machines and computers. Or at least not my forte la...ok? In case some of you already start cursing me behind for leaving this stereotyping remark.

Steph. and me at Ruums circa 2006. I know what you gonna comment on my look so STFU.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Can your lighter play music?

Can your sharpener play music?

Can your bottle play music?

Well mine CAN cos i have i-Lighter, i-Sharpener and i-Bottle

not forgetting...


i've got everything that you don't have, therefore i am happy!

Sorry but it's homemade cos you gotta pay more for state-of-the-art's.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Stolen MCH!

My pair of sport sneaker which I worn for too much got stolen this morning/yesterday night! Although I got it from someone else that I didn't pay for it but it's still a rare version of Nike Shox! (estimated "loss" = around RM 350-400)


So much for staying in a guarded condominium hor.

Is it another sign of driving me out of this place?

Actually it's partly my landlord's fault also if you were in my shoes (pun not intended) but he just told me to take it as a NOT COSTLY lesson in rather nonchalant tone. Well I say.......


(MCH = ma chau hai)

p/s : time to shop for a new pair of serious sport sneaker that doesn't smell like rotten fish :)))

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Orientation Nite post-post

I think these are the most I can post as of now because if I post too much photos of myself my committee members will surely sound me for makan ular (which I didn't). Haha. See the connection or not?!

Kennard's band performance which I think he overly engrossed in his own playing. Blink 182 and heavy dose of pop rock simply not my forte.

We got Inti guards to protect us leh, and spot Juliet's double chins at the corner or not?

The crowd, quite a lot of people came considering the fact that the entire student population of ICSJ is only 2K plus. A world No. 1 champion Yo-Yo player from Japan was swinging her Yo-Yo at the runway on above pic.

Yan Ming's band performance. Ma ma dei only but Samuel's drumming skill is really second to none. Spot me and my miserable look at far right corner behind the board? Haha. I'm one of the men behind the success story of ON. Low profile is the way don't you agree?


Actually, I'm not really present in most of the photos taken that night (except for those taken accidentally, hogging actions and group photos) simply because I was extremely busy with my stuffs. Never eaten for whole day and never sat down for one whole day lo. Have to bear with the aftermath of afternoon incidence summore, remember my previous post about the unexpected storm that swept away everything?

Le sigh. A memorable night without photos to commemorate is just like body without soul, banana without skin :((

Honestly, I've noticed that I've written a lot of insensible remarks along the way of organizing this event. I swear I was so close to giving up but nonetheless I stemmed the tide. The moral of the story is jangan mudah putus asa! But being whiny a bit no harm right? You know my character la...

How MYOB people communicate these days

Yellow circle = Landlord's
Green circle = housemate's
Red circle = moi

This is how busy people communicate nowadays. Skipping the need of chancing into each other'spoker faces. The whiteboard has legitimately became a medium of forum. Anyways, what happened is, I have this couple housemates who apparently think that me and another male housemate violated the proper toilet manners in the sense that we did not take good care of the common toilet hygiene which eventually emitted displeasing smell. So she (her partner is English illiterate) decided to put down some remarks on the notice board. Well, normally I would just ignore because ignorance is bliss afterall and I'm pretty confident that I've always come in clean hands. But this time around, I felt that I should rebuke to obtain greater self-preservation.

She complains that we treated them like maids as if we do not even bother to take care of the cleanliness of the place like they do, AT ALL. Sainted cow, like they are the God of Cleanliness who don't use the toilet at all. Blame us for the smell? What? To think that their shits smell like strawberries is it? And ours smell like.....yea shit. Ma De. You just read through those words in green circle and you'll get what I mean. Then, I reverted in that stick-on note in 3 topic sentences (duh!) for there are no more spaces to write on that board, in a rather diplomatic and polite way like how I usually do (yea right).

Point no. 1 - "By doing some simple house chores don't make you sound like maid."
Point no. 2 - "Each of us do our parts to uphold cleanliness in our house. We need to put up with unpleasant things as well but more often than not, we try to close-one-eye for we are peace loving people."
Point no. 3 - "What makes you think that we've been treated you as maid since we don't pay you for that? As a matter of fact, we are merely carrying out our responsibilities as a responsible and sensitive tenants by keeping the place clean."

I posted the note quite late so I bet those persons in matter had already long gone in slumber but my landlord actually saw them. So he replied (in yellow circle) with some witty solutions,

1. We can pay other housemates to clean the toilet at discretion if we agree upon that.
2. Those who can't tolerate can rent his master bedroom that came attached with a bathroom itself.
3. Accept that renting with sharing bathroom is not bad actually as bathrooms don't smell like flowers because shit goes there but it shouldn't smell like shits. (Haha)

And he is ready to call for a tenants-landlord meeting soon to further discuss the matter. In fact, I'm crossing my fingers anticipating it. Can't wait to see how will this conference turn out to be like. Prolly an ultimate showdown for all of us? Who cares. I still love where I'm staying now. They can jolly well move their arses out for all I care if they felt vexed. Seriously, what makes them think I should be friendly?

So many cb people recently.



"boys must point their genitals at the bowl accurately whenever they intend to relieve themselves but girls can spill their pee everywhere because girl pee smell like lavender..." (Ely, 2008)

(This quote can only be understood after my clever embellishment cos her Engrand is too powderful.)

My solution for this whole toilet brouhaha is shown on the below photo.

Lo and behold...








Now the toilet will smell like flowers as their wish. Everyone will be happy like bubbles. And no need to remind me of how awesome I am (cos I know I am) to sacrifice personal belonging(s) for common use not like those cb selfish species. See, I'm not even close to hostile yet, I can still be friendly.

So please STFU kthxbai.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Orientation Nite pre-post

I'm so smelly now, so I decided to blog.

It's been so long since the last I had the whole Saturday entirely to myself without thinking what to do in advance. Could be post-ON syndrome but I was supposed to sleep at least 8 hours since yesterday night I came back all thanks to my fucking landlord who did some house maintainence job of all day but this Saturday on 10 a.m. to interrupt my eonian sleep 'till I feel like I wanna wake up! I was already like ants on boiling pot when I came back due to the stupid water rationing which will never happens in my lovely hometown EVER in my past 20 years of life. Syabas or PUAS or whatever it is sure got a long way for improvement. Subang itself was worse enough, ample times in a month. Good to know that Kelana is nothing better in that sense now.

Alritey, where was I? Yea, I haven't bathed for 2 days, as yet! Niamah. I came home around 5 freaking a.m. last night and thought of having an imaginary hot bath ( rented place doesn't equip with water heater) then dissolve all the weariness and frustrations into a good slumber party but NO, the fucking nozzle dispersed droplets only instead of a strong downpour! Wah piang jialat. Now I have to tell you why is it THAT jialat instead of "alritey, can't be bothered, just sleep the night over".

And so the story goes...happily (not) done with my STA 219 test although (what's done is done la, the paper fucking screwed me right up) I didn't bother to study the night before as I came home from ON's preparation quite late, decided to wake up to burn midnight oil but dengan izin tuhan I managed to wake up 2 hours after the alarm rang, 2 more hours of god gave sleeping hours, how nice! Went straight to college after that, plowed through the notes 1 hour before the test cos I spent another 1 more hour kapsiao with members at booth. So yea, I'M SO DONE WITH IT and I HATE probability, permutation and combination, you know I tend to have tendency of not getting the right answer upon first solving and I need to refer to an actual answer else I will totally burnt the whole paper, and so it was a test, so no answers provided, thus BURN 'em all!!! T.T

I need to sign in for duty immediately after done with test. Running up and down for the stage set up, equipment settings, PA, brief my helpers and so forth are some of my duty scopes. It was all sunshiny and glaring like never before 'till a sudden storm came washing away all loosely rooted things in sight including our PA + lighting control canopy (finally I know what does lull before the storm implies!) Sainted mother, below the canopy was sets of equipment worth all your mothers' lives! Heck, we risked all our mothers' lives to protect those equipments from thunder/lightning and rain water. The whole canopy practically parachuted from crosswind and we had already tried all our best to keep them under shelter, beefed up the roller (yes, that freaking canopy is portable with 4 rollers that functioned at wrong time). Le Sigh. We then requested to dry up at hostel but I didn't tag along for I still have stuffs to do like execute the back up plan immediately. It was crazy. That was like the 2nd time I encountered such massive storm in Subang, the first was even worse which happened 2 years back when I was in Sunway, I could see rain water splattered on the classroom door with the fact that SyUC has few feet elongated corridor that elevating floors up plus a further extented roof-over-head which able to isolate us afar from rain or tornadoes. Then when the class ended, all I saw was debris.

Anyways, it's kinda pointless to mention all the bitterness now since it's already a yesterday's event. But I can't be happier lor, at least I didn't mess up the whole event despite I didn't get the N77, JW Marriott dining voucher and Air Ticket to KK, yes we had lucky draw as well. I don't think there will be any audience per se given that no attractive lucky draw prizes promised beforehand. People bought tickets for charity? My ass la. All mankinds are greedy. Me = no exception.

Back to the point of the story, I couldn't care less to get changed after being drenched cats and dogs witnessing how by-stander effect was put into effect. Bravo us who braved the storm! Give us a standing ovation please. The I changed into a new club tee eventually but my bottom over garment and under garment proceeded to dry on their own 'till I got home at 5 a.m. I'm sorry if it disgusts you but I swear I was on the verge of killing myself either. A whole day of torturous endurance seriously did no good to me. Again, wouldn't you feel like skipping the need of elevator and dash out of the window (if you're staying in high rise condo like me) right away at the moment when you get only 2 miserable droplets out of the tap knowing that it's already on full blast? Roll yourself into my smelly shoes and think.

Gosh, now that the air in my room keeps permeating some unidentified smell...which I think the source is none other than *points to myself*...vroommmmmm, time to wash out and dwell the toilet for hours.


p/s : Billion thanks to all ON commitees! You know who you are. Hope we'll retrieve our 2 MIA walkie talkies by next week or else I'll be nailed nicely. T.T

Thursday, June 19, 2008

700th - Curi Ayam

Can you believe this?

ON akan menjadi nyata in 2 more days!

Can't say I'm totally smitten but heck, time really flies huh!

I swear, to organize this event is 100x stressful than having History test in Borges' class.

We just had a partial rehearsal until around 10pm back in college just now.

Expectedly, I will get from them during post mortem. Some seniors and even advisor had already warned. I don't think I will wanna go but I don't wanna be called a chicken either. Haih. But well, the event is yet to happen, I shouldn't felt defeated and all. I need to cope with it during that night cos I'll be HELLISHLY busy like bees on fire. Hopefully I'll get a bunch of efficient helpers. 'Else just die only lar.

Statistics test on this coming Friday (mayhem, clashing with ON). It's a sad case also. Damn excruciating to multitask for weeks already. Don't ask me how much have I studied cos you know the answer will surely be "n" initial. If only time can be purchased at a nearby 7-11 afterall it's a store and more -_-. Hallelujah kthxbai.

Snippets of College Day at Inti UC

Howdy~there's a rodeo!

I apologize on behalf of our kindergardencollege for putting up an infantile banner that didn't reflect the average age group of college's population. I think they hired some retards to paint it. Le sigh.

Sumo wrestling, pay to wrestle or be wrestled. Good source of emotional outlet if you encounter some cock sucking dickheads in life of late.

Qian Ning and Ah Sim who will be leaving for Montana this fall! I think they burnt that pot of spaghetti after this shot.

Us in really chippy looking bandana. And I've totally no idea why mine looks espcecially like those of China maiden coolie who came mencari rezeki at Malaya during war times ala 河水山. Yea I know my GAP tee has been worn too many times, no $ for retail therapy, obviously.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Spiritually Voided

At times, this club really makes me feel dumb. Imagine your class finished at 12pm and you could've went home or up to another delightful event but NO, you've waited like stone for 5 hours straight only to find out that they DIDN'T really need you afterall. Really hempas tulang tak berbalas jasa mia orang. Now you tell me what's the point of having committee dance? Something's really wrong here that they've totally drifted away from what we are supposed to do. Still remember of organising event? Or you just wanna shake that bon bon? I was wandering around whole day awaiting for order from the certain someone who was supposed to assign task for me but he preferred to dance his acidic ass away and put me on hold. Fine. Insyaallah, then I in the mean time I did some odd jobs for publicity department. Finally, they came and told me I could go home if I wanted to, I was so mortified that they did not even appreciate a tiny bit of me ritually killing my revision time for donkey stuffs that were, PUNY over them? Can you see my dilemma already? When I don't stayback which I usually don't, they will start bombard me with sarcastic remarks and go around with those conspiracies. So what's the purpose of staying back and not? I'm not gonna be better off in any case. Might as well go home, go gym, talk to walls, eat sands, and spend quality time on my own? The fact is I only live once and there goes few more extra hours in my life. Please don't tell me how important I am to you all when I am not, I may be, virtually. The fact that I am important is that I consume whatever that is leftover and not needed by anybody. Does it sounds familiar? You slimes. I'm really not into those nonsense oomphs and confidence boosting, when I realised that I'm not being fully utilized for any reasons, then I am not, not up to you to tell me how you should use me that you are actually not then demand for whatever dumb made reasons when I can't produce what you expect me to do because that is how I should react. No matter how much catalyst you've dumped into a chemical reaction that is deprived of sufficient amount of reactant, the amount of product yielded is not gonna increase per se. Again, don't remind me how Important I am only when you need my help and push away all the unwanted responsibilities that are too heavy for your brittle shoulder to bear on me. I ain't unsighted, I have eyes remember? Now sorry to say that you really need to kiss my ass for this time.

On a brighter note, my BFF from Arizona buzzed me up a while ago while I was on my way home. At first I was very skeptical when I saw some unknown Johor's cellphone number but upon picking it up I heard a pair of familiar voice in Mandarin from the other end (that she usually don't) but yet I couldn't recognise at all haha, then when that voice turned into English speaking, I WAS TOTALLY OFF MY FEET! It was her! She's back 1 month earlier than the scheduled date but she wants to remain low profile in the mean time and I'm the first one she informed haha. So sweet. Can't wait to go back JB and hang around.

Speaking of going back JB, my time is effing packed now. I'm up for college day's food fair this week, test on next Monday and Friday, ON on next Friday, rehearsal on next week, sponsorship booth set up on next week, Japan GT next Sunday, i-Challenge on next next week, meet up with Stephanie on next next next week for she's going to Oz in few weeks time and lastly, prom night on next next next next week. So I'm occupied for every weekends ahead from now on and can't go back until Inti Ball's over. :(

On an irrelevant note, I wanna congratulate PK for finding her happiness once again, hope you can brave through this 3 months and make full use of it. Go ahead when you've made up your mind and don't hesitate to move on. At least you know he is not that kinda asshole shit eating twat species that you need to hate when it's all over like you-know-who. Mot pour amoureux!

I need to force myself to bed before 12 today for I have college day to attend tomorrow at Nilai! Have to be at ICSJ around 5 am prior to the departure to Inti UC. Tell me that's not too crazy to start off a wonderfully hectic Saturday, will you?

P(Becomes zombie tomorrow) = 0.998
E(X) = 0.998


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tidak ditanggung halal

A piece of non halal scribble from yours truly.

Can see or not, the picture is pixelated! Something I really don't like about JPEG files. Pfft.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Vintage rarara...

Just when I thought I've hit the bottleneck. Fishie already separuh in limbo (1 roll film only), FZ1 recorded less than 500 shuttles already kumpul habuk and DSLR pun belum rasa hangat sudah berdingin.

Then I see light in me again, although I've been eyeing on L-CA or L-CA+ since forever but some stupid union just decided to jack up the price just like fuel and rice hikes back home for 100%. Yea can you imagine just because of some dumbass Austrians rediscovered the wonder in low quality toy cam and striked a fortune doesn't mean they can single handedly monopolize a range of products lo! L-CA is like sooooo wonderful a camera. But heck the official price is RM 1.2k compared to eBay's 50 USD. In case you don't already know, L-CA is the epitome of lomo cameras, a legendary one originated from St. Petersburg, Russia (formerly USSR). However, after the collapse of USSR or something, they discontinued it until recently they revive the production by adding a "+" called L-CA+ (Lomo-Compact Automat Plus) with the exception that the glass lens are made in China instead of Russia. Oh well, not like I care as long as I have one, whichever will do.

Alright, in order to find a temporary replacement for L-CA, I came across Lomo Smena 8M and FED 5C which I chose the latter for it is a imitation version of some Leica screw mounted camera that supposed to cost like 3000 USD. But with the much (MUCH) more lower price I paid for FED 5C I get to enjoy certain Leica's features (that yet to be discovered). So yea, this USSR made vintage camera has enlightened me and brought me a whole new chapter of fun. Although it's a little bit too chunky and heavy but it feels totally solid in hands like gold bar. No cracky loose cover, everything is well screwed in place with metal plates and steel, can't even find a tiny piece of plastic material. It feels very cold under low temperature just like the then communist governance. To make it sounds more valid, the lens of it (Industrar 61) contains Lanthanide which is a radioactive element but in very negligible amount only. This shows that USSR is indeed a powerful nuclear and radioactive material driven communist just like Democratic People's Republic of Korea today. Anyways, I don't care lah, my next target will surely be L-CA(or +) already lah. Doubtlessly.

School's out. So I went for Photography Club members gathering today instead of Intima Forum which I don't give a single damn with all their respect. There are so many prospectful programmes like workshops, Stylo shooting session, potrait shooting, garden shooting, introduction to Illustrator and yada. But the most excited event is the upcoming Japanese GT racing photo shooting session! Those seniors have got us free tickets to enter Sepang F1 circuit to shoot some serious panning shots! How wonderful is that compared to, you know, working ass off like donkey, showering ownself with condemnations and stresses, confronting misunderstandings, politics and yada. Committee members are helluva friendly summore. PC is to hell much more enjoyable lah! And if we get hired as event photographers, we get paid least some people will appreciate our skills by monetary value rather than none, zero. Nuff said. I'm gonna Zzz for good already, after all the heels over head streamer paintings. They got so engrossed and rush the hell outta us suddenly, and decided to finish it in like 1 day for 10 over streamers. Of course we were bound to OT lah...what an EVENTFUL commitment and obligation. Cibai.


Communist camera

Single Worst Day In Life

Berikutlah kisah seorang lelaki yang paling malang di dunia :

Planned to go back home after 12pm class. Got stranded by some stuffs pertaining to you-know-what club. Turned down initially. Compromised after received a fair amount of tunjuk perasaan from certain someone. Granted. I stayed back and did the streamer painting whilst leaving all my stuffs at AUP office. Overly engrossed in painting. Forgot office touch down hour. Office closed. Bags and all trapped inside the office. Apparently no one in the college hold the key at that point of time. Panicked cos housekeys and the just received FED 5C (they couldn't deliver to me in person cos I was having class and when they called I pandai pandai told them wrong number cos the seller gave them my forum ID which I don't even know how to pronounce haha) are all inside. Fucked up everything. Called Kelvin for help. Headed to Susi house for some serious parasiting and sheltering. Susi hadn't reached home yet when I arrived. Went to NZX to wait for her. Had Donuts which was stupid enough for a person who constantly whine for not keeping up with good diet routine. Susi reached. Upon entering her house. Heavy downpour like no tomorrow. Luckily. In the end, Kelvin fetched me home from Susi's. Currently at home typing this entry. Gotta stay back for streamer painting until late evening as well for tomorrow. How about this, cibai kanasai! Ugh, so I practically carry nothing to college tomorrow for my things are already there -_-. Well, you don't have to further emphasize how far my stupidity goes cos I know I'm beyond that for all the valid reasons!

Could be your lung tissue under light microscope.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Where is da brain?

Do we like...have a quota for stupid remarks to come out every month? I believe it is a yes and indeed exceeded the actual quota already.

First thing I heard was about how alluring the current girl school uniform (the all white translucent baju kurung where non muslims girls wear besides pinafore). It is saying that girls nowadays are inviting for statutory rapes on themselves rather than those stupid men out there who can't control their peverted high sexual drive that should either castrate themselves or masturbate more, am I right? What? No brain is it? This is really like another clever form of gender discrimination. I mean why don't just make up for a tight enforcement like hello, please debate in parliament cos that's what the legislative body's for given that backbenchers are not voiceless minority anymore. Don't just push the blame on victims and, what? Let those monster get scot free or little punishment and give them chances to go on let loose their oversecretion of testosterone? Listen, what bout this, CASTRATION up for good!

And then, few days ago when I read the newspaper, the has-been yesterday superstar Sharon Stone has been making foolish statement on China's earthquake. Apparently this pro-Tibetan concluded that what happened to China is the flow of what goes around and comes around, she believed that China has received its 'karma' due to the fact that how they are not being nice to the Tibet and Dalai Lama *roll eyes to max*. Dumbo. Hollywood is getting like kindergarden fostering adults who think like children or worse. It is no doubt that stupid statement of hers has violated the Dalai Lama's teaching of being big hearted to people no matter how they treated you and so forth. And she later realised her stupidity and berpura-pura act humble there. Seriously, we should put her on social stigma or STONE her to death at least. Fucking inhumance hypocrite. Go eat stones la.

Speaking of stones, it reminds me of rice (dunno y la...). Freaking inflation, price increased 1 fold man, and if you don't already know, those eateries around you had already passed on the burden to consumer because it is necessary, the increment is too massive! Everything also increase but income/allowance remains T.T. And then that barricade of Bandar Mahkota Cheras can officially remove now I think which is very easier for us! Imagine last time when we had to make a super detour to Kampung Batu 11 then Sungai Long a big "U" turn to BMC (6.7km) just to find my cousin sister restaurant from CP, we wanted to siam the toll at Batu 11 boh pien. Now just go straight from CP junction smooth 1.5 km after the removal of barricade, and only then I realized it is so near! Just calculate how much $ and time lost for BMC residents and those around? Grand Saga is really leech, lintah darat.

Where to find vintage Soviet made 35mm film cameras in Malaysia? It's everywhere on e-Bay but none around the market! I'm looking for either LOMO Smena 8M or FED 5C Industar-61, zomg the latter is like soooooooooooooooooooooooooo retro-ish and doubtlessly takes good pictures. So, where got sell? T.T Found! I'm buying FED 5C from a LYN seller. Smena is overpriced yet toyish but FED 5C is using Zeiss + Leica range finder! Rare and super ohm! :D