Wednesday, April 22, 2009

To hold a pinch of sand

Ok, so I should finish up this post as soon as possible for I need to wake up at 6.30am later. 4 hours of sleep is way too luxury in this time of life. My complexion totally fuckep up from all the layers of mask donning. Attended a 8 hours talk on Monday and although it was kinda light hearted and fun but I can smell what's underneath (i'm never a person who likes talks). It was either up to no good or its opposite, maybe it's just me who think otherwise. To the greater part, I bet they definitely enjoyed it judging from all their durable praises on certain speaker. What about me you might ask : mentally absent from extreme fatigue. I'm so proud at least I did not die on the spot. Yesterday was the first day where all preparations pertaining to this event kicked off. Total amount of members attended, 2.5. Gross progression, 5% (I told them 20% to avoid unwanted dispute). Actually, I don't know what I've done and needed to do. I have so many things in mind but shame to say, all too messy and random. Nothing productive has been done as yet but I think there are still time and chances ahead. We have 5 backdrops to be done compared to our counterparts which only has 1. We have 12 events to manage and they have maybe 4? We have 9 of us in our division and they have less than that amount. They have 80-90% of attendance rate and we have only 10-30%. The excos must have been laughing their kidneys out on us. There's nothing we can do. I think all of us know our stands and there's nothing we can't overcome or it's just me being good for nothing in the end?

8 more days to the deadline, I still don't have the time (and energy) to pack my stuffs and get my ass out of this place. My landlord will seriously cast my belongings (and me) off by the end of this month if I don't space out the damned room (it's contract bound, hello?). And In light of what the exco told us, we need to get by with sleeping bag, torch etc. or lack thereof. Amazing. I've got none. You can congratulate or strangle me now. No way I'm gonna buy them since I already have more than what's needed amount of them back home. Then now what?

Sleep! 3 hours left to another rat race. 

Anyways, I'm still stuffed from the late dinner and later supper. I can't sleep and I can't wake up! Help!