Saturday, September 03, 2005

Pre Holiday week!!

OMG,i'm gonna enjoy my first ever official 1 week break from SYUC A-level...So i was like so happy through out the entire week!

Well,although is the black day as usual but dunno y i'm feeling so fresh...quite abnormal...especially like the feeling when the breeze 'slap' on my face softly...haha!Most probably is because of the break i'd been waiting for few month.....yes it is!But last night was like rushing for law assignment bcos due today...anyway just got 75 marks for the 1st one and only 58 marks for the second...fuk up this is my worst assignment result ever...!Anyway it didn't spoil my pleasure anyway...cos next week is H-O-L-I-D-A-Y....!hurray!

Well,suppose to have Statistics test today but due to Ms See emergency leave then it call off!Shit,i was like preparing for it the whole night last night...yet it turn out to be like this but can't affect my mood...bleh!But then since like this we won't be having mentor mentee session but then stat, is only 1 slot...after tht still gotta go The IRONIC P.Math class conducted by our fellow Mr Koshy...da veteran senior kutuk kuku then we were like evil mind rooted and think of just skip Koshy class and use the double slot to lepak in pyramid...afterall we already decided to go bowling...then we r like making up story and sent our rep. Isti to Koshy said tht all the others din come and might as well cancel the class...aha...then the class finally cancelled off juz like dis...*evil*...but anyway i dun like Koshy!
Then after dis we just like rocket with full power on rush to pyramid(thx to Faiz little wonder)...but then when reached the pyramid bnowl they are having tournament...tht means lane lah!then dunno wat to do and some idiot suggest to Ice Skating...omg i won't wanna embarassed myself in the public so i just suggest to go for archery afterall we all din try b4...fair and square!Then we r like paying 10 bucks each for 10 arrows...finished it within 10 minutes...tht's turns to arrow and shoot back to them!damn....not satisfied then went arcade babe!!!Daytona...........!and after tht lepak a while then blah!they went back cos no more still gotta go for law class...damn!

And yeah...we have our clubbing session tonight cos the next day is Merdeka we just sambil celebrate it lah!Emily suggest to Rush so just went there to meet them up at 10 lor...when i went pyramid for taxi,it was like crowded...bcos everyone here r goin to celebrate the so called MERDEKA DAY...and the well known sucker taxi driver..hehe it's their day to slash us with abnormal excessive charge although the night still young like only 10...we were like no choice so juz hop in with reluctant...but neway the driver is more 'Kind' than the others,he charged 10 bucks less...then everywhere was like jammin'...i'm still wondering r those car r goin to celebrate merdeka?when is it msian becoming so patriotic?..........few minutes later we reached Eastin Hotel in Damansara...and waited in front of Rush for the other to come about 1 hours...(damn again...)and only went in by around 11.30pm...the place is small but abnormally crowded today(thx to merdeka day,but still curious tht when msian youngster bcome so concern bout merdeka ah?) as usual just dance and drink lor...then parted at around 2 am...Vid. suggested to go Asia Cafe to play pool...damn!i sux in tht!...but jz follw them n play until like 5 am then wen tback to hostel...damn dead meat tired!and slept immediately after lying on my bed!
Well, Drinking lots of alchohol can be quite fun but irritating as toilet visits rise exponentially...damn!and my hand also full of disgusting rashes and blisters where i think is alcholic allergy gua!fuk up!

Today is Merdeka Day but yesterday drank too much so kinda headache today and wake up at 2pm...then rush for my law assignment again(new one)...and at nite jz ate dinner wif Susan lor...then she said she felt so sorry for sumthin....(....) then she paid for me...i so i asked her to go Kim Gary after holiday lor...of cos bill on me lah!

Nuthin much but quite happy since law test cancelled...cos only 2 of us present for class...the other still like suffering from the consequence of clubbin'....then yay again cancelled...but after tht still gotta do stat test...omg i was so careless on one question tht will ate me 7 marks(grand total like 20 marks)...fuk up...!I wanna get 100!Then damn,gotta go Msian Studies agian...many of them was already tookearlier holiday the class so quiet...n less ppl!but as usual,we chit chat behind lor...and discuss bout GP(we r on the Homosexuality topic,damn interesting man!) and M Studies presentation(hate it -_-!!)...after class went to find Vid. and stay in his room for the whole day lepaking and watch movie lor...(Son of the MAsk)damn funny...but doesn't make sense!At night i went down to do laundry...and call it a day lah....finally!

After class then come back JB...where i am now here............................................!My precious hometown...i am the king again!alive!asked fren to yum cha and sing k looor!so happy...!