Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I'm so lazy to blog nowadays...but still i gotta push myself for it 'cos it's like a place for me to throw out what's inside me(kinda like garbage collecting).

Well,nothing much special happened recently!Just as usual went to CS NEWAY then sang halfway we smelled burning scent and when we look through the glass-door we are like wtf happened outside,it was damn smoky everywhere and the we kinda realise the scent was wires-burned scent!!!So we asked the waiter there and they said it's ok 'cos it was the 4th floor that having short-circuit and the wires burned and the smoke flow through everywhere until 5th floor.....and after that we went to 4th floor it was already closed off with doorsill and the shops there were black out then(4th floor) eventhough some shops at 3rd floors were affected...we were shocked to see that some reporters were there already!omg!We so can't stand the chemical smells that almost suffocated through halfway singing.....

As you know,JB only got 3 precious cinemas(GSC in Leisure Mall,Mega Pavillion in CS and the coming XXX in Tebrau Jusco).....but then CS is always the most crowded cinema for unknown reason(bcos it is in the downtown)...yesterday was not an exclusion too...eventhough Narnia that has been showing for few weeks are still sold out or filling fast now in CS(imagine lah!) desperately we went to Leisure Mall then and we decided to watch King Kong unharmoniously hehe!After finishing watching,my feedback is watch it if u have the patient and time...cos it eats u 3 hrs!!!where the first 1 hr u won't be expecting for the appearance of the 'Kong'...just very purely bored running conversation and sailing on the sea scenes!!!gosh!!!My butt was ached like hell cos i dun expects it to be such a long winding movie...........and my conclusion!beyond of my expectection earlier!!!!!I should have save up(listen to my frens advice) and watch Narnia then!darn wasting of time(from 4:50pm-8pm continuously)...which u can see on the face of those spectators after coming out from the theater room(after watching King Kong) are so relief.................too bad and shame on it!