Friday, May 25, 2007

Black forces shadowing

Today,somehow was a bit out of luck and indeed misfortunate...very hak zai lah!

At first,I'd slept thru the alarm ringing this morning at nearly got myself late.Later,my first lesson Cal 2,the quiz again screwed up with high possibility of getting an egg again cos I overlook that exercise she gave.Haiz.

After class thought everything back to square ones,who knows this Lee Eunique called me whilse I was about to nap...calling me to go gym at night.Well,being a good guy I can I turn him down eventhough I'm not much into night gym :D.So plenty of SMS-es followed on to disturb my nap...when I woke up from my 3 hours napping.Lazed around doing nothing and decided to call Lee Eunique,that oh so wonderfully wonderful unique guy on demand...thought he would be like very determine on his gym commitment.Bah!That guy super ffk big time,called him 20 mins before supposed appointment,he dare dare sleeping and simply answer me and hung up the phone!............what more can I say.Ppl that truly goes to gym goes at least 3 times a week.Like me!*roll eyes*

So I was all alone again,don't feel like ajak-ing my new housemate cum classmate out cos forced to speak Malay with him which is totally a rust out communication tool since 2 years ago!He can't speak English that good as in really not that what if his dad is some Dato or Nenek!He seems suagu to me,all he can do is say his prayer 5 times a day and continues to hide in his humid room choking on some lame musics(mind you hor he told me he has never been to cinema before *jawdrops*).Hmm...why god always have to assign me to deal with this kinda people which I can't mix along with.So dull...I sacrificed my 1 week FF passport for him and he has no peserverance to a tad bit at all!Wasted...rather give to someone who can appreciate it.It is strange that ppl doesn't seem to like gym around me...I've been offering the passport like generously being a bossy people I am.Still none appreciate it...all the lazy bugs all the sleepy creatures.Like Uncle!

Duh...don't care.

Susan is also another ffk queen...she was booked for the entire week and only managed to dig out a pathetic gap in between for meet up which to say less than 3 hours I think.What a friend....1 week so long only available for few hours.

The highlight event today is.....ta-dah!I nearly died of car accident.I wasn't driving any four wheels moving mechanism but merely walking along the road shoulder at my humble neighbourhood where this Kelisa out of nowhere turned out from a junction and the cheh meh driver overlooked my existence due to the dim lightning plus my black jersey made it I thought he would avoid a bit cos I'd stood there just to let him get his ass off the junction before I moved on...then he die die never saw me and holla...knocked half of me with speed of 40-50 kmph.Mind you he was accelerating that time cos it was at the T junction turning out the one of the main road.My mind was blank when I saw his car moving towards my direction and the next thing I knew was my legs,hands and elbow are having bruises and scratches with his glory tyre mark embedded at my epidermis...damn!Luckily he is such a nice young Malay guy who can speak last!He made a turn back to check on me,and I told him I was fine as I was in hurry and didn't wish to create scenes...and he kept apologise to me,bowing and shake my hands.And I asked him for his contact IF there's any internal injuries or mentally suffered subsequently as a result of this.This guy somemore asking me to befriend him and wanna treat me a meal.-_-.I was like you should be lucky I didn't lodge a report to any authorities...still he has the good intention to say the least.I'm all time amicable person,so no need arbitration...this shall be put to a rest.Except for the fact that I have to apply anaesthetic,antiseptic cream and bandage those wounds.No big deal actually...but at least I'd tasted the not-so-painful experience of being knock down by a vehicle...just imagine those who being knocked into pulps.Spooky.Thank god I'm survived!

Back to my room after some instant dinner which I got not much appetite when it comes to the food in Asia Cafe...unlike last time.However,still need to eat something to please my stomach.KNOW WHAT...I saw a medium sized around 9 cm length centipede crawling quietly towards underneath my bed!I was like how the fucking-hell-baby-vomits-mother-cries-father-weeps that creepy crawly came in...I hate insects with more than 6 legs which explains why I never watched Spiderman in my life.This hell creature here got at least 30 legs with two exceptionally stray antennas sticking out at an end which dunno it's head or tail...fucking gross lah!Centipede leh...*faints*...I quickly took out my pesticide and sprayed at the fucking thing at a full blast until it ceased to move...then picked it up with newspaper and throw into jamban...flushed and voila.I'm back to one piece.So what's next?Snake?Bring it on...I've seen lotsa insects here already,earthworms,mosquitoes,some unidentified flying ants,centipedes!My life suddenly becoming adventurous.

Goodness gracious my leg is bruising and constantly aching now(I still need to go gym wan ah!),shall I call that guy up to have a good talk over this AGAIN?What is my legal position already...?Gosh I forgot all of law I learnt and I just planned to sold my law texts today...haha!Gonna sue him for negligence perhaps...where he owed me a duty of care!He will have to be charged for at least some good fines or send him behind the bar for few weeks like Paris Hilton.*snorts*

EEeeeeEEeeEEEeeeEEeeeee...SAT's result came out edi!I've got the breakdown with me but not yet getting the final full score which will be knowing on the 2nd of June.Looked at the breakdown although I've no idea how to interpret but then the data won't be any much excellent also judging on the percentages and scores.Will announce all once I get the final score.

Diu everything screwed.

Nothing to get excited about except for that I'm having 2 tests,1 regular quiz,and 1 assignment due next week.So wanna holler!