Saturday, May 19, 2007


Dead shits~

Lotsa funny damn things happened around of late...ok don't ask what why when how.

It was like 2 hours straight with only 10 minutes of rest in gym yesterday and subsequently I have to say goodbye with my arms,thighs and calves cos they are not mine now...cos I can feel that they are trying so hard to tear apart from my body.I'm having hard times typing this entry as well due to the lack of arm rest.Well,I'm all determined and addicted so I'm just gonna work so hard until I lost like 70....nope 7 kgs within a month or 2 or 3...and so on so forth -_-

I've no idea why all the tests must crammed themselves at once,the fact that I'll be having 2 tests around the end of the month dated 30th and 31st.Rite,2 days only(for the Anthro and Chem...I am so "happy"!)!666!!!Calculus II first quiz I scored a beautiful mark of single digit resembles an oval shape you-know-what.Like I said,it was only the second lesson for me in Cal. II and I was MIA to Cal. I which gone all wasted for week 1...and what do u expect?For the 3rd hours of your maths class and you were required to do some greeks that you never even seen before,screw it!Still I am sad...cos it constitutes to my final GPA :( ... and while succumbing to the result and aftermath,little did I realise that 2nd quiz is knocking too soon on next Thursday,kudos to Calculus with Analytical Geometry 2.Worse to worse,Monday is seriuously very de blue!4 hours Chem with lab and Cal. II...and lab report next week is a bring home one,kinda not easy!Sien.There goes my weekend after finished typing this entry :((

Mum called just now,she said sis will be leaving for Shang Hai 2 weeks later on 1st June!Bwee...I didn't expect it to be that soon.I think I'll have to skip Friday's 1 hour Cal II class if there isn't any announcement for test yet on this day...cos I'll be rushing back JB after my Thursday's classes end at 4pm! more test or quiz on Friday 1st of June!I'm gonna send my sis off in Changi Airport by all means.

And Charles is not coming up for AUP last!Damn ffk ppl!

Alrite,till then...

PS : I really don't believe your!If it's really so,I hope you can turn back a new with who you are supposed to be!No regrets for sure,take my words k?