Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rainy days

I'm stealing other people's wireless network in range's illegal and who cares...

Today was like very black zai...the first day hitting off the nearest neighbourhood gym didn't go that smooth sailing,the moment I stepped out the gate...downpours sport sneaker get wet.Fuck!

Well,it turned out to be not that bad but it would be nice with a companionship of gym buddies :D.Cos u are prone to the tendencies of mempersiasueykan urself without knowledge of operating the machines and with a partner at least can share the embarrassment.I went into the locker room only to realise that I forgot to ask the receptionist for the key hole that unlock the lock(pun not intended)...even forgot to take towers which I paid additionally 10 bucks each month which to me kinda useless.Anyways,I walked out the locker room and streched myself with the complicated machine at stretching zone,I was so stupid enough to pretend that I actually came regularly and mastered all the turned out that I just hogged the thing for few seconds in order not to make further embarrassment alone.

And so I headed to the groundfloor and started to whine a bit to myself for my ignorance.I didn't know shits about all the machines in front me!They seems like the dashboard of some spaceships with tonnes of stray buttons,I hate things with more than 3 buttons.So I summoned the floor instructor to help me,and anyhow left the first machine I got my hands on after 1 minutes,boring.Moved on to treadmill!Fucking nice,I did for 15 minutes which was average to beginner like me and the droplets of perspiration flowing down my forehead were nice enough stimulate my adrenaline.In fact 15 minutes was a bit less to my standard *snorts*.

Then I was enlightened by this climbing machines which nearly caused half of my life,my legs were begging to stop after about 10 minutes...I did 15 minutes as well for all the cardio machines :D.And it recorded 50 floors of equivalency O.o which was totally my forte I tell you.I was trained in Sunway Monash Condo,I climbed from 1st floor to the 26th for 3 laps DAILY back in those days...peasy!Somehow today performance wasn't that's been so long since I last did floors climbing.

The muscle enhancing machines are pretty user friendly as well,not like some noob black metalic painted typical machines in the nearest club house at your neighbourhood.Theirs are more compact and won't leave your palms with metallic stinks.The chest pumping one is so as the one that resembles the effect of doing sit ups but in a more relaxing way!state-of-the-art user friendly!

I was sorting out the greeks all by myself!Cos instructor(2 free sessions)haven't called me yet...and I can't wait to go down the gym already.I am supposed to be introduced with all the operations and fucntions of the machines...whatever :D

One thing to note that,the weight lifting zone was quite scary,it was full of beefy muscular guys around and they actually holler out loud while lifting.Will it helps anyway in terms of inhaling and exhaling?But just scary,I don't even dare to stay near around there lol...Indian guys with tattoos painted firm muscular body are just so...incredibly HULK...aka traumatizing.My mission is to be slim and slender...muscles are not on the top 3 of concerns.Neither do I love them too since it makes no different that I'm still have stick to L/XL sizes...I'm fucking dying to reduce myself to M/S or at least average/slim body with some firm biceps and triceps...flabby is far too ugly like lao zha bor,butterfly arms :s

So anyways,my day was pretty good today...classes were ok with ENL 101 impromptu presentation I was pushed to speak everything given that I'd already done so much of ideas contributing and writings...they are just too chickened I guess,blame them for being too young to comprehend the cruellest fact about the complicated and rawww world.Anthro was postponed :( gonna arrange for replacement class later then that hiatus I was hiding out in library...and to hell that this library here is just too pathetically small and tiny to amount to anything and on par with THOL...I am just gonna repeat this fact again and again...cos by repeating it it sounds a lot better to me :p!Books needed are all reserved or not on shelf or under redspot(stupid system of limiting the borrowing of certain hot-caked books),renewal online can be done only once is like fucking ridiculous since back in THOL I can renew anytime I want for hogging the book up to a year without being urged to return!I just can't accept it...will be goin back to THOL very often I guess if anyone in Sy or Monash are kindly enough to spare me a vacancy.OMG libary is like the heart of all colleges,I really can't imagine this to happen.

Worse to hell,the Com Lab is really siasueylly small,30 coms in grand total...waiting is needed and take turn to use summore!And slow like tortoise........haiz....I wish it was certified ISO like THOL!What can I expect from a 2 shoplots conjoined building that called itself the ocean of wisdom?

On an irrelevant note,I saw Mark today!OMG...after about half a year more since my A2 times!He's quiet and academically tormented I guess,signs of hormone imbalance are well written on his face out of insufficient sleeping...*swt*...luckily I didn't opt for Sociology if not I will be ended up like him but since his is A-level so I guess should be harder.And yea,had a simple and instant dinner with him for the FIRST time ever.

To all the A-levels candidates sitting for their AS and A2 next of luck!

To all the ADP-ians that awaiting for quizzes,tests,projects,assignments and a lot more ahead...bestest best of luck as well!

Those who screwed their 1st quiz,be afraid,be very are not alone!

PS:And I got really fed up with this lab partner of mine,he's like very very maladroit,lumpish,lackadaisical,slow motioned,nerd,weird fella,the fact that he likes to give destructive suggestions and ideas which utterly pointless to our works.I wonder did someone just tied 200kgs of stones on his elbows that caused his laggard acts.I am so unfortunately to be having this kinda of people revolving around me...why can't I just thaw out into the mainstream groups?Beats me...

PPS:Maybe I will have to dismiss those stupid peoples by raising my hand and simply shout out "bah!" nonchalantly like XX perhaps.So ridiculously screwed.

PPPS:Who can find me a half of Thomas Calculus 11th edition textbook from chapter 7 till end?
Laughable right?Puny mortal like you ppl won't know...I'm gonna use it for 3+ months only so not worth buying it.