Wednesday, May 23, 2007

If u really think it's nothing

After watching this reknowned documentary presented by Al Gore...I think he very much deserve to be the president than some cowboy bumpkin yankee who totally bring the earth to a more devastated state by firing wars wars and wars!Completely overlooked the most important hidden crisis that we're gonna face...

Global warming is not a new issue anymore...politicians will often dismiss the issue by giving excuses that we are still far apart from the worst.And look at the highly industrialized US,how much of greenhouse effect causing elements they are releasing now...probably or certainly the highest among all other countries!Someone should just put a stop to it as soon as possible before hitting another ice age...and paradoxically icebergs are melting at the poles!Heatwaves,storms,acid name it.And disparity from past till today are huge in terms of global warming,just imagine the concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere is increasing at at least 2 folds every year...and the rate of increasing is beyond what you can think!Sadly to say that people still choose to blindfold themselves with problems that visible to their visions.It's not like not being scientifically proven...this is the time where applied science should be brought about.If not,what's the purpose we study that for,to build ourselves a pathway that constantly leading to apocalypse?Hell no!


On the other note, sexism issues are frequently being challenged in Malaysia of late.Some MPs are just there to question the non-existence.How absurd to think of it.I think women are often being belittled and humiliated in our so called civilized country.Look at the Middle East,they are Muslim countries as well,although Muslim countries often having bad record in women's right but look at them,they are splurging hell lot of money earned from their oiling industry on education with the emphasis of bringing down the illiteracy of women in country.Yea I'm talking about the United Arab Emirates who houses Dubai!Contrarily,we are still here making pointless political and kiddo jokes about women and then making big fuss over who's right who's not.I think this is totally trivial and negligible in the sense that somebody just have to shut the fuck up and do their works.Fix the leakage if they should,seal their mouth if they would!No point fighting over puny things that can be solved by just a word of apologise...if they dare,step down and resign like a real MAN like those politicians of Japan!

PS:Tomorrow got quiz on Cal 2...haven't even done with the exercises yet!So tough like shits.
PPS:Chem and Anthro test fall on next Wed and Thurs consecutively!Die!
PPPS:I have a date with Captain Jack Sparrow on coming Friday!!!
PPPPS:Susan's here...!And be going back next Monday -_-
PPPPPS:Cheryl's coming.....whilst I'm away -_-'''
PPPPPPS:Bored to death...tht's it...kthxbye.