Thursday, May 17, 2007


I was practically waiting for this page to load for around 5 minutes in IcSJ's computer lab!Everything is so miniature here and small in portion and size compare to Sunway's THOL!I miss Sunway's library and everything...I regret for gumbling about the speed in Sunway's com lab,the crowd but now I'm so so so so wrong!Here is worse than every other places I've seen...

Finally,assignments,projects,quizzes and tests all came in once...yet I'm so laid back still!Calculus II is like Greek,Chemistry is like Spanish,Anthropology is like some tribal language...all seems unfamiliar to me!credit exemption for Calculus I is utterly useless IMHO!And I joined Cal II after doing for one week of unwanted Cal 1 which gone to waste...and my second lesson for Cal 2 am gonna do(I did today)my first ever quiz in Cal II like during the second day in class...WTF!

Textbooks are hard to get like reaching for moon and stars,all borrowed!ICSJ don't even earn a bookstore of their own like IIUC...WTF again!

And yea,went to KLCC with UNCLE yesterday in deat beat mode,UNCLE was like half dead because he was so much being kissed by the morning bird for morning classes haha...I was damn beat also but well...once in a blue moon not everytime so it was fine!UNCLE is gonna strangle me if he sees this entry haha...who asked you to be so moody!hehe...After came back from KLCC then Michell forced me to go Pyramid with her mama,and they treated nice after parting with Pyramid for almost a decades...nostalgic it seems la...a lot of familiar faces around summore I met Azrul in Subang Parade lol...!

In any case,I've no life here,living alone,everything is monotonic...monotone...monomer...monogamous...monopoly!Hsemates sucks...did I mention that I did not even see them in face yet?Don't even know their fucking looks!

Dono when will Charles be coming up,cos he calls me almost everyday saying if not today then tomorrow and it's about 1 week he keeps repeating the same thing to me...pathetic fella!

Ms. Kang JJ is coming back to M'sia next week!pugorshipo chugesso!

Anyhow,have to wait nearly a month to get my Maxis wireless connection in dispute!Now under beffer period still...till then...toodle!