Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Day I Eagerly Tested My New Camera

The People


The Night Scenes


The Architectures


The Playground


The Flowers

All shots were taken at ISO 100 + a host of automatic settings only. Nothing much special to capture around KLCC park, it's so miserable to say. The 12x zoom is super powerful but some highlight area may be overexposed. Noises are not really visible under ISO 100. Phew! Edge to edge sharpness is there thanks to the high quality Leica lens. Apparently I thought by putting a "The" in front every nouns will make them sound classy. Thus, I start every category of my photos with a "The". Inspired by "The" Gardens, "The" Weld, "The" Curve, "The" Street, "The" Mall and et cetera. Ain't they classy too? Needless to say those are upmarket shopping malls around Klang Valley.

*click on photo to see the original resolution without cropping

*photos are all unphotoshopped