Sunday, January 20, 2008

Incoordination 2.0

People construct reality when they found meanings to their behaviour.

I've seen the reality,

Eventually when you seem less important to the other, you know it's time to change and look into yourself.

It's proven that,

I can live without one of the most important things in life which I usually don't at this point.

Can you?

I've foresaw the tragedies ahead,

Have you?

...still I'll never give up the chance of foreseeing triumphs.

I should stop stargazing all the impossibilties and switch my gravity.

Should I?

I'm getting compelled to tell people who I really am and what I want.

Am I?

Think again, now it's not the right time to mess with me.

Anyways, just to let all of you know (eventhough most of you won't be reading this but you know who you are), I heart you because you came into my life. I don't talk to you doesn't mean I've forgot you. Words aren't enough to give justify...

...cos I'm a typical Pisces.