Tuesday, January 01, 2008

That Year I Killed Few Persons And A Dog

My 2007's grown up book list :

-川行地平线 I/II
-失乐园 I-IV
-The Time's Traveller Wife
-I Am Muslim
-Honk! If You're Malaysian
-The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
-For One More Day
-Tuesdays With Morrie
-Malaysian Politicians Say The Darndest Things!
-The Lonely Planet Story
-Romeo And Juliet

30 over books in a year compared to Victoria Beckham's, Paris Hilton's...records. At last, I'm not a total brainless himbo...phew! Way to go 2008!

p/s : I deliberately shrunk out and camourflaged the wordings cos I don't want you to see the epitome of a boring nerd's life...*kemaluan*