Tuesday, October 10, 2006


So,today is public Holiday for Selangor state.At first,thought of studying for the entire day as usual but then woke up freaking late and then went to Palmville...then lepak a bit.Lunched at a sucky American Restaurant which served Italian dishes -_- .I ate the rather non-marinated Chicken Picatta which suppose to be breadcrumb and tasted crispy but due to the overportion of brown sauce,it turns into softened flour...tasted like bread crust soaked with water.YUCKS!

Later,went to One U,watched Rob-B-Hood starring Jackie Chan and Louis Koo which was damn fucking funny and touching...that particular baby is sooooooo cute overdose,feel like pulling him out of the screen but obviously I'm no god nor super-possessed.Oh yea,b4 that I went to Italiannies and stuffed up my tiny stomach with foods enough to feed an African country.All came in very big portions,cos we ordered the pasta series,Shrimp Aglio Olio(moderate only cos only normal olive oil was used and it looks as dry as it seems,tasted like maggi mee),Chicken Pamborado(wrong spelling I supposed)-A kinda spaghetti in thinner form which tasted rather nicer and La Viva...blabla Lasagne which err...too filling to say and it was overflooded with bolognaise caused us to stuff in lotsa tomatoes.Which I don't really like tomato,cos they tasted sour and appetitive.SIEN.Meanwhile,not really into typical pasta like alfredo fettucine,carbonara fettucini or wateva white sauce becos I'm so sick of it edi,PINK has it in their menu as well for only whooping 5 bucks where the sauce is freshly out from the can,they taste the same which too insignificant for my tastebud to be able to differentiate them!

We were so in a hurry to rush for the movie on 7.20pm.Couldn't finish the pasta and lasagne...what a great sin!The bonus of the day might be the Strawberry Calada(smoothies) which was a blend of banana and strawberry flavour,nice :)

Stayed there for stingy 30 minutes only I think -_-

Anyhow,I have Italian dishes for lunch and dinner today.Phobia-ed now.Esp the lasagne really left me in despair and traumatized as it doesn't taste as nice as/than it's competitors'.That's the drawback.The rest are actually so-so nia!Not sufficient enough for me to gone ooh-aah over it.Or maybe next time I should've try other dishes that recommended by Cheesie.How bout the Insalata ala Ringo & Jasiminne ,it should be nice?Argh yea...I forgot to try out the Panacotta topping with strawberry jam or something,I should go after A2 or try them in JB's(although the ambience not as good as One U but Tebrau City not bad afterall compare to boring Sunway Pyramid atleast!).

Viva la Italiano!

Clock wise from top left : Chicken Pamborado or Picatta thingy,Lasagne,Shrimp Aglio Olio.Look at the mozarella topping of lasagne,so fucking cheeeesieeeeeee,of cos I like it!

Strawberry Calada better than those smoothies from San Frans. Coffee and yet cheaper :)

PS:Italian foods are not meant for a person like me,I don't know how to appreciate them anyway,and that,Western dishes are nothing more than salt and pepper unlike Asian cuisines.We are using obviously more than just salt and pepper...

Fuckhole,I've been encountering this photo uploading problem for 1 whole year,duno wat's went wrong!Should be that stupiak hostel network or my template :/ I'm using 3rd party software to upload photos now...nabeh!