Friday, April 20, 2007

Deat beat

What could happen when you never sleep for the whole night but was required to go out the next day early morning?

one word, vampirised.


I went out at 0715 without asking dad to fetch(yea, you know what happened).Instead I took cab and public bus to checkpoint only to find out that the two who asked me to reach as early as possible were late themselves, celaka!Thought Janet was very punctual and must have reach NYP at sharp 0900.Anyway, she got a divine offer from NYP's Occupational Theraphy, a very high requirement course.Well, having to score 2As,1B and 1C, nothing is a problem to her.Glad she got her ideal course afterall.

Not like what but when looking at ppl around you happily accepted their offers from their ideal Uni/Poly/College with their ideal courses,aside from feeling glad that they have been spared from misfortune,can't say that I careless to bother about my own calamities.So what if I got offers from RMIT,MacQuarie U,UniSA...?Those are not what I wanted,part of it is too costly and part of it is I couldn't help but to only opt for their finance and business courses that I don't really in favour of(although I'm a Alevel art stream holder...).Many a times,I was asked to go with the flow,but what if I refuse and go against it?How much business can do these days,to me it's nothing but all about marketing,management,econs,law,finance and so...that don't even elevate my interest and worse of it,I can't even go into the extent of thinking myself burying in law books again...econs is ok with those graph to instill you into critical thinking,and also marketing,management and all else...they sound dry,dull,boring,conventional and *(insert your own word).I wouldn't even wanna think of venture into these at first place.Well,look at Occupational Theraphy,it sounds so not-dull and eventful,things happen inside must have been interesting enough to my I was ever required to take up business,why bother to apply to so many Uni,I can jolly well ended up in one of the many shophouse-based colleges in downtown somewhere around Jln. Tebrau and Jln. Wong Ah Fook...plenty of them catering suspicious accredited business courses.Not an inside joke that I'm about to make but it's fact...for those who aware.It can be very nice to get stucked in this town for whole life if you are those kinda nostalgic person,to consider myself fortunate enough or not that I've no idea,but I am certainly NOT one of them.I'm claustrophobic,I hate to lock away in a small enclosure.Can u smell the hint?

First few batches of SMU admission interview has already commenced.Least to my surprise,they asked something like"What do you think about the impact to SINGAPORE of the rising of China and India today?",typical current economic issues.I can list out a lot of impacts given that it's only a matter of general knowledge and application of economic theories/policies....can further blabber about if you want like switch away from labour intensive,phase out the cheap labours and resort to high skilled industry to latch on the opportunities that bring about by the open gate of China and India...that's like kill 2 birds in one stone,fiscal/monetary policies and blahs...but if I ever get the chance to participate in the interview,I'll ask them go to hell,cos they can't even manage some trivial documents properly,let's don't even hitch on that titular name of "Management" university!Oh and the interview will be conducted in group...sounds scary cos higher possibility to flop if you chickened out last minute(formal dress code and excessive bravery needed),for those who don't know much about SINGAPORE economic issues,you gotta do last minute studies.What an obsessive-compulsive-disorder's sad case,ain't that sucky?Well,take the plunge and go on answering,you asked for it since it's "SINGAPORE" Management University that you are applying.By all means,expect all of those to happen.

In any case,

after the NYP session(hell that place was jampacked with teensy students...Singaporean*roll eyes*).We headed to a hospital at Ang Mo Kio cos she gotta do med. check up for NYP and then took our lunch at AMK hub...basically we toured the whole AMK la...damn residential place with nothing much interesting.Taxi was the only way we travelled en route cos we had no idea where the bus will be heading lol.

Haha, then we cleanly forgot about BT was waiting for us in Dhoby Ghaut at 1200 as appointed.SHe went all flamed when I sms-ed her and met her...cos I was uplifted by all the foods in AMK hub and just ate crazily cos I was damn famished...never even took my last night's dinner well and same day's breakfast(you, know why la...)*pouts*

I didn't even hit the money changer so through out the trip I was surviving with only 30 SGD :/

In any case, went to SMU again to submit our documents and nearly quarrelled with the admission officer lol.She was being unfriendly I guess given that they are the one who made us suffer from all these detriments at first.

Hell, Singapore was damn hot...not much greenery around I guess especially around the SMU area and Orchard.Siao.

I came back JB, picked up by sis and went home sleep all the way until today for around 17 hours...still feeling kinda drowsy.I crashed my feet with all the walkings,my thumbs are frying now....damn pain....think I'm a bit old for that already :(

PS: Eh,Sanjaya Malakar is not that bad besides his voice is more on the "tender" side,I don't see it as a problem at all lor...afterall he's unique with his own personalities unlike others just like carbon copies of one another.Yes la...sick of power lungs and dunno why this season's male contestants are so a bit of faggoty :p I wish I had Sanjaya's smile...I thought it looks charismatic *slaps* @.@