Sunday, February 05, 2006

CNY photos (3)

My sis with her 'bai nin'gang

Chopping my fav. Kampung chicken and hey!!!Mama was trying to steal the drumstick!!!

Year of dog.So i respect dog,and always do.Although it was a stray dog!!!I luv dog!!!

Radiating after doing 'spa'...

Sooo refreshing after 'spa' session!!!My face was kinda glowing and felt as smooth as chicken butt :p

Mahjong session at KT

'Lou Sang' session at KT

Mahjong session at Kulai with the oldfolks

It's a must-have activity in order to make the CNY complete

As long as got Mahjong,women dun care about a damn of their image!

The burfday trio(daddy,Yen,Aunt.) at KT with the not-so-nice creamless butter cake made by GuGu

The burfday trio again in Kulai with a conventional cream cake this time!

The little 'Fu' large printing pillows sitted on my sofa :)

The awful bakkwa tht I mentioned earlier(remember this brand ah!)

The grandfolks resting under the frugal hut at the temple(where my grandma's ashes rest).Hey,look what's behind?Creepy abandoned old graveyard...

Saw this big old tree with a 'God of Laughter'(?)potrait written 'Kai Dai Fun Hei'(everyone happy?!) in front of the temple.

My very Ah Yeh was altering my sis skirt.He's already 100 y.o. but still so strong and tough!

Visiting my godpa's just-completed's new house!And where this senseless photo was taken along right at the middle of the vehicleless road!cool huh?!Well,maybe not...