Thursday, February 16, 2006


It's been quite busy this few days(well,not busy for studying as what u all have been expected lor...)

Like I mentioned in the previous post that 10 reasons that depress me recently really drive me crazy and dries up my energy(yah,listless all the time in class),hellish!

To think that I'll sure have some special dates on Valentine?

Haha,that's the biggest jokes on earth...

No lah,went out with Stephanie(ok,she's obviously a gal but taken...hell what am I thinking?!).To my conscience I dun have any intention ok?But kinda strange cos we went out in pair...ok whatever makes you happy!

We went to pyramid to took photo for IELTS registration use and as well as jalan-jalan to see what should we buy for Isti for his coming 17 y.o. b'day on 22th !(*..."Happy Burfff~daeee~tooo~uuuuu..."*)

Well,it's actually not easy to find a suitable present for a guy,as a guy myself,neither do I know what I want for present if people gives me offer...cos what I want is actually will jolly burns out their pocket,hehe!Ok,what about buying a car?iMac?California Fitness' membership?...of cos I won't be so evil to ask people for this kinda gift(and to think that I deserve it?...ur wrong!).

So basically,we just looked out for things selling in Topman,Nike Shop,Adidas Shop,FCUK...cos I think that's what suits Isti best...*snigger*...but the flaw is that all hellishly pricey(hmm maybe I should realise that they're Fcuk...FCUK...Topman...TOPMAN ok?not the commonly beng-ish piece of garments that usually found in Sg.Wang,at least "they" took planes here...

This means that we have to find more people to share the present as we just dunno how much we'll spent on it,so,gathered up 5 persons for the's actually 2 tees as what Susan suggested(got really thirst of choices lah!).Pyramid also like sucks where limited in variety.

Therefore,we went to One U instead but then spoilt by the variety there u see...and make us feel even confusing haha!hell!And the thing was we met Isti and Kei halfway thru browsing like damn shocked and the next thing I heard was Kei's screaming,lol,so funny in fact we must kept it as secret in order to hide from just tell them me and Steph. juz happens to be boring and decided to lepak in mall *smirk*...duh!

At last after rains and storms we settled down with 2 nice creative tees from ThreePointSix and after that continued on to stroll and browse around,we desperstely needed a map cos there is juz hellishly huge(less user frenly than Megamall),got really confused by those old/new wings,oval,high streets...eventhough only 1 floor has already flooded with FCUK,Tough,Roxy,A/X,Zara,Guess...and hell over 300 shop lots in a SINGLE floor.And yeah,we were sua gu ok?Like I blardy care...we shop freely and easily in City Square,Tebrau City,Plaza Pelangi in JB and not pampered by any holy huge malls...I can get my hands on the new Tebrau City just for 30 minutes u see,cool huh!Unlike KL...bleh!

Finally,got exhausted and jammed all the way back to Sunway.

With only 1 hr on interval,I gotta went out for dinner again with Jess and Khim May as Jess was driving(u din hear the wrong thing,Jess did drive nowadays with MARVELLOUS skill I can say! :p)...Din go too far,just managed to eat at Ming Tian and get back to hostel.

Speaking of hostel,well things are floating out the level but I musn't overjoy yet since it's still early to foresee now...dunno to happy or not lor!

Me,"Excuse me,do you all still have any twin sharing a/c room left at this moment?"

Sin(literally 'Sin'ful -_-was busying talking to cleaner replied in hurry),"Why?Hmm...not at this moment cos we have too many students to allocate due to Monash's Intake..."

Me(a bit sien edi!),"Then when can you all give me the room in the shortest of time?"

Sin(again!),"Not at this moment,you should come again at the end of this month and we'll check whether there's anyone moved out cos by that time should be got some students moving out..."

Me,"Uhm,well then,ok...I'll come later next week or literally end of this month,thank you!"

Dunno what to say lah,but at least he din turns me down upon the moment I'm asking him straightaway.That means there's still some hopes rite?Well,i'm basically trying to be pessimistic but the fact is I STAND A CHANCE and THERE'S A BIG PROBABILITY that I can change my room sometimes around next month!!!That's the best gift for my birthday on coming month!!!That's what my intuition tells more sweating while more midnight war with more dusts and hairs scatter more lower ground disturbance!!!The thing that left to be dreadful is whether I can get a nice roommate this time and whether I'm in the advantage of occupying the LAN port myself alone!Well,not a big problems though as long as I can study comfortable,breathe comfortable and enjoy good night sleep.That's what I concern about more!

I'm blogging this post in the libraby computer lab and many annoying distraction and attention from ppl who craving for the com. I'm using cosit's quite pack now...

Till then,see ya!