Monday, June 26, 2006

This definitely called sucks!

Coming back to hostel is something that I'm not really pleased to but whatever still I gotta come back no matter how...

So,as expected,the room looks like refugees camp.It'll full of his odour and not to be excluded,the million particles of dusts hanging around at the corner calling "come sweep me!"...I was like fuking god damn shit!He's been here when I'm away for almost a month and he fuking can live in this kinda condition.He fuking lazy to clean up the room,the heater I lent him is like full of dirts that he fuking cares also!Pisses me off terribly!

What to do lah!Have to sweep and vacuum up the whole room and clean here anrrange there wipe here wipe there...fuking was that the way to welcome me back?He did this delibrately I gotta fuking piss him off hard when he's back from soccer match,stupid England vs dunno where I fuking care!He sucks!When I finished everything it's already 12 and I gotta bathe and do my long lost facial-ing procedure!Damn i'm full of hideous zits now lah!

Tmr is da 1st day of my last sem. and when I checked out the academic calendar for the next holiday,I came across that my A2 mock falls on Sept. 11th and the so called long holiday is on Sept. 4th-8th...fine need to go back JB edi lor...rot away in college to do revision lor...since they planned to let them be so near!Totally stopping us from going back hometown lah!Fuk!Mrs Hor(or in a better way Mrs Whore)...bloods boiling edi!Mentally breakdown soon!Summore as if not bad enough,A2 actual exam falls on this divine November which means nothing but we are now left 4 freaking months away...!So fast!Might as well dun leave any gap in between!Might as well dun make it into AS and A2 divisions!I regret for not taking STPM!Free summore!Diu!

I hate Sunway's food,I hate to think of wat to do everyday,wat to wear!!!yada yada!I prefer sch. uniform somehow!Curse them.....!

I wanna quit flute class,I'm so lazy!I'm giving up the desire for Fitness First,I'm damn lazy this sem.!But still I gotta go jogging from next week onward as an exchange of condition between my parents and me cos I'm friggin obese and PIG,P-I-G is how we spell PIG,BABI,KHINZIR,ZHU1,BUTA,CHANCHO...!

And so I swear next year I will gotta find a single room to stay!No more sharing hassles...!Enough is enough!I probably gotta move to either Bangsar or Wangsa Maju or around PJ.I won't choose Taylors for sure cos I hate Subang/Sunway's area after so long living in this demoniac place!Probably gotta be HELP(ADP of cos)...either BioInfo or AcSc still get fretting on all the choices and decisions to be made...fuk!LIFE!

*Just wanna vent some frustration and anger here,so,sorry for the profanities used...I didn't mean it(or maybe 50%)!Bah!


New sem new life!