Monday, July 03, 2006

Idolatrous gaga 2

Malaysian can really impress me so much so that I feel that we should start off producing more internationally reknowned artists.

Cos I was so triggered by the 8TV reality show "One In A Million"'s fantastic(I don't mean Paul Moss).Most of the contestants have impressed me in a way giving me a rush to grab my handphone and sacrifices few bucks to vote for them.

However,the finalists are as usual predominate by Malays(I don't mean to be racist) with an exception of having 3 odd Chinese female contestants which 2 out of the 3 are totally qualified to be a superstar(not ProjectSuperstar,the other 8TV's counterpart).I'll like to give odes to two of this contestant Ching and Suki.As their voice are really unique and distinct from the others(maybe their race plays a part too but that of cos has to be vy little to the reason).I really dun hav any idea why is that all the Malay contestants mostly resemble each others in the way they sing and their vocal manipulation.They're all seems like coming out from the same mold as I can hardly differentiate them if in blindfold.Yes,I admit that they have great vocal and power lung but what we need is something different and the PERSONALITY is what matter most!I realise that we don't need a second Mariah,Whitney,Celine,Kelly C...yada yada.We need a fresh blood that can be able to revolutionize our prefence.

Now,CHing has definitely got the distinction as her vocal is so powerful in a rock-ish way kinda screamo style despite annoyances.Although she seems to pick the wrong outfit during the competition.(she sang hard rock in an old vintage lolita suit,but I don't feel the same way as I think Japanese can do that way why can't she?Have they heard of visual rocks?Like Judy and Mary,Glay,L'arc~en~ciel,Luna Sea,Miyavi,X- Japan,Puffy...y not?tell me?Malaysian are so conservative and refuse to accept new element,sad!).So,just bcos of the faulty outfit,she lost to an average performance Malay girl which like I said totally lack of personality and disticntion where she's only that kind of Siti Nurhaliza,Misha Omar,you name it-'s Malay female artist standard which needless to prove cos u all sure have a clue(the rhyme is not intended)seriously I can't tell the difference of all the Malay female solo artist out there let alone the Malay contestants(weird...!).They seems like got trianed from the same master or inherited some kinda traits in common among their race(again not to be racist here!).Anyway,Ching is such a cheerful and lovely girl,I like her especially when she was announced to be the loser but she still put on vy natural smile in front of the camera that can really melts my heart...awwww...she can even play guitar well and sing along!What a talented girl...hope she can make her way back to the competition during next up "2nd chance" round.

As for Suki,she ranked the 1st upon national viewers voted and she got lotsa compliments from both judges but too bad she picked a "mah lao" as her opponent and kicked her out from the stage to a male contestant which noticeably performed like a monkey upon singing "This Love" by Maroon 5,I mean c'mon,that guy obviously faked everything out and his movements are so overacted and exaggerated in this sense but yet the "cheh meh" judges rules that he's vy active ,bright and energetic and the other word it fulfilled all the characteristics of a "MONYET"!Diu!Suki sang Avril's "Mobile" and she's helluva hot and having this sweet yet powerful vocal.She sang her heart out and so as ours.She impressed us with her great X factors and everything good about her!She's full of potential,ambition,confident and the scent of a star...hope that she and Ching can both make it to the next round during "2nd Chance's" round...!I'll sure support both of u in every way all along.

They are more well-qualified to be Malaysian Idol than Daniel and Jac...definitely!