Saturday, March 31, 2007

Pointless thoughts

Just some verbal arguements with my sis earlier over some stupid matters resulted from her harsh words and little of my fault.

She scolded me for heartless and I just yelled back few words and slammed my door shut for the rest of the day.I didn't came out for dinner with them even they had asked me but I just pretended to sleep and carry on with my stuffs.

Well,I don't know...but I feel that I'm so immature to behave this way in my 20.

Gosh,shoot me a bullet into my head please.

Feeling damn emo and sucky for now...situation will be awkward between me,parents and sis tomorrow...should I just carry on hogging my bed forever and pretending that nothing happened?


Friday, March 30, 2007


I just got my paid today.All I'd say is I'm very much satisfied with the figure although I have to pay my staff purchase on the spot just now for they who forgot to deduct from my paycheck but still very glad I got this...I deserve it all!Muahaha...

Don't ask me to treat anyway...I'm on saving.

Ps:She told me I'm the only one who got this figure of salary...muahaha!Which is a lot more than other ppl...


Today is just as hell tiring as any other day that we visited Singapore as usual.Walk walk walk...I think we never walked so much in our lives also...can even walk to KL if we want from now on after those practises!

Anyway,today Yee Fei being the rare one joined our Singapore exploring 3-some gang and so as Charles bro. and Uncle haha...but we went seperate ways of cos.Me,Charles and Yee Fei went to NYP and gao dim everything very early b4 noon so then we went to Bugis to eat Mos Burger -_- and hell downpoured,kena forced to shelter under Bugis Village and later drenched back to Bugis Junction...haiz.

Later,went to meet Felicia who was in City Hall and went up to Raffles City to find the place she wanted to go but to no avail haha then we headed Orchard for Kinokuniya and Borders...couldn't find the SAT book they wanted though.So Yee Fei couldn't withstand the long walking hours so he and Charles went back JB first,me and Felicia went ahead to Vivocity pulak...not couple though yucks...and shopped for nothing until we made our way back JB already 10 pm!Hell!

Ps:It was raining and the floor was slippery and we saw this Indian uncle fell down on top of the drainage cover with wounds on her head and bleed like hell...the floor was full of blood and this nurse from the hospital nearby was performing 1st aid to him in the rain...-_-...a lot of ppl looking,hope he's fine by now.

Pps : I saw 2nd season Project Superstar winner Chen Shi Wei right beside me when I was buying Teriyaki Chicken skews when he happened to stand right beside me buying from the same stall as well at Takashimaya's basement...hehe...but nvr bothered to look at him oso la...lazy and he's just an ordinary chao ah beng...who can hardly sing.

here it goes the lamest of the lamest posts.I lazy to type broken language hope u can understand la...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pictures worth a thousand looks

Now you see with the convenience of photoshop,I can be a punk rockstar too at own fingertips :

#1 : Some light one 1st which resembles some teensy punk group like Bowling For Soup,Click 5ive,McFly...

#2 : This is not a preacher lo...but mild gothic look with touch up around the eyes area(shadows)

#3 : After adjustment from Hue & Saturation,it became like this with touch up on eyes area and complexion(it's a core ok?!) ala My Chemical Romance,Fall Out Boy,Green Day.Good Charlotte and yadda...

#4 : Ah,this one...reminds me of Evanescence and Avenged 7fold...gee!Vy Gothic in fact already steep into Satanism region

#5 : Ala vampirism...hmm I smell bloods...*yums*haemo-maniac!

Goth is only a subculture not subgenre,if you're talking about punk then there are lotsa branches like psychobilly,Riot Grrrl,Ska Punk,Street Punk,Anarcho Punk,Celtic Punk,Hardcore,Pop Punk,Cow Punk,Alternative Punk,Emo Punk and etc...those are subgenres not cultures.

Goth is about they way they dress up,and they way their music presented in front of us which is we see what we's only a visual effect!

But personally I'd prefer Emo over hardcore gothic look,cos that will be kinda scary.Hehe.Emo is more well built with attitudes and characters.Unfathomable.

Done or Undone?

Finally after constantly of massive bombardment to TopShop/Topman and F3 company.They've finally found out where the problem lies.And it is lame as usual,the staffs(either MV or F3) have misplaced it somewhere where they can't even find it now(hope they can verify this,if not more.So that they can learn their lesson!)


And just a moment ago,this friendly lady called from KL aoplogized to me with the excuse of above while asking for my particulars again,this time they had my home address as well in order TO RE-PROCESS MY REPLACEMENT CARD PROCEDURE!*sigh*Again some promises are made again that I should be able to receive in around 1 or 2 weeks time and this time directly pick up at JUSCO TEBRAU CITY store without having to go through the mushroom growing MV store anymore.Damn I tell you this MV staffs really flared me up for past few months with their ignorance...enough let bygones be bygones.Since I'm not in the worst case scenario of paying 10 bucks for reapplication,gotta thank god for this.Should I?

Hope this will leads to the end of my frustration...and my bad impression upon Topshop/Topman.

And please,don't stir me up on 2nd disastrous wave anymore,u can just fuck off and I'll pay 10 bucks to apply for new one or worse to worse I'm in any position to give up my membership as's driving me mad(over this little things) which I've no idea why.



Next up : My Swatch Fun Scuba under servicing which I haven't receive any call from them since 1 month b4.I went last week they told me should be able to collect my fixed watch by this week or next.Waiting...

Next next up : My 2nd paycheck release from YS still no news of ityet at this point which apparently has been overdue!Mahaidiuniaseng,they PROMISED to release paycheck 4-5 weeks after Chinese New Year and now it is the 6th week and we still waiting with long neck.Of cos 2nd paycheck is in hefty amount of 4 figures of cos!IT MUST BE...that's why dragged them longer and reluctant to disburse!Last few weeks summore called me telling me that account and sales of my counter having some problems,I fuckoing care just don't be wishy washy and release our pay as soon as possible by April or early April!Diu!


I need to boil myself herbal tea to cool down my off late's boiling tempers...damn gek!Didn't even get my hands on my SAT book till now!Procrastinating...

Heck! -_-

Patience challenged!

I am so not gonna compromise for tiny bits.Really can't through with it lor...sorta kena tricked by the staffs of Topman round and round.

The thins is I've been buzzing them for grand total of 7 times,made visit to the store in Tebrau City for 2 times,emailed the Style Advisor once,reflected by feedbacks and enquiries at F3 websites for 4 times,email F3 update which I don evn know who the recipient is for once...yea so much so that I almost got my temper erupted for GOOD!Nia ma chau hai!

Each time I would get the same conventional yet diplomatic way of response,bear in mind this is their cliche edi : "oh sir,can I have your IC,contact number and full name please so that we can confirm with the HQ.We'll get back to you very soon..." *hung up* and THAT'S IT for eveytime!

If I make myself present at their store,hoping it will be better than just getting shit line.Duh,I was so so wrong...their staffs are all well trained from the same machine.I would most likely to get the same old line again(with some lame excuses and oxymorons to kill off the awkwardness of cos so they can seal my mouth from nagging)..."oh sir,lemme double check with the HQ and no matter how I'll get back to you by tomorrow for your card's status..." I was so stupid enough to believe them then happily went off without giving them some lessons of zapping!

Naivety kills!They promised to call yesterday "for sure" "swear with their mother's lives"...still never call in the end.I've waited like idiot whole day for the phone to ring.Pundeks!Bunch of mushrooms!

TODAY and TOMORROW b4 I made my next trip to Singapore,I'm gonna bombard them with whatever remarks I can make!Mainly through phone calling and zap them off...seriously can't let them off with those stupid excuses anymore,I need explanation and reason!Whatever happens with reason...that's what I need!The most I'll pay 10 bucks to reapply and put them into boycotting list for rest of the months since their spring collection is nothing to go ooh ahhs about also.*roll eyes*

I've decided this week,I'm gonna fire an ultimatum showdown!

Wish me luck.


Ps: prob. goin to NYP SG this thursday with Janet n CHarles...wanna shop in Topman Sg cos more variety than JB and even KL!

Pps : Jess is coming from Jakarta next week and asking for meet up,so gotta make another trip across the strait again!

Financial draining season.

SAT 1 's coming as well...@.@

Haven't receive my 2nd release of paycheck yet...pokkai sai lek!

Ppps : F3 card is their loyalty card which entitles you with 10% discount on all normal items in Topshop,Topman,Dorothy Perkins,Miss Selfridge with 1 buck spent,u'll be accumulating 1 point which will leads you to a limit where you can get a voucher of grand total 20 bucks for every 800 points recorded in the total transactions across Singapore and Malaysia retailers from you!So far I've already used up my first 800 points and left 300 points upon the day they took away my card.KNNCCB rite?

Really off.

Nah,don't ask me why but they very much deserve this.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Welcome to Cafe Del Bored

Today's special IDLE menu (3 course):

~Appetizer - Lackadaisical Olio Smoked Shrimp Salade

~Main course - Monotonous Grilled Turnips Salmon and Flat Foie Gras with Porcinis

~Dessert - Inertia Tapas (choose 3 out of 24 flavours)and Procrastinato Panecotta

Special beverages today :

~ Boring Bordeux
~ Dull Martini Baccardi Zucchini Pepperoni Cocktail
~ Plain juice

Ala carte dessert (chef's recommendation):

~ Go-back-and-starve-yourself-to-death-do-not-eat Apricot Tiramisu with extra garlics


I'm such a goner,SAT I preparation is in midst of dying (not so easy for me to comprehend those questions la!).

Thinking about 4-5 more months of procrastination + rotting ahead makes me wanna jump off from KLCC and call it an end.

I fucking wanna study,I miss classes,I miss lecturers,I miss tutorials...and all!


PS : Still can't get over with Topshop F3's matter,curse their customer service attitude.Ma de!

PPS : Going for health screening next week,have to practice abstinence on food from now on...

PPPS : Mr. Bean On Holiday,Pirates of Caribbean 3---can't wait to watch XD


Friday, March 23, 2007


Shadow Word generated at

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thoughts on wee hours

No la...not sentimental thoughts,I'm not that kinda jiwang type of person who will write down my inner thoughts on my blog,my inner is somehow full of angst and wrath instead of emotive rush haha...

Went out with my gang of 3 and Yien Meei,cos so long nvr catch up with Meei Meei edi ever since we all left Inti.Well,did the most conventional activity,Redbox K-ing(u can't find any other nicer place here in JB other than goin to the BOX,I don't really like yumcha cos 'm sick of mamak's chas,but well,can spend hours long in Kim Gary and Wong Kok though bcos the ambience different ma...).

Meei Meei didn't join us for long cos she wanna fetch her sis in Convent at 3.30 so couldn't tag along to CS and we headed IDP to do some Australian Universities registration,damn took me hell long to complete the long winded forms.Anyhow,tried my luck on University of South Australia,MacQuarie University,University of Adelaide and RMIT,all the 2nd tier Uni's la...cos the counsellor were so mean enough to tell me that with the result I got,I'm practically in the position of waterloo of the qualification for Melb. Uni,U of Sydney,UQ,UWA,ANU,UNSW and so la...

After we had done with that,took cab to CS to collect my damn Mini-Me and it actually doesn't resembles me in any way also,I look here look there also couldn't convince with it...and funny thing is it looks more like Charles than the supposed ME.Thus,Felicia called up the boss to flare and created some scenes but rather ended up in compromise of us...damn sien lo...the damn promoter who had taken down the details earlier is so pah pai!How can my lips be so pale as I'm very much having an oh-so-famous reddish lips in fact.Mind you,not because of what we were creating scenes...the fact that the exorbitant price they were charging which didn't correspond with the quality of the end product and the SERVICES!Mahai!All the lalas managing the store is enough to bring down the business...enough of it...I've already started on convincing myself that it is the ME photo will be posted here as it is highly private and confidential stuff la.

Oh yea,and I got so panicky when Felicia told me that I should've filled in my first name and last name in SAT I registration form in the western oriented way instead of persisting to the Chinese way...damn I'm so suagu!So my previously registered first name was my surname(it should be my given name instead) and last name was my given name(it should be surname)....Holy molly...I got so shattered for the next few hours!Cos Felicia called RELC b4 to verify this and tht representative told her if something goes wrong on name,we are supposed to make a call to US...whoopedoo chargings in IDD call rates 4.5 bucks per MINUTES...mad!But then I managed to email their customer officer to make the amendment,and very efficiency indeed,they responded few hours later and got my registration details updated...good job...unlike those Fashion Fast Forward craps Topshop loyalty card,Swatch JB and Inti SJ,it takes them forever to reply to customer...and still pending now!Fuck them...esp F3 card!

Swatch gao dim edi...I went to the shop and asked the lady and she pointed at her assistant for not contacting me as she had already informed her to do so(excuse)...well...I dun care as long as she promised that I will be able to redeem it within this or next week without having to pay for any charges...guess it was only a minor problem bah!


And also,while I was on sis car today...

She was making a turning from a T junction around Kg Melayu in very very low speed and suddenly this motorbike of 2 came from nowhere happened to turn into the same direction as us coming ahead...and tht 2 sikinnah Malay(I assume them to be one of those Mat Rempit gang) I think didn't bring their eyes along and turned in without giving signal summore their turning is in very huge degree that almost ramped into sis' car on my fact if their turning was in smaller degree they can be able to go around the road shoulder(as wat most motorists usually do) I said Mat Rempit all otak they just brainlessly blindly making their own turning as if the road belongs to their grandfather...

Later,that 2 siao rempits chase after us along the road for few minutes and once they got us and kicked the door on sis' side...I asked my sis to swerve towards their side so that we can make them "buang" motor haha...but of cos we didn't la...Mat Rempit is unofficially legalized in our beloved country...their power and gang is so huge...wat if they "choi gai" and call up their gang to trace us and give us a good lesson leh!Life's at stake...

Somehow they managed to get on my side and yelled at me twice...but I just gave them the usual "kan chan" and don't-give-damn look...expecting them to flee away later but they didn't!They followed us until another junction and again yelled at me,this time they yelled,teased and gave me head signal which I still dono what they want u noe they are the brainless one,not me haha...and I returned them with my provocative expression and head addition to this some gestures as well...of cos not that gesture of middle finger la(I would if I could...chic out abit')!The next thing I knew was we quickly got our move on to the highway,haha!They were quite shocked by my response and actions didn't want them to bully us out of nothing but their own mistakes at first.Curse them and hope their presence as Mat Rempit will constitute to the accident rates one day,especially those involving huge trucks or some other large vehicles on road(it's my great honour to see them lying underneath a truck's wheel...only if they continuing on their road bully acts).Insyaallah!


Well,don't comment...and from which angle does it resembles me?Tell me la...-_-

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tell you what

Tell you lor...

U can never find any worse after sales service around the world anymore except here.The level of their worthiness is damn mutha fucking lowwwwwwwwww,although worse is already worse but I still can't get over with it anyhow.I'm not gonna let these matters rest that easily for them.

Well,still,gotta rake up some past like my Topshop F3 card that has been undergoing endless damages rectifying(they took it off with hell reason of damages found on the tiny card *roll eyes*)...and 5 months passed,I've reflected my feedbacks to them for twice directly to F3 company in Singapore by e-mails but I found out that instead of having database down for the past months,the most likelihood's will have to be the tendencies of overlooking puny cases such as MINE!Big corporate?*sniggers*I think it's common to them...bunch of mushrooms!I've used up all the methods to contact them,by emails,by phone calls and approached them "personally"...I've got one promise after another which to no avail in the end.Curse them,I literally mean it!

Case 2 is the recent one regarding the servicing of my Swatch Scuba Diving which I bought around 2 years ago in Heeren but found out that the watch keep on having same problems that doesn't seems to properly rectified.And so instead of having to send it all the way back to Orchard Rd ,I was thinking why not I give the new Swatch outlet in JB a try.Holla,this time,indeed nice try,they "confisticated" my watch for more than a month already and promised to call me up for verification until now never yet a single reply from them...guess they are not far away from my cursing as well and again,I literally mean it.

So,bad aftersales service is one of their strategy from Marketing 101 which resulted in cutting costs but losing customers.It proves that this is not the right solution afterall.KNNCCB *yells out aloud*

Visit Malaysia 2007 and Wawasan 2020?????Phantom or wat?

Gonna massively bitch about later if it drags on until my varsity life commence where I got no time for them anymore.

I just lurve to bitch on all these unfortunate retail's encounters...partly is to infuse the sales environment with "customers prioritized" regime!


Yea tht's it -__-


I was away on a vacation for the past weekend at Port Dickson and KL.It was undoubtly short.My mission to get tanned kinda failed also haha...I couldn't be bothered much already since tonnes of good food are lying in front of me at approachable distant,so was busy gobbling up food instead of going down for the beach...however...I did give it a try for around 30 minutes in 2 consecutive days,it's just that it doesn't seems to work and triggers my pigmentation.But then, I'm darker than b4 la...not that dark thought but comparitively difference nia...haiz.Weight gained inevitably lor...although I did pick one day to the gym and some sauna sessions but all I'm getting is muscle pain.I don't see myself get any slimmer or lighter also.


Went back to Sunway to college my hardcopy result cert....damn it's already 3 months after the soft copy released but yet we still can't collect it.The lady at the reception table told me certs have arrived but can't be released yet until the admin. finished the finalizing procedure which happens to be just arranging them accordingly and sort out the checklist I guess...fucking waste of my time,summore asked to come down again next few days...hello pay me petrol la...JB to KL u think within walking distance ah?

Luckily dad didn't scold me for that cos I should've called them up before we went.


Later on,we went to Ikea and bought around 600 bucks of odd stuffs forked out by sis...haha and went to Kim Gary at The Curve for dinner then off we went to highway leading back JB!


Finally got the Official SAT BOOK that I've been looking for quite some time and guess if everything goes smooth sailing,I will be sitting for SAT I reasoning test in Singapore for the coming 5th of May or 2nd of that I can get my SMU applications going and of course it will gives me more choices to apply to University,mainly those in US.

Gonna starts bury myself into SAT I reference...from NOW...get busy!!!


And believe me,when u get 2 A's 2 B's...u are everything but if u're like me didn't excel in ur studies that well like them...u're nothing but to be left in limbo.Nobody will wanna talk about ur future prospect/undertakings and worse to worse cleanly forgot about wat hav u done in the past(well,of cos doing pre-U la...).Tht's wat we called realistic and it's part of our lives.No one's gonna bother about u...and I don't need ppl to care for my well being also cos afterall none of their business,my life is in my hand.I can ruin it or build it up nicely at my discretion.Even if I bite the dust,I'm left without words of repentence!

To those who didn't get flat A's and worse...u're not alone here fighting...strive hard for wat u want and prove them wrong!


me,sis and SL chillin at balcony

me and my nephews

That was how I sunbathed cos the beach weren't that fascinating and jampacked with ppl only

Yea...what u lookin at...?

PS:Gained fucking 1.2kg thru out the entire trip...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Stupid Streamyx Connection

Streamyx is fucked up like no one's business...can't even sign into MSN though I have a lot of things to settle with my friends.Grrrr....!

Well,I had been to Singapore for 2 consecutive days...1st day was in NTU and 2nd day SMU.Overall,I lurve those campuses,NTU is a typical kinda deserted campus(Jurong East) with residence halls and all the facilities housed under one compound whereas SMU is a city campus,with all its campus located next to one and another in the CBD area of Singapore(much more happening)...and access into the campus is very strict,gantry after gantry,security check and security pass to access the elevators!Damn high tech and the buildings are all state-of-art design!Cun la!

But one thing,SMU requires SAT we are none of the exception as well.Gotta register for SAT I test online and sit for the test during May.Fuck k,the test seems hard...esp the English standard they using.

I was damn exhausted and all drained out today.Firstly,we went to Dhoby Gaut for SMU then later RELC at Orange Grove Rd for SAT I enquiries,then went to Heeren for Korean food,and after that Vivocity for some was spotted in few retailers though...and I bought 2 FCUK's tees and 1 OP's board tee...prior to that I bought one flip flop with back ankle strap in NUM for 49.90 SGD T^T...pokkai jor this time,but since I'm going to PD tomorrow,so it kinda save my day!

My toes are aching like shits now due to endless walking in Sg.Custom checkpoint was jampacked with crowds and vehicles.It took me around 2 and a half hour just to get through the Sg custom and Malaysian custom...phew.Later on,we went to Kim Gary for some SAT I 's discussions and headed back home,met Terence on bus though,lol...tht guy haha!Nothing yea...-_-

ps:really hope that I'll be admitted to either NTU or SMU,the best still NTU.And I think it is a much more wiser choice than doing ADP in my 20 cents.For now,ADP is my last resort if I failed to get admitted to tht simply implies I'm gonna rot for another futher 4 months either working or idling at home whilst waiting application outcomes.ADP last intake at Inti is Sept.....gosh!

Insyaallah! :)

Vivocity is kinda sucks but lotsa mid level branded stuffs though like Zara,Topshop,Esprit,Levi's,GAP,FCUK and so on.Still prefer the native's One U(no one can ever compete) and MV!

SAT I...(new format:Maths + English and Critical Writing) @.@ I need headache's remedies,anyone?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Gimme a break

I was awakened by a call from Jenny(she's in Muar rite now),something to do with the missing of sales report/cashnotes/transfernotes I did on 15th of Feb.

Well,all I could say is,those are important documents and reference to the accountants.I WON'T even dare to risk my life to lose it under any circumstances...and I've already made sure that everything is well compiled and packed on that closing day.So,it makes no sense that office in Muar didn't receive and couldn't find it AT ALL.Must have lost it somewhere on the way back to office.Damn,trace back yourself la...fancy calling ppl early in the morning.Diu,I only slept for 5 hours....just gimme a break and my pay as well ASAP!

*I'm going to 3 Sg Uni's on this thursday personally without driving!Damn,NUS,NTU and SMU are so far apart in Sg I guess,and without direct access by MRT also...I think I'll gonna walk a lot and take bus,take cab,take MRT *faint*

Something to say

As far as I know,I don't have the habit of layan-ing those tagging games but for this will be an exception since there is CERTAIN SOMEONE who's so sincere enough to get me tagged,eng siu can edi la...haha!

And here it goes :

Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names.

1. I have enormous amount of zits ang scars rooted on my back and shoulder and I can't help
but to squezee 'em for pleasurem regardess of those scars.
2. I camwhore a lot more than you can ever think of,I will come out with themes for my
camwhoring sessions,instead of doing it spontaneously with hideous settings!
3. I used to told my parents that I studied my ass off in library for few consecutive
months,true,but most the time chitchatting and mingling away.
4. I used to smoke without being noticed by others but quitted after 2 months,nah,I hate
cigarettes NOW!
5. I bite my nails and dead skins...well I eat them as well.
6. My display photos are heavily photoshopped,I look fucking hideous without the tools.
7. I did hair rebonding and extension to my liking,they looked horrible of cos...
8. I can't sleep without bolster and with blanket.
9. I am always the one who get late for dates,highest record 2 hours I guess,sorry Charles and
Felicia.Eventhough,I can't help but get late most of the time(everyone knows
it!),afterall,better later than never.
10.I don't like kids and toddlers.Am very vengeful and mean towards them...can't stand their
naivety.Yea,I know they are kiddo but still I'm having hidden urge to "jeorpadize" a kid once
in a while.

Well,the list goes on but I think it's not important and it's enough for the time being.Nope,I won't pass on this tagging game to the myth shall ends here!

Ps : SPM result released today and as expected,high profile top scorers with 12-18A's are stealing away the headlines and well nothing to get ooh-aah about,since the cut off point for grade A is declining each year,correspondingly,more candidates are scoring more A''s not a bad phenomenon since more ppl get more A's,MOE can't get any happier,Pak Lah get well explanation from MOE,all of us happy,and it proves that MALAYSIA really BOLEH!Whoop-dee-do!Let's praise and sing for joy!

Next up,STPM result on 15th.Another huha is expected.MOE shouting : more A's and more more more~!

In the following year we shall get 25 A's scorer and so...

Congrats but can I excuse myself for a question?Why is it most of our Uni's can't make it to the ranking chart instead slumping,given that we have such vast amount of elitists coming out year after year.

Time for meritocracy era to come!Wawasan 2020 shall no longer a propaganda and mouth made anymore...we're counting down 12+ more years to 2020...time to act accordingly and bring back our pride to where it was!

Pps : screw SMU,ICSJ and F3 for not replying my e-mail!fuck their inefficiencies to 10 miles high!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I'm going to Sg next week right after they got their STPM result.It will be released on 15th of March which happens to be the last day of application date for NTU(Nanyang Technological University).

So I'm just basically gonna try my lease imposible luck,upon Charles cajoling.By the way,SMU(Singapore Management University) is in my list as well.I have 3 places to go,NUS(National University of Singapore),NTU and SMU but not gonna apply to NUS anymore since the chances are fucking slim and peasy,and,I've missed out the closing date -_- .

My only hope left is SMU since their requirement is looser,which I heard it through the grapevine :p ...but at least the official website has stated that applicants with passing grades are eligible to apply unlike NUS and NTU do not state at all,so very much will be based on merit cum quota's modus operandi!Fucking lotsa supported documents needed leh!And also application fees,grand total of freaking 45 SGD equivalent to 102.70 after conversion according to the up to date's rate of 2.27! T^T and of cos non I'm just basically bestowing some non-benefit-return money to them for good.

And I will only knew the outcome on mid May or around that which Inti's ADP has already long gone for it's intake...and of cos if I ever go for Inti,I'd have already paid to the college and it's a matter of no return like those days in Inti Nilai -_- don't wish to withdraw and had my 7000 bucks forfeited to their uncategorised funds,again!

SO how,I'll either take ADP's September intake while waiting for SMU or NTU(impossible) acceptance or just go for May intake directly without having to bother about them anymore...but Sg's Unis acceptance are fuits of golden chance lo...haiz...again decisions making!

I'll be doing Health science under ADP or whatever business courses those Sg's Unis can offer me...


sign off...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thoughts before I sleep


I'm fucking sleepy but can't seem to shut my eyes and stop toss-turning!

Could it be "sleepy" insomnia?


Just finished cleaning up my dusty room...and left with nothing to do tomorrow since I've already done with the task that I supposed to carry out tomorrow according to my personal agenda @.@

Ah the mango tree outside is so tempting...

I think I found myself a clue,

*drum rolls*

count the leaves tomorrow.

thx bye.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


1. Clinical Laboratory Science (Med. Tech.)
2. Cytotechnology
3. Nuclear Medicine Technology
4. Food Science and Technology
5. Nursing (RN)
6. Accounting
7. Finance
8. *any others which can enlighten me*

I've finally received the long awaited e-mail 3000 miles across the globe from Edmund.Still I'm pretty muddle and headless now but good to know that piece of info.,man,it helps a lil' though not too much but still,IT HELPS...thx!

Having to think of the consequences of taking up ADP (again!) is plain name a few :

Physics I and II with lab (hated and still hating Physics -_- )
Organic Chemistry I and II (hell the text book is thicker than your dictionary)
ENL 101 (English language 101.....yea it's "101")

Yea,none of the business for BUSINESS relating fields that I'm supposed or possibly gonna take up only if I'm not doing ADP.Well,business is something u can never study and understand cos it's everchanging and unpredictable...probably gonna build up through tonnes of experience in "social" university.

Recently I'm trying to review my long lost PSY105 (General Psychology) which was kept in limbo with dusty surface at a neglected corner of my shelf.It was fun...but fun is insufficient to amount to anything here :(

P.S. One of my net friend got pissed of becos of my frigidity.He was telling me all his anecdotes,emotive encounters,ups and downs...well actually it was more of downs that he was trying to air his grievances which I can't help but to roll my eyes console him for all I can help but it seems everytime he has to make all the conversations into emotive and depressing state...dug his heart out!This is like,alrite,once or twice I'm fine with it BUT having too much of it can be sicked and causes trauma,I mean it's just some puny matters which seems fine to me...perhaps too fine!Dunno why the hell he wanna stir up everything and get it tangled.I guess I was cold hearted and I am as well...but this is beyond that.Can't be bothered much as I have my own unsolve problems as well which is a matter of life and death.I won't allow anyone to reduce me into depression again like before,I've just gone through my 20th birthday and all grown up as an adult now.I have a new set of thinking which of cos without any single doubt,WISER AND MATURE.PLEASE...........leave me alone and get over it!

Anyways,I'll never ever get triggered by this kinda problem as he's only some net friend of mine which we haven't even met in real life before.Even if we did meet each other before,I'm not bound to help u anyhow but depend on the degree of the matter.If I'm not in da mood pls don't meddle with me.

So,haha...guess he has deleted me from list which I fucking give damn :)

k thank and bye!

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Look at Charles rubber stamp loud print!lol

Too big of heads to squeeze into the lens -_-

:) blessful...I needed 2 big candles only!

Thank god I'm officially 20 today,yes,I'm no more a teenager so don't mess around with me aye!Or else I'll bite.

Anyways,big big thanks to those who greeted me and celebrated with me...

Thanks Charles,Felicia,Boon Ling and Michell for accompanying me this afternoon and daddy/mummy/sis for err...everything including that costly meal earlier.

And special thanks to Charles and Felicia for that one and only won't how much it mean to me!Surely it costs a bomb I know...but heart is what most important...muacks!

...Those who had greeted me on MSN,SMS,Friendster,Email...thx for remembering this special day of mine!

...and those who never greeted watch out I'm still very much open to accept ur belated wishes,or maybe u don't even remember cos of its inferiority...nah it's ok! :)
Loving everyone,I'm so much alive now!

pok pok lalala~

Why should we give way to royalties on the road?I don't see the need in doing so since all of us being part of the road users and bound to pay road tax...and hey we feed the royalties as well by paying them multitude of taxes,levies,fines and it concludes that we shouldn't give in to them and as a matter of fact,they have to adhere the road regulations!

I'm getting so worked up cos just now when my dad was driving in the downpour on one of the federal roads and out of nowhere we heard traffic police's siren and then the next thing happened was all the cars are giving way to some unknown member of became panicky as he could harly see the road in front as the raindrops were slapping the windscreen so fucking hard and there it came some d**bo royalties which are so inconsiderate to us until dad's car almost get out of control and swerved to the road shoulder which was less than 10m away from a steep hill...had my dad run out of control and ram down the hill,we'll all become one of the many restless spirits on road looking for substitutes...I'll haunt the royalties down then if it ever happens,and NOPE it won't ever happen cos me and my family are long live creature unlike those royalties here who feed themselves into all kinds of unwellness such as heart failure,obese,diabetes,kidney failure...cos they are spending the tax payers money like tap water to satisfy their greed!When they're enjoying their life away with their inheritance of royalty blood whilst using all sorts of fine-dining equipments for their meals with crew of drivers,unlimited supply of the same time do they even think about those who struggling just to meet both ends meet?They can't even afford a single meal sometimes albeit some are sheltered under the social welfare funds but that's only a single dot out of a borderless ocean.Plenty of ppl out there are still jostling their way to the attention of public and govt. bodies but unfortunately they still can't help but being left out in limbo.

Ah,well...shouldn't talk much about these kinda things here to prevent myself from any unwanted lawsuit or the suspicion of raising sensitive issues by challenging their rights...since there are 2 FAMOUS bloggers(and I'm not...) being caught for publishing sensitive issues regarding the govt. in precedent.

So well,haha,anyways...that's only some ramblings of an inferior citizen of Johor Bahru,it's sooo puny enough to be noticed.lalalallalalalal~gonna go watch my HK series now.period.


"†.I Seek Solace iN The Shadows & Learned tHat There is Beauty iN Sorrow.†"

Such a nice quote that quoted from Cheryll's blog on friendster...but what I like about this is the intended rhyme and the profound contemplation that stirred up my inoperative brain since...forever once again! -_-

And one thing should be noted,can you feel the essence of "emo" in that sentence?(alrite,rhyme not intended-_-)

Sorrowness,grief, can never comprehend unless you're in our shoes *roll eyes*...cheh!

Ok,shall not drift away to unrelated topics from now on(an attempt to reduce the act is being carried out anyhow).

What I wanted to grumble about here is..................................


At first,Fall Out Boy in Singapore Expo and then Lee Hom in Bukit Jalil.

The Fall Out Boy's is that I overlooked this piece of big news,big and juicy one in fact!Mahai!The gig is on today and I guess all fella rock fans there are grooving their ass hard and zillions of hand are waving along with the bass and the drums and the beat NOW,goddamnit!They probably still rocking their way now to temporary excitement...dammit...hope they'll get frozen through!*clench fists* Bah,anyway I'm not gonna be rowdy "teenagers" unlike them,I've grown up in case you haven't yet come into sense,all the poops and noobs! :p But it would be great if I could make my way to the scene...and the goddamn arm race!!!Argh,no point talking bout those shoulda woulda coulda now...just pray they'll be coming to Malaysia very soon!

Later on,Charles called me and offered me a ticket worth 200 bucks to Lee Hom's concert which is TOMORROW...his dad's friend is driving us to KL but coincidentally I'm forced to spend my weekend with parents afterall it's the 15th days of lunar new year (chap go meh) cum the divine day for yours truly *applauds*(ahem...the day that I will lose my teenager status).Nah,I can't be any happier to flick off adolescence.HEY,an adult I AM!

Back to Lee Hom's topic,since I've already took glance at Lee Hom when he came to Lagoon's man-made beach last year for some mini concert and autograph session not so keen anymore but still I'm gonna let leave a golden chance of going to a major concert...comes after Rain's concert which I turned down a free tics. offer as well which worth 300 bucks and so!Gah!I'm gonna stuck in my little space in front of this lappy forever...T^T

I should really work out a way to stop this from happening in future at my own expense!So "sip dai" leh!

The Pursuit of Happyness

Finally watched this long anticipated movie with Cheryll,Terence and Satya today in CS.The story line was quite boring though,yea I know it was touching but that's individual case of its own.I almost fell asleep,shame.All in all,I'll give 4 out of 5 stars since Will Smith's biological son really compensate all the downsides of the movie,he's cute no doubt :)

Nothing much happened to day actually,i went CS and met the Inti counsellor(again!) which was coincidentally not Stephanie on duty but rather the know-nothing expected,I don't get much useful info also.DAMN~!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

This ain't a scene...

Damn I got hooked on to this song,it's addictive!

By the way,did you notice the opaque rice ball that camourflages on her shoulder in the cover above?Wonder what does it implies,could it be "rice and seaweed" flavor of life?Or we do the guessing on what flavor is in the rice ball(filling inside la...).Somewhat it seems rather unmatch with the cover but it did formed a mutual relationship with the corresponding song title.Kawaii ^^...just like her previous single "bokuwa kuma"(I am bear -_-).Was taken aback by the title at first but then it jazzed me up with her creativity in introducing concept as such.It's really distinctively bold,all that I can say.I know some of the caveman out there will throw in lotsa profound criticisms and their so called professional opinions to pick apart but just get over with it,the music industry is doing so bad that all the new comers are just the cover of another without unique variations.Can you differentiate the voices of all those who flew out from Morning Musume and Johnny Jr. corp?Can they really sing?You can never find anyone else like Ayumi,Utada,Mika,Ayaka.Ken Hirai,Kuraki Mai,Glay where u can easily recognise the voice upon listening!bah...*roll eyes*...and why should I get so worked up by some imaginary phenomena that mocked up by ME?As long as I like it...

Apparently,I've been listening to lotsa ads on radio(P10) saying that Fall Out Boys are coming to Singapore for gig in Expo centre (Max Pavillion...dono where the hell issit?!).Tics. are selling at quite reasonable price of 70SGD onwards excluding Singapore's GST and some minor service charge.The most expensive is 125 I think where you buy it at the entrance on the day of the gig itself...which falls on 3rd of March(Saturday).All free seating,so all fellow rock fans,be there 6 hours before the gate opens,bring along your tent nd canopy if you're gonna have promising view of the band!

Oh,I wasn't very convinced that they are really coming to Sg at first,I thought they are giving out tics. for their overseas' concert.God knows...miscalculation!It's too late now anyway,I'm NOT going to the concert cos I don't have transport,neither do I have a companion with me to attend.CHERYLL!!!I'm so gonna miss the chance of catching their live performance T^T lemme weep a river.Fall Out Boys concert is 100000000 times more worth watching than some unkown Brit band called Muse which happens to get their tics. sold off so early...I guess Malaysians are somewhat "sua gu" and xenophilic.Cos we hardly get any of the international bands coming to the tiny market of Malaysia :(

And ppl,stop bothering me with my spelling error(it's not even my fault).The movie which starring Will Smith and his REAL son titled "The Pursuit of Happyness" where the "y" of the supposed "happiness" spelling is deliberately made error to potray what the movie trying to convey...and vicissitudes of life and encounters of that particular man in real life(not Will Smith).GO WATCH IT anf then you'll know.I haven't watched yet but I read about the true story of this guy in Jan. copy of RD long ago...thus,the know-it-all.Very inspirational,just like the recent's Dreamgirls,though I watched none...:p

Anys,gotta get back to my Super Mario Bros. 3(yea I noe it's kiddo game,fuck off I don't own a psp nor ps3,not even 2).period.