Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thoughts on wee hours

No la...not sentimental thoughts,I'm not that kinda jiwang type of person who will write down my inner thoughts on my blog,my inner is somehow full of angst and wrath instead of emotive rush haha...

Went out with my gang of 3 and Yien Meei,cos so long nvr catch up with Meei Meei edi ever since we all left Inti.Well,did the most conventional activity,Redbox K-ing(u can't find any other nicer place here in JB other than goin to the BOX,I don't really like yumcha cos 'm sick of mamak's chas,but well,can spend hours long in Kim Gary and Wong Kok though bcos the ambience different ma...).

Meei Meei didn't join us for long cos she wanna fetch her sis in Convent at 3.30 so couldn't tag along to CS and we headed IDP to do some Australian Universities registration,damn took me hell long to complete the long winded forms.Anyhow,tried my luck on University of South Australia,MacQuarie University,University of Adelaide and RMIT,all the 2nd tier Uni's la...cos the counsellor were so mean enough to tell me that with the result I got,I'm practically in the position of waterloo of the qualification for Melb. Uni,U of Sydney,UQ,UWA,ANU,UNSW and so la...

After we had done with that,took cab to CS to collect my damn Mini-Me and it actually doesn't resembles me in any way also,I look here look there also couldn't convince with it...and funny thing is it looks more like Charles than the supposed ME.Thus,Felicia called up the boss to flare and created some scenes but rather ended up in compromise of us...damn sien lo...the damn promoter who had taken down the details earlier is so pah pai!How can my lips be so pale as I'm very much having an oh-so-famous reddish lips in fact.Mind you,not because of what we were creating scenes...the fact that the exorbitant price they were charging which didn't correspond with the quality of the end product and the SERVICES!Mahai!All the lalas managing the store is enough to bring down the business...enough of it...I've already started on convincing myself that it is the ME photo will be posted here as it is highly private and confidential stuff la.

Oh yea,and I got so panicky when Felicia told me that I should've filled in my first name and last name in SAT I registration form in the western oriented way instead of persisting to the Chinese way...damn I'm so suagu!So my previously registered first name was my surname(it should be my given name instead) and last name was my given name(it should be surname)....Holy molly...I got so shattered for the next few hours!Cos Felicia called RELC b4 to verify this and tht representative told her if something goes wrong on name,we are supposed to make a call to US...whoopedoo chargings in IDD call rates 4.5 bucks per MINUTES...mad!But then I managed to email their customer officer to make the amendment,and very efficiency indeed,they responded few hours later and got my registration details updated...good job...unlike those Fashion Fast Forward craps Topshop loyalty card,Swatch JB and Inti SJ,it takes them forever to reply to customer...and still pending now!Fuck them...esp F3 card!

Swatch gao dim edi...I went to the shop and asked the lady and she pointed at her assistant for not contacting me as she had already informed her to do so(excuse)...well...I dun care as long as she promised that I will be able to redeem it within this or next week without having to pay for any charges...guess it was only a minor problem bah!


And also,while I was on sis car today...

She was making a turning from a T junction around Kg Melayu in very very low speed and suddenly this motorbike of 2 came from nowhere happened to turn into the same direction as us coming ahead...and tht 2 sikinnah Malay(I assume them to be one of those Mat Rempit gang) I think didn't bring their eyes along and turned in without giving signal summore their turning is in very huge degree that almost ramped into sis' car on my fact if their turning was in smaller degree they can be able to go around the road shoulder(as wat most motorists usually do) I said Mat Rempit all otak they just brainlessly blindly making their own turning as if the road belongs to their grandfather...

Later,that 2 siao rempits chase after us along the road for few minutes and once they got us and kicked the door on sis' side...I asked my sis to swerve towards their side so that we can make them "buang" motor haha...but of cos we didn't la...Mat Rempit is unofficially legalized in our beloved country...their power and gang is so huge...wat if they "choi gai" and call up their gang to trace us and give us a good lesson leh!Life's at stake...

Somehow they managed to get on my side and yelled at me twice...but I just gave them the usual "kan chan" and don't-give-damn look...expecting them to flee away later but they didn't!They followed us until another junction and again yelled at me,this time they yelled,teased and gave me head signal which I still dono what they want u noe they are the brainless one,not me haha...and I returned them with my provocative expression and head addition to this some gestures as well...of cos not that gesture of middle finger la(I would if I could...chic out abit')!The next thing I knew was we quickly got our move on to the highway,haha!They were quite shocked by my response and actions didn't want them to bully us out of nothing but their own mistakes at first.Curse them and hope their presence as Mat Rempit will constitute to the accident rates one day,especially those involving huge trucks or some other large vehicles on road(it's my great honour to see them lying underneath a truck's wheel...only if they continuing on their road bully acts).Insyaallah!


Well,don't comment...and from which angle does it resembles me?Tell me la...-_-