Friday, December 30, 2005

Sums up...

2005 left 1 more day to go...

Going back to Sunway this Sunday T_T

I think I missed out so many things in 2005 and wasted most my time!

Lame and shame...2006 is a year that I can't waste and must stuff up every moment with meaningful tasks!

Time wasted on~TV,Computer,Internet,Loitering,Wandering Up&down for nothing,Talking,Sleeping,Eating,Animes,Movies(esp. watched King Kong & A Chinese Tall Story).....!

C'mon,no more time wasting in 2006 my dear Kok Whei!

U are not young anymore and approaching the end of teenager,what do u think?

There's gotta be more to life!!!Bear in mind...


Cousin from US came here with 2 pals yesterday through Changi Airport but I din followed my parents to the airport cos everywhere in JB was jamming like hell(as usual!)...worse than KL sometimes and sis can't managed to come back home for me T_T

As usual again stayed at home and watched Narnia & Perhaps Love...

Narnia was average only.Nothing suprising though and the ending is too simple and fast but it's more suitable for children.(since I'd watched KKong & A Chinese Tall Story,no other movie can be worse than them...)

Perhaps Love was awesome.The story is so nice and those opera singing!Feeling like stage drama.Something like Moulin Rouge!That kinda feeling is just great and hard to describe after I watched the movie.I like Ji Jin Hee's anonymous roles ,I like Takeshi's passion,calmness and determination in love,I like Jackey Cheung's uncertainty emotions where it can be very extreme yet very composure at time,I like Zhou Xun's frigidness,innocence,evasion,sexy but not erotic...My emotion is very still through out watching the entire show,it's not actually interesting but it may be able to draw your attention.It's appealing with nice setting and background!It's not an extreme story where it's just a simple love story with complex relationship with opera singing add-on!In the end,two true lovers can't be together...

All the songs and singings inside are very meaningful and strongly expressed the eager,fragile,ugly side of love.Perhaps love is just like that where it comes in when you are not getting ready but disappear when you entrusted it and fully committed to it.You have to be prepared to face the challenge...

I like it when they sing about the ugly and dirty side of love in this world and the eagerness of a poor and hardscrabble-life village girl with the potential of talent to breakaway from the cage to explore the colourful cum adventurous life in the big city.Expecting to go on the bigger stage to woo more spectators and obviouly earn nicely and leads a better life...

All this year during her struggling to achieve her dream,she tends to forget about the love she promised to her other-half until then suprisingly they met each other on the same stage after parting for 10 years...


Today supposed to follow sis to grandpa's hse in the early morning but then watched Inuyasha until 5 naturally can't woke up on time!Again alone laze around at home U_U

But will go to grandpa's hse later afternoon,yay!


Thursday, December 29, 2005


Yesterday went to CS NEWWAY...

Halfway through singing in the cabin,we got the chance to play lucky draw outside

We are so LUCKY that we actually got ourselves 2 cups of drinks for free.

Then,Charles,Boon Ling,KP fought in the cabin

KP and BL did catfight...

Charles joined them and then seized the oppurtunity to fight with his long-hated KP

Is not said that Charles not being gentleman but IMO,KP deserved it :p

During the fight,Charles grabbed the mineral water and splashed it towards Charles

KP was overwhelmed at this point and desperately grabbed the glass of free drinks(orange juice which tasted like dishwasher) and splashed it to Charles in return to what he did to her

FYI,the cup of juice is almost a glass full and KP managed to BOTTOM-UP the whole glass on Charles and Charles avoided it and the juice splashed to everywhere most innocently NEWAY's leather seat and the tilling floor.

KP attempted to leave immediately cos she was full of anger after she did that,while she was about to open the door,she tripped the mic's cord and the cord stumbled the drinking glass to the floor and followed on with a glass breaking noise.

There she went off without settling the bill.

Charles felt a bit guilty from what I'd notice and BL go after KP to persuade her back,BL succeeded and everything got back to normal afterthat.

The conclusion is we will be blacklisted by CS's NEWAY soon.

After K-ing spree,we went to Leisure Mall again upon UNKNOWN's suggestion for bowling

But Charles again suggested to watch movie where he was attracted by A Chinese Tall Story(Cheng Din Dai Seng) casting Nicholas Tse,Boys,Ah Sa from Twins and Chen Bo Ling.To be fair to actually watch movie or bowling,we tossed the coin.How silly we were!

The controversy again arose,where BL determined to play bowling(cos she bought socks edi!).So we headed to the bowl and check out the crowd first.Indeed the crowd was in high tide so reluctantly BL forced to watch movie

While waiting for buyinng ticket,BL/KP/me suggested why not we watch THE PROMISE instead?

But Charles couldn't make it for that time slot cos he had to go back before 7.

BL and KP very not at pleased then and started to show sour face but have to express that they were compromised.(things were hard on them)

For me I hate to say that I'm not HK movie supporter cos HK movie most the time lack of quality in their story plot and meaningless.

After we went through thick and thin,finally settled down for A CHINESE TALL STORY.

Expectably,I doze off in the cinema because of that INTERESTING story plot,KP and BL left halfway through the movie going on to watch THE PROMISE at following time still in ZZZzzzz and stayed put

After I woke up,I saw Charles with Kinda heavy eyelid too,well it's all his decision and will to watch that rubbish movie.

We all complained about how dull,dry,meaningless,time-wasting was that movie afterthat.

It was really dumb to watch that movie.

Luckily we paid only 6 on wednesday here in GSC.

That movie is somewhat the suckiest movie I'd ever watched in 2005.It is worse than KING KONG.

Man,I can't believe I watched that movie.At this point I felt very embarassing and shame to tell people that i actually watched CHENG DIN DAI SENG.Damn fkingly lame and f-up.

What a day!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Damn result!

Tamparan demi tamparan...

Received my 1st sem exam result today.

As what I've predicted,damn fuk up result.

Can't believe I got only 48(D) for my Econs,why,Soma?

My Math is a disgrace out of unwanted major carelessnesses.*Sigh*

Law is a consolation for me at least,thanks to Mr Raj(where every of his student got high marks)

General Paper is out of my prediction where I got 52(D).What are you up to,Joy?

Hoho...this GP result compare to last time class test I failed it is quite a suprise!

Guess I won't be changing to IELTS for the time being...woohoo!

GP rocks?!

2006's aims:

1. Sharpen my Math skill and do more revisions and pass yr papers
2. Try to memorize all Econs principles,applications and various graphs/practice
on MCQs
3. Forced to memorize all law terms,meanings,functions,applications and
4. Read more on social perspective and articles(current issues) in order to
improve my GP knowledge
5. Improve my grammatical skill,English vocabs and at the same time polish my
fluency of speaking
6. Save up more $$$ if possible
7. Practicalize my diet scheme :)
8. Take up language course(French or Japanese)

2006's MOTTO:

............:::::::::::::::::>>>>>Play less but study more/when it's time to play,play seriously but when it's time to study,study seriously too<<<<<:::::::::::::::::::::.....................

Happy New Year(2006)


Man,I'm dying now...

My head is aching like hell.

I can't slept for the whole night because of the constant pains.

I felt like someone is sitting on my head and squeezing my forehead.

Pain is all that I can say...

I swear I gotta boycott hellish meat bun for unlimited period!

It sucks...

Eventhough headache pill can't ease my pain!


Sunday, December 25, 2005

n Dawn Yang?

The no. 1 hottest blogging chic in the blogosphere Dawn Yang is now being challenged by someone upon her 'genuine' beauty!!!

I really can't believe my eyes when I saw those posted photo(chronically...)

If it's true,all her fans,fonders,whatevers...gotta be prepare for a explicit heartbreak(ahhww :(....!)

Actually me kinda disappoonted too,can't deny that she's beautiful and excel in academic too but there's still a distant to it and if the plastic surgery thingy is true.......... *bang*

Go here to see those extreme photos(notice the changing of her face's contour and outline/sharpened cheekbone/protruding teeth/raised nose...all u can discover!) that arranged by the blogmaster : (scroll to the bottom page to see those i'm still wondering whether that girl that featuring in those photos before the appearance of the 'pretty version' of Dawn Yang was it really her during those days!

What a great blow on Dawn's hardcore admirers out there :p...anyway I'm not one of them.

Ps: eventhough she might had gone through plastic surgery but it doesn't mean she's an evil beneath rite?Sure she got herself the so called 'inner beauty' and don't forget she's a brainiac smart ass too.Just that she feels she can have more in life in order to make it perfect and gain herself confidence...who knows?

Walking in a winter wonderland !

First of all,Merry Xmas to all our fellow Jesus' and Virgin's children out there!!!Well,those that are not then don't demand any loud greeting from me!It's pointless....
Why people all craving for Xmas celebration here?Especially those that are non-christian.It's meaningless for y'all to celebrate rite?What do y'all celebrate for?If it's out of hmm just to feel the atmosphere,well ok then but I just can't stand that some people don't even care about the Winter Solstice(an occasion where u eat 'tang yuan' the glutinuos-rice-flour-made-little-colourful-ball shaped-Chinese-dessert...phew!).The meaning of celebrating it is where u'll be growing a year older once u ate the 'tang yuan'(make believe once at least...for those that actually don't officially get a year older).

It's a shame for those Chinese that actually skipped this tradition and jump over to Xmas celebration.Somehow people thinks that "Western-based" occasions are so called romantic and modern,but oriental festivals will innocently categorize under "old-backward-traditional-aged-lkk..."category!What a funny phenomenon we are having here!People please cherish your roots and cultures,do what you suppose to do!

Merry Xmas :0

(Ps: I indulge myself in the Xmas atmosphere but I don't celebrate it bcos i can't stand those attractive and beautiful Xmas lightnings.I'm not a hardcore Xmas celebrator :p)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Wow,Ayu's 11th official album is out now!!!What r u waiting?Go grab one!!!This one is better than the previous "My Story"imo...for sure worth listening!It's out on January the 1st(new year btw!!!)...It's worth for a buy I swear this time!!!Very nice though I got most da songs inside edi!!!!But then...just....jusst...very NICE!



Tracklisting:01. Bold & Delicious 02. STEP you 03. Ladies Night 04. is this LOVE? 05. (miss)understood 06. alterna 07. In The Corner 08. tasking 09. criminal 10. Pride 11. Will 12. HEAVEN 13. Are You Wake Up? 14. fairyland 15. Beautiful Day 16. rainy day

Versions available: 1.CD only version(with 'Off my day' photo booklet)
2.CD + DVD version(with 'On my way'photo booklet)

FYI:Ayu's latest Double A-side single 'Bold&Delicious/Pride' is Ayu's 38th single so far!!!She ain't gonna stop!!!

(Credits:Yesasia!,Divine Ayu)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Queen - We Are The Champions........still remember this song sang by Chicken Little?

I've paid my dues, time after time
I've done my sentence, but committed no crime
And bad mistakes, I've made a few
I've had my share, sand kicked in my face
But I've come through

And I need to go on and on and on and on
We are the champions, my friend
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions, We are the champions
No time for losers 'cos we are the champions of the world

I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
But it's been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose

And I need to go on and on and on and on
We are the champions, my friend
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions, We are the champions
No time for losers 'cos we are the champions of the world

We are the champions, my friend
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions, We are the champions
No time for losers, 'cos we are the champions

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I'm so lazy to blog nowadays...but still i gotta push myself for it 'cos it's like a place for me to throw out what's inside me(kinda like garbage collecting).

Well,nothing much special happened recently!Just as usual went to CS NEWAY then sang halfway we smelled burning scent and when we look through the glass-door we are like wtf happened outside,it was damn smoky everywhere and the we kinda realise the scent was wires-burned scent!!!So we asked the waiter there and they said it's ok 'cos it was the 4th floor that having short-circuit and the wires burned and the smoke flow through everywhere until 5th floor.....and after that we went to 4th floor it was already closed off with doorsill and the shops there were black out then(4th floor) eventhough some shops at 3rd floors were affected...we were shocked to see that some reporters were there already!omg!We so can't stand the chemical smells that almost suffocated through halfway singing.....

As you know,JB only got 3 precious cinemas(GSC in Leisure Mall,Mega Pavillion in CS and the coming XXX in Tebrau Jusco).....but then CS is always the most crowded cinema for unknown reason(bcos it is in the downtown)...yesterday was not an exclusion too...eventhough Narnia that has been showing for few weeks are still sold out or filling fast now in CS(imagine lah!) desperately we went to Leisure Mall then and we decided to watch King Kong unharmoniously hehe!After finishing watching,my feedback is watch it if u have the patient and time...cos it eats u 3 hrs!!!where the first 1 hr u won't be expecting for the appearance of the 'Kong'...just very purely bored running conversation and sailing on the sea scenes!!!gosh!!!My butt was ached like hell cos i dun expects it to be such a long winding movie...........and my conclusion!beyond of my expectection earlier!!!!!I should have save up(listen to my frens advice) and watch Narnia then!darn wasting of time(from 4:50pm-8pm continuously)...which u can see on the face of those spectators after coming out from the theater room(after watching King Kong) are so relief.................too bad and shame on it!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

all i want for xmas is u

All I Want For Christmas - Mariah Carey

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true...
All I want for Christmas is
You... yea yea

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
(and I) Don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you...
You baby

Oh I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
(and I) I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeer click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
You baby

All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere (so brightly yea)
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing (oh yea)
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need -
won't you please bring my baby to me...
Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is
You (You) baby

All I want for Christmas is you baby... (repeat)

SG outing

Rollin' back the time machine to a month b4 when those
footballers were still 'bare' on the Heeren sidewalk!!!

Nerdy me and Evelyn in front of The Heeren giant footballers...(with
jerseys on this time..)

Charles really looks wet here and as usual nerd as me!
Those brats behind can't stop showing off their funky

Nerd away in Fuji Ice Palace(Jurong East)
~The girls with yellow and orange gloves are known as the pathetic
twins(KP and monkey B*)yucks :(

Artistic blurry side of Orchard Rd sidewalk (guess who's back are
those?) :)

Huge Xmas tree in Takashimaya

@Nerdy me and Charles with pretty Jslyn@

"Exhausted"is written on our face :p......god damn my face is

so big and *sobz* less photogenic *weep*

Top:Nerdy me(backdrop:Paragon and da
Xmas tree lightnings XD) look here kinda reminds me of our respectable sec. sch. teacher Pn. Ong!!!!Arghhhh...nightmare *.*
Bottom: Nerdy me again posting with Lamborghini
Gallardo(the angle kinda funny :<)

Yesterday,whole bunch of us(me,Charles,KP,Jslyn.Boon Ling,Chiao Ru,Yee Pin,Jslyn's brother and his friends,Kp's cousin) went to Singapore for outing.I actually dun feel like going bcos they last minute called me and say that they will go for ice skating there.I was like wth Sunway Pyramid Ice Scating(Msia Largest ice skating centre) is juz a stone throw away from my college and hostel why must i go all the way to Singapore for ice skating as I cam go Pyramid anytime I want!!!Do they know that the exchange rate now is 2.24?BUt in order not to spoil their pleasure,well juz accept it anyway...T_T...First they told e must reach b4 10am but then i reached there at 9:30 then wait for so many other until 10:30 we took bus to SG checkpoint...I was so hungry and I thought they will for sure eat at SG first,then who noes they eagerly can't wait to go for ice skating and it's only 11:30 that time!Ok,accept with PLEASURE and WILLINGNESS too!We headed to Jurong East's Fuji Ice Palace...while reaching there we were jaw dropped by the scene there.First,there are hell lotta ppl(cos SG sch holiday too) and then the ice skating base is only half of the size of what Pyramid Ice has!!!WTF!!!The whole place was like fkingly crowded!Then we started to discuss all over again then we go to eat first then decide hehe!After offering to my stomach we went back again to ice,tht was the first time i did ice skating but luckily i can handle well and managed to skate smoothly afer 1 hr...hmm...i only fell down twice...oops and all wet by the ice!Overall we skated for 3 and a quarter hour!!!Crazy rite?Cos they actually provide us with fake snow there which hold back our leaving desireness!!!After we went to Plaza tht time my both legs were ached like hell and hardly can move.But when i saw the Action City outlet there i was again stimulated and shop crazily inside haha!!!Still the same we went to Yoshinoya for dinner then straight rush to see Orchard Xmas lights!I'm quite disappointed for those lightning this year(or maybe i'm too exhaust too see those lights)...the decorating are not as astonishing as last few years...maybe they are budget savvy tht design all these!But we still crazily took photo there and went back at around 10:30pm(12hrs at SG!!!)...hell...should stay over my relative place then!!!Reached JB already 11 sumthin!!!My legs almost explode cos I'm standing all the way in MRT form Orchard to Kranji(approx. 30 minutes journey)...they were so reluctant to function well now!!!Omg!!!But yeah!I got my DREAM CATCHER...luckily sumone must paid for tht haha!!!Quite happy but KP's cousin deleted some of the photos i took at Orchard!And hey,tht's my camera ok?Pls respect the owner...she's driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In nutshell,the outing was er...considered nice!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

friggin boring!

Since dunno when I started to feel reluctant about having holiday break!Well, I've been doing research and thinking what the hell had caused my precious 1 month break to be so friggingly boring,

1. Frens are busying with their STPM Biology short sampling project
2. Getting sick of online(either MSN or bloggin or frenster or check mail...lazy to find new things)
3. No PT job(main causing...I reminisce back last few major break all occupied by PT job,for god's sake
FOS,YS confect., jobless and penniless)
4. Finish my Animes edi but then lazy to download new one
5. No inspiration
6. Lazy
7. Lazy
8. Lazy
9. Currency exchange rate of RM to SGD is damn low now
10. No squash mate lah!(long time din play)

Though I have to confess my college life is also nothing better than this but then i feel that my life is so empty during holiday...I rather the life of rushing law assignments,econ test,Math tutorials than eat and sleep and online and eat and sleep and online so freakin robotic life...

But then the biggest thing that hold back my active lifestyle is laziness...arghhhhh....

I think i ate too much this holiday...guess i'll pump up some weight after holiday T_T...although I'm already ball-shaped since the day I'm born...

BUT i was nearly 90kg early this year and after going off hometown for study,managed to shed off 10 over kg of weight until 75kg now but then i think during holiday the chart will go up crazily............damn fat cells!!!

~~~due to my extreme boredom,I came across an idea today that y dun I take out all my old cassettes and re-record it onto mp3 players then upload to pc then burn to brief(cassettes--re-record(realtime recording!!)--upload to pc--burn to CD)phew....imagine realtime recording is da thing i dread about...imagine i gotta stand in front the radio and wait for all the songs to be recorded...but i tried few but then...give up!damn!

I wanna recover all my old songs on cassettes cos most of my cassettes already moldened and can't work well off the speaker...cos yeah it's analog-wise rather than digital -wise...last time i din think so much about having cassettes...partly oso bcos my limited pocket money (pirated was not tht trend those days)...i got about few hundreds cass. collection hehe!imagine i have to digitalise all of them,let's say 70 min. on average per cass.,take 200 cass. times 70min = 14 000 min................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so i decided to save up my energy on other meaningful things or juz search those old songs on internet....or what most juz give up lah!

I wanna revivify few of my those days fav. like
~Cher's collections
~Madonna's (old ones like Bedtime Stories,Immaculate Collection,Music,Ray of light.......more)'
~Texas-The Hush
~Billie Piper
~Gary Barlow
~Spice Girls
~Take That
~The Moffats
~Ayumi Hamasaki(Love appear)
~Sheryl Crow
~Alanis Morissette
~Tori Amos
~S Club 7
~Atomic Kittens
~All Saints
~Mandy Moore
~......................many more cos some i even forgot tht i used to have...have to re-explore my store room T_T

some of the artists has already 'extinct' and no more existing but they still alive jz tht they dun sing anymore like Cher,Tori Amos....i got plenty more but most of the artist i doubt u all will know them hehe! cos quite rarely listened by ppl here and old enough oso!!!imagin i listened to those Madonna thingy since primary haha!....i'm Hung up....i'm Hung up on you!!!!

People if u got the old CDs of those artist i mention above pls lend me can?miss them so bad!

Sunday, December 11, 2005


If you ask me what kind of flower doesnt't wither and fade?...I'll say the plastic flower!
Do you think there are eternity in them?...yes certainly they are non-biodegradable but of course they'll still collecting dusts and colour fades...ppl are greed for new things and sure they'll get fed up of it!

This is a metaphor for those fake a** out there and those people think that they are very beautiful as if beauty never fades!wake up and look at it urself!do u feel comfortable in mask?

C'mon,take that off and be the real 'you'...u can't hide from my eyes!

Sooner or later...u'll realise how bad things are...

Be yourself and live for ur own


Found some 'useful' German colloquialisms which u may find it 'helpful'

arschloch - bastard
bekloppt - crazy
bescheuert - crazy/daft
besoffen - pissed/smashed
blodsinn - nonsense
doof - stupid
du spinnst wohl! - u're out of ur mind
mist! - shit!
sauer - pissed off
schei'B'e! - shit!
schnauze! - shut ur mouth!
schwachkopf - idiot
schwul - gay
verdammt noch mal! - bloody hell!

Warning : try it at ur own risk!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Phew...finally finished my drama-watching spree on "Devil Beside You"
Starring : He Jun Xiang,Rainie Yang,Wang Chuan Yi,Chai Pei Lin,Yuki and more

I watched for 2 days 2 nights non-stop from dusk 'till dawn!!!

Movies I wanna watch for next few weeks are:
1.AEON Flux
2.The Chronicle of Narnia
3.King Kong
4.Pride and Prejudice
5.Perhaps Love
6."Cheng" Din Dai Seng (comedy version of err...Journey To The West)
7.The Promise(Mou Kei)

One day watch 2 of them might be able to finish faster!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


What do you think is the most horrible thing that happens?
Bump into ghost?Severely injured? you ever think of people's heart/attitude changing so fast is the most horrible and unacceptable thing?Imagine you and your friend are laughing the way out/chillin' hangin' every moment,everthing seems fun and fine but the next day your friend become a stranger to you for no reason?Obviously you sense something wrong but of course how would you know what went wrong?Your fault or friend's fault?You don't dare to confront your friend because you really don't know what the hell is going on...your friend neglected you and treated you like none of his/her business.You try to make fun again but you get cold shoulder...thousands of ????? floating in mind arousing you!Your friend still act no response like nothing happened...what do your friend thinks?What your friend up to?Is your friend feeling guilty for something he/she might afraid you'll know sooner later or there's some misunderstanding???How you gonna face your friend because you have to face your friend almost everyday in school...can't pretend you don't know your friend!!!To smile or to be cold at your friend?What if you smile at your friend yet you get ignorance?If you act cool you might afraid your friendship will deteriorate faster...even you take the initial to chat with your friend online,your friend most probably muddle through the conversation and call it off a day...from that you'll never ever chat with your friend online again because you are sentenced to your friend's block list...or maybe better you are not there just that your friend don't give a damn to your words.......hmm......well,you think this kind of friendship worth to be continued???Your friend treats you like fool but then you still try your best to retrieve your torn friendship?Think it worth to do that?Imagine it's not your fault...your friend doesn't worth for trust and there are plenty people more around you that really care about you!Prove your friend everyday and act as nothing happened just as usual so that your friend won't think you care about this friendship afterall your friend is the one who ditched it!Life goes on and live like your own...sooner or later your friend will regret about it and blame him/herself for didn't cherish that case you will be laughing in return and possibly just ignore it!Afterall,this friendship is so fragile.....(you may give chance of appeal to your friend if you think it needs so~) Cheer up,life doesn't end here~!

what went wrong?

Sunday, December 04, 2005


After so many incidents happen in Malaysia's police force i'm so disappointed and again lost confidence on them(although i dun usually trust them since after that bad incident happened to my family.)

Our respectable and trustable Royal Malaysia Police(BM: Police Di-Raja Malaysia)

Their flaws are:
1. Not respecting the human rights
2. Gone beyone the Police Power(abusing of power)
3. Corrupted
4. Bribery
5. Lack of efficiency and not 'citizen-friendly'
6. __________ fill in the blank urself.

I'm sure all Malaysian knows what i'm talking about.It is a long-known problem that existing since dunno when.

Polis,please show Malaysians and also foreigners that Malaysia really 'boleh'.Be practical on your actions.Talk is cheap.


Dewa-Pupus(Bahasa Indonesia)...Malaysian should can understand too cos quite a simple lyric

Aku tak mengerti
Apa yang ku rasa
Rindu yang tak pernah
Begitu hebatnya
Aku mencintaimu lebih dari yang kau tahu
Meski kau tak'kan pernah tahu

Aku persembahkan hidupku untukmu
Telah kurelakan hatiku padamu
Namun kau masih bisu
Diam seribu bahasa
Dan hati kecilku bicara(BM:ber-kata/cakap)

Baru ku sadari(BM:sedari)
Cintaku bertepuk sebelah tangan
Kau buat remuk seluruh hatiku

Semoga waktu akan mengilhami
sisi hatimu yang beku
Semoga akan datang keajaiban
Hingga akhirnya kau pun mau

Aku mencintaimu
Lebih dari yang kau tahu
Meski kau tak'kan pernah tahu


wahh...1 month of holiday so long and boring.No place to go though...bcos...haiz 'tight pocket' lah!Been spending too much.Parent also dun hav any travel plan nor me myself.My JB frenz all busying with their STPM short sampling(Biology)...for the whole long break.omg!and then if Charles migrate to NZ too oh gosh...i got no more cheung k partner in JB anymore!damn!

Now the think i can do is to finish all my books i bought from Borders last month.Gosh i think about 10 over i bought in short...too greedy! can't party but being nerdy and hommie...sobz!

Clubbing plan failed...dunno what happened to Isti,Steph,Kei,Emily...all of them...after exam all so busy dunno for wat...said wanna contact me oso dun hav...ask me to come back next week for god i'm already in JB by this time...lazy to go back lah!haha!wat bout X'mas or New Year Eve countdown?hehe!

Friday, December 02, 2005

1st sem over...

She was busy in SMS-ing to 'H'

Khim May without spec in Subang Parade

Well,juz finished my 1st sem. exam in be honest i'm not looking forward to my result afterall...the same old saying goes "this is neither AS or A2...relax lah"...quite i showed only like 20% of effort for this exam.cos i din study almost at all...last week went shopping wif parent cos they came up and then following days are like sleeping all the day study for only 2 hours per day...or else went to Vinodh's room do nothing instead of well ahem STUDY!so reluctant to begin all the study the first thing to say is i done sux in math paper...eventhough the easiest Statistics paper i oso like mistakes here and there.I think habis lah,all marks deducted...pure math is nothing better oso...blank out here and there!Well,like i blardy's not AS or A2 lah!Econs...hmm MCQ sux like hell...i din see any harder MCQ in this world exp for Econs...Y?Beats me!Law err...i actually ok with tht since i understand the topics juz that i dun hav enuff time to write out all mhy points...wahhhh....imagine lah 3 essays in 1 and 1/2 hours....1 essay half an hour...1 essay average must got 2 and a half pages...sicko holy shits...unless i got robot's hand...or else i'll screw up the Cambridge Exam. Board for giving such a 'challenging' format....juz wait n see!!!!

Finished exam...a bit happy...but damn tiring cos yeah gotta move to new hostel consuming...i moved all the thigs yesterday until midnite need to beg for the guard to let me in and out!!!But quite satisfy wif my current room cos larger and cleaner and cooler and hey it's facing laggon view and the main gate haha!!!

Went Redbox and Subang Parade wif K.May and Jess today,sang until my throat went dry and a bit tiring too...after we came back college haha 'forced' them to help me to move my remaining stuff like broom,bolster,flowerish blanket,mop...haha all those embarassing stuff lah!no wonder ppl keep one throwing strange expression on us...'hey as if ur hse got no broom and mop?no bolster and blanket?...'

Hereby to thx so many ppl that helped me to move my things like Dominic(provided car),Vinodh(ur big Adidas baggage and thx for teaching me the way to kick all the luggage down the stairs until my boxfile cracked),Jessica(thx for tht cacat squarish luggage,Vit. Cs and ur help on carrying my embarassing stuff),Khim May(thx for carrying my embarassing stuffs too...and cost u so much sweats),Susan(thx for err...moving some of my smaller things)...without u all omg i'll be die of exhausted and muscle ache...and ended up in hospital for my precious holiday.

My motto today is:1st sem is nothing,buck up for next and following sem on AS and A2!

I'm not guilty bcos i can't get good result k?if i want to get good result i scare i will hurt so many ppl...haha!

Friday, November 25, 2005


Title: I Don't Believe Poet: Eve

I used to believe there wa so much inside me
That was bursting to come out
To see the world

I used to believe that i could make a difference
To someone

I used to believe that someone would appreciate me
The way I would appreciate her
That what was inside of me would shine
The way others shined on me

I used to think that I could start anew
A clean slate
Wherever I went
Far away where no one knew me and my past

I used to think I could create a new face
And that people could see past it
And look inside my heart my mind

I tried so hard to be someone else
To be the people around me and always failed
But yet being myself will never be enough

I will never shine
Just being me


Title:Depression Poet:Shannon

When I sit at home
Staring out the pouring rain
Wishing I was in Rome
Enduring all the pain

I feel my heart beat
And I feel myself bleed inside
My tears start flowing
Like a river running

Outside I am a happy child
Because I have on a fake smile
While inside I am cold
And I weep a mile

As I stare out the window
Tears of sorrow ; continue to flow
My heart continues break
As the wooden floor continues to creak

I feel messep up
I am depressed
Everything as i knew
Has vanished like dew

As days pass
My depression ceases
As I know God Almighty
Who brought me out
Will show me
How to live life to the fullest


Title:Stronger Poet:Loneranger(Tristan)

Round and round
Bouncing up and down
Life's incomplete without rain and storm

Who says life must live to the fullest?
My life goes on even if it's the dullest
No one can ever tells that's senseless

As I flip through the paper
The world is changing like ever
So as the heart of people

My life is in my own hand
It's not simply by a magic wand
Destined and determined by my own strength

Thank those that ditched my effort
As time passes I'm wiser and blessed
Without your doubts my life is empty like desert

You,he,she,they,you all know who you are

I can prove you wrong
As now I'm still standing strong
Humming the glory's song...


Title:Over Poet:Loneranger(Tristan)

It is over
Things become clearer

Learn to accept
All the debt
That you made

Don't take for granted
All you wanted
Don't really needed

Take things easy
Or else you'll be sorry
Always there to angry

Friends are like weather
It changes whenever
One after another

Here they come,there they go;
Eternity is a nonsense
Forever is an illusion
Everlasting is a lie.

Whether it's a...joke or whatever,
You'll be end up as fool!!!

PS : Cherish people beside you before they changed their attitude towards you.Maybe you are right or maybe not but then learn to accept and face it!Time passes they'll know that you still the best!Cheer up! :) u r not alone....heartbreakers!

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Next week is the last week before my first ever semi-formal exam in my A level studies in SYUC.Godness!I'm so nervous though i din show any effort to work harder :p....i'm juz not gud at memorizing those err...y'know like law or econ.My gosh!If u look at the workloads of those law thingy tht require to squeeze into ur little tiny brain.Bet u'll be quite surprise.Every topic is a must for memorizing jobs...neither one can be excluded!Imagine i got around 10 over topics in my pocket!Well...bless nothing but juz bless me tht i can finish inserting all those law principles,cases,acts and codes into my wateva part of my brain...i'm not expect for A or what juz don't let my result look bad tht i can't bear to even take a single look k?Econ?hmm...all i know 'till this moment,it's all bout graphs...vertical/horizontal...relations...costs...demand/supply...wateva i don't give a blardy damn!How i wish there r others subject to take up better than 2 of these in SYUC....GP?er...possibility of failing= 100/100 = 1(absolute failing).I can't write 'beautiful/flowerish' English grammatical skill sux most da time...i don't think much when writing the 800 words essay juz shoot wateva comes to my mind err..without even bother to pause!If force to think well maybe 800 words in 1 1/2 hrs for me is totally absudity.Betcha know tht too Ms Joy~

Went to Borders twice this week.8 books in my list now.Too bad my wallet and saving acct. recently on 'diet' or well if u call tht kinda rationing or other terms well it's da same~.Means?No money.Grand total for 8 of those books = RM400...but my budget cruel hav to cut down half of it to RM200...T_T hope for some sponsorship or subsidies...anyone?pls contact Mr Ng at 012-7XXXXXX or email personally.

Watched 'Exorcism of Emily Rose'...well,i thought it's kinda horror movie but i'm wrong.It's all bout law trial of kinda mysterious and arguable case.A controversial between whether the law should accept facts or religious/hidden powers?2 hrs long of watching,u can say it's ~*yawning* or interesting due to the issues and arguements tht goin on!up 2 u to decide...but for me prob. i'll give it a thumb up.I like it!(although it's revolvong around the ahem *cough* "LAW" but it's quite interesting when u saw sumthin u learned on book actually happened in the movie...)...u'll learn tht things tht other ppl won't cos they don't noe bout law principles and rules.the jury,the trial,the procedure,the evidence,leading question by attorney and many other law terms...(well for tht movie,the jury actually found the defendant guilty but the last decision falls on the judge and the judge acquitted the priest...),i won't say i totally agree with the judge since there r some absurdity elements like hidden powers,monstrous,satanist....which more than juz facts!At least it left some space for me to think deeper and over...nice!

I watched "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire" as well on today FINALLY,cos telebooking can't seems to workout for tht movie and crowds are seen in every cinema for HP...ppl around juz mad over it!!!But for those HP fans out there should then knew wat the story earlier cos the book came first.And the movie is also da same CG tht did all of the settings.Nothing surprising for the whole movie...juz feel bad tht Cedric died and Van Dermolf alive...juz wait for the next movie to come out(The Order of Phoenix) correct me if i'm wrong...i'm not a hardcore HP novels fan.

Friday, November 11, 2005

amber chia leh!

Today went to 'Tough' outfit at Times Square and then saw Malaysia's Super Model Amber Chia...beside me!So happy.She is so tall and pretty!She speaks Cantonese!She's sooooo nice and glamour!Can't believe she just stand beside me.And that time the whole shop only got me and her only excluding their staff...2 customers!!!!!Ahhh damn lucky...unfortunately din take picture at all!damn!

Today nearly got my handphone cheated by some conman in KLCC...luckily i'm wiser now and know how to handle after that incident after Form 3!!!hehe!

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Yesterday went to Singapore with Charles and Felicia aka Kengpo...actually the weather wasn't that good and so it's comfortable to bury inside my blanket.But then i'm so wanted badly to go it's like no other way gotta woke up damn early to rush to custom to meet them.We reach there at 10 something then went to Ang Mo Kio first cos CY wanna service his MP3 player...and then after that we headed to Orchard Rd. then went to Takashimaya for lunch in Yoshinoya...KP said wanna buy her present then we bought her a pair of Disney's animation character tees from Giordano.phhewww...finally-_-!

Aha!then as usual we sure went to Heeren cos my fav. HMV is there,i'd been wandering aound the Jpop section for about 1 and half hours...haha!Try out few CD there but quite disppointed esp. Zone's and Day After Tomorrow ...not what i'd been expected.So i din buy both.I just bought ...thought of buying the other 10 yrs of singles too but convert to RM it's like not that worth cos here only selling like Rm56...but Sg selling SGD 29 x 2.215(the rate yesterday) in conclusion = buy here better...then again went to Action City and sapu many funny decorative things back lah...waste of money heheZ!

Been looking for the only Popular at Orchard Rd but i think it has closed down cos last time it was below the SIngtel's Hello! building but now it is nowhere to be seen!!!....then just went to the nearest Kinokuniya at Takashimaya...omg the book price there damn expensive like hell compare to Msia.for example by Catherine Elliot and Francis Quinn i bought at Sunway bookstore only about Rm68 but Kinokuniya Takashimaya selling for SGD 64.90....x 2.215 and see how much difference.Too much lah.I ended up buying a small little pocket sized book.SO disappointed cos i still thought of buying a few books back included GP book lah!

After Orchard trip we went all the way to East Coast dunno for what lah!Went so far until Downtown East and East Coast only for Cycling along East Coast(CY...ur brilliant suggestion)...i was like bathing in mud after finish cycling cos splashed by muddy water.Plus sweaty and wet(raining~drizzling btw!) suffering more!We cycled for about an hour and about few km...then all of us so sluggish and sweaty went to take MRT and slept inside haha!cos gotta from East Coast to City Hall convert to Kranji...whole journey about 45 minutes...imagine how far it is.Nad finally when we reached Kranji took off 170 still thought of can take a forty wink inside the bus but then we met the terrible as usual traffic jam.OHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...alight the bus at the middle of the road to a deserted Woodland Rd....practically not far from Kranji station walk alllllllllllllll the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to Checkpoint(i think about 3-4 km)....dragging our tiredness to the custom...then after passed the custom so lazy to wait for bus decided to (again) walk all the way across couseway to JB City Square...ohhh my god by the time i reached CS i'm melted and strength at all...then gotta took JB's bus to Century Garden(granpa hse) to meet my parents there........................i hate JB's bus.

fyi : i reached my granpa hse at 10 total my whole trip was 14 hours!!!!so damn dead meat!but really happy and fun...i wanna go East Coast for cycling again!!!So nice!!! :)

ps. i won't be blogging so often for this month cos my exam falls on the end of this month...gotta buck up to study.So will be coming back frequently on the early of December!!!!Good luck!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Yesterday went to NEWAY and WAtch movie...hmm...yeah out of sudden i'm stuck on my voice half way through singing!Dunno y it's like i'm choked for 1/2 an hour...totally can't speak!or maybe bcos i'm using too much of vocal strength?I dunno?

Watched 'Corpse Bride' comment is don't watch it unless u prepare pillow and blanket for urself inside cinema.Luckily,the entire show eats up only like 1 and 25 minutes(short...)but it is enough to put u to sleep,believe me!It's more like a stage music show than a formal movie style.Nothing impressive and so-so story line.Kids might be enjoying but not for adult(those that would prefer action movie,extreme story line and setting,u may be disappointed!).Well,i really disappointed after the show.It's just another case of wasting of money.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Songs i'm currently listening to :

1. Do As Infinity - Hiiragi/Buranko
2. Day After Tomorrow - Lost Angel/Neverland
3. Zone - Secret Base ~Kimi ga kureta mono~
4. Orange Range - Hana
5. X Japan - Tears
6. L'arc-en-ciel - Spirit Dream Inside
7. Tomiko Van - Again
8. Ayumi Hamasaki - Heaven/Will
9. Koda Kumi - Cutie Honey
10.Ai Otsuka - Momo no hanabira/Planetarium

Albums that i wanna buy :

1. Zone - Zone E A-side complete singles collection
2. Globe - 10 years of singles collection
3. Globe - Globe2 pop/rock
4. L'arc-en-ciel - Awake
5. Day after tomorrow - Complete Best Singles Collection
6. Do As Infinity - New World (live performance collection) <<<<< the only DAI album i missed out...excluding the latest farewell album 'Do The A-side'(since i got most of the song inside so i won't buy this!)
but so sad they'd gone T_T


Well, my friend had complained that i'm using to many of vulgarity in my journals and asked me not to mention the name of the particular person involved directly!
I will try to reduce the using of vulgar words in future as i wanna be a more 'cultured' person and i won't point out a person's name directly and 'vulgarize' them.I'm so sorry hereby if i really make people felt uncomfortable after reading my journals.Sorry for a million!I mean nothing,everything juz came out of fun and i don't expect too much.So,don't take it too serious k?I'm just sumtimes too boring got nothing to do!

But this i gotta say that blogging is the only way for me to voice up.But i have a rule for myself which is after i finished a posting i'll just 'let bygones be bygones'(for unhappy incident) and try not to take it to heart.It is very straight forward.Maybe sometimes i won't mention it in front of people but sure i will mention in my blog and then commented on it but that doesn't means that i'm a backstabber or 2 faced.This can be very subjective as if you really understand my purpose of blogging.Expressing innerself...voice out...speak straight....for? only!I'm not intend to publicize it for everyone scrutiny.Well most of the time i know those 'regular' visitor are people whom such as XXX(can't mention name here),spammers,'unintended' visitors,few less than 5 of my pals.That's it,I won't promote this blog for the time being as yeah! again i won't repeat my objective and purpose for this blog...scroll back and read thoroughly again if really wanna know!


Monday, October 31, 2005

honestly tell me that it's over......

Today i realise one thing that i'm not really please with.It is something i discovered few days ago which is i think most of my favourite music bands will ended up disband.Here's some of them which had already disbanded:

1. Spice Girls (my fav. during primary sch. b4 i go into J Pop)
2.Atomic Kitten (after the era of Spice Girls...i switch to their substitution(which claimed to be).)
3.Speed (my fav. J Pop girl band that disbanded on their career optimum period...last only 1335 days.
4.Zone (I knew them through some of the Chinese Pop Songs cos Comic Boys and Karen Mok sang their song
in Mandarin version cover)
5.Day After Tommorrow(J Rock band that sounds similar to Zone...i luv them since dunno when from Anime
theme songs they sang.)
6.Do As Infinity (my fav. J-rock band:started to like their musics since after the Japanese drama 'Love 2000'
theme song which sang by them...'Yesterday & Today'...which is a popular song at tht
time...tht's their dunno 2nd or 3rd single...4got)

:::I was so shocked when the time i heard them gonna disband...tamparan demi tamparan!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

bang bang bang.......

Just to give a boring shot...

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Today i am so sad and shock!As i just knew that my favourite J-Rock band Do As Infinity aka D.A.I.had already disband and i knew it from Singapore Channel 'U' commercial that advertising their last album 'Do The A-side'best of collection hits! T_T so moody now!

Here are some facts about them:

From top to bottom: Tomiko Van,Ryo Owatari,Nagao Dai

Van Tomiko:
Vocal and Words
Date Of Birth: 1979.1.9
Birthplace: Kumamoto Prefecture
Size: T)163cm
Favorite Artists: Tina Turner, Soul II Soul, TLC

Ryo Owatari:
E.Guitar, A.Guitar and Chorus
Date Of Birth: 1971.4.4
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture
Size: T)180cm W)64kg
Favorite Artists: Jimi Hendrix, RADIO HEAD

Nagao Dai:
Composer, E.Guitar, A.Guitar and Programming
Date Of Birth: 1971.3.28
Birthplace: Chiba Prefecture
Size: T)182cm W)70kg
Favorite Artists: Led Zeppelin, AEROSMITH, Natalie Imbruglia

History of the band:

Before there was Do As Infinity, there was only Nagao Dai. In his early days as a musician, Dai was a composer for an amateur band. One thing leads to another, and that band disbanded. Keeping his dream alive, Dai kept on composing songs and he sent them to more than 50 record companies in Japan.

Everything changed when Dai found AVEX, who hired him as a composer. He was immediately given a task to compose songs for Ayumi Hamasaki and Hitomi. But he never forgot his one dream: to have his own band.

AVEX gave him a chance to make his dream come true. Auditions were held, and he chose Van Tomiko as lead singer, and Ryo Owatari as guitarist. On September 29th, 1999, the trio released their first single Tangerine Dream, and held a live concert at the Shibuya.

After a few years, several singles and albums, along with video collections and recorded live concerts, Do As Infinity is still going strong. Although Nagao Dai isn’t as active as he was in the beginning (he doesn’t participate in promotional events anymore, such as video clips or photo shoots) he is still the main composer and the brain behind the band. He does, though, appear in concerts from time to time.



Break of Dawn
New World
Deep Forest
Do The Best
True Song
Do The Live
Do Th B-side(the unreleased B-side hits collection)


Tangerine Dream
Yesterday & Today
Rumble Fish
We Are
Tooku Made
Fukai Mori
Boukensha Tachi
Hi no Ataru Sakamichi
Under the Sun
Shinjitsu no Uta
Manou no Kotoba
Honjitsu wa Seiten Nari


9 video compilation
5 video compilation
Tooku Made special DVD
Deep Forest Tour 2001 LIVE


Summer Days

ps:they did composed a couple of songs for Ayumi such as one of my favourite ballad hit 'End Roll'...Shino Lam 'Wa Wa Oi Tin Ha'(Doll loves the world)which is the cantonese rock version!!!

Note: 'End Roll' is embedded in my blog song playlist.You can here it from there!

>>>>>>End of the legend of D.A.I. as eternity....<<<<<<<<<

More info on :

Friday, October 28, 2005


1. Classical Guitar

2. Violin

Both these had already kaput and cumulating dust at the corner of my room but still got no chance to actually learn that PROPERLY(i mean with Grade,ABRSM all those kinda formal test one lah!)...I still thought of learning it after my SPM but then too busy working totally dun hav the time for it!!!Now i regret and think of learning it now but i can only choose one out of the 2?Which should i choose!OMG!...there it goes!

Btw,my little keyboard and organ also covered by thick dust already...!Time flies...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

one more addiction...

"Class,when was the last time you ever read a book completely?What book was it?Please write down the author's name and book title..."Ms Joy.

I was like wtf i can't even bring myself to finish the entire newspaper,not to say the 'book'.

Imagine in my whole life I was like only manage to finish the 'Princess Huan Zhu(Pearl Princess)' series of novels by the infamous senior Chinese drama writer 'Qiong Yao'(she mostly write sad love story...crying...sobbing...parting...all those cry-to-the-heaven-till-ur-lung-out stereotype lah!).

Tell you what,Qiong Yao's writings are mostly appeal to girls because the plot are like dragging as slow as possible to squeeze in as much as crying scene...can you imagine how much tears those actors gotta produce?

And i'm not actually too ashame about that afterall reading is 'GOOD' for your own knowledge...that's the universal theory!Like i blardy care!

But since the books are all in Chinese,that means not counted...cos she was asking us(understood-ly) about Englsh writings!

I gotta blardy squeeze my mind and think of the English book that i finish reading completely,bcos for me last time was like I totally isolated from English writing pieces!Then now I even have think so long to come out with this desperate and yeah!pathetic...too late to realise that *sobz*

Reminisce back to my English books collection,i got my first Harry Potter *Dictionary Sized* The Order Of The Phoenix but too bad whenever I see the thickness it puts me off...god dammit I rather read the dictionary!~But then y did i bought?~Cos that time got promotion selling at cheap price...not my cup of tea...prefer the movie...straight forward!Like me :p...actually i din mean to buy that book but i'd seen many of them after these Jk Rowling series,i'm juz purely following the Harry Potter trend -_-!

And then I got a extremely simplified 'Kids'Bible Story with me which i bought along wif the HP.The wordings are big and language is easy enough to understand(at least for my standard lah!).But then too but i stopped reading for unknown reason,dunno y?And is like so embarassing if u read this in public.I mean how will people look at u when an adult face is reading a 'Kid's' story book?Can't be kidding...

After that,i came to KL started to magnetize by BORDERS and KINOKUNIYA...

My collections:Memoirs of a Geisha,Geisha of Gion,Kiss the Girl,The Truth About Globalization,Blood and Oil,American Dream Global Nightmare,Why Do People Hates American?,Short Intro. on The Cold War,A People A Nation(History and Development of the United States)....omg but most of it are lying calmly on my book shelf that i almost forgot i got it...some even left unwrapped haha!

Too bad i got too little time to read all those,i can't persist to read on eventhough i forced myself to do so...some are juz not my cuppa tea or really puts me to a good night sleep!god dammit!haha!

I confess that i gotta fetish on 'buying' books but does not means that i'll read it...that's the peculiar thing that i'm felt so annoying!I really wanna read c'mon and i like to read but just dunno y....maybe i'm to lazy to read and care about those!jz a waste of money at the end....tee hee!!!But hey!i can't stay on it too long,i gotta force myself or at least give this a good try...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Almost die...

Yesterday we went to celebrate bday for godma at U Lek,Cheras...We settled down at a wellknown steamboat eatery which full packed with people!!!The amount of tables really astonishing!!!

While we were enjoying our 'perspiring and sweating' tomyam/herbal duo soup base...suddenly the table of peoples that facing me all stood up and ran away from there panickedly!By that time i'm still wondering what happen without sense of 'endangerity'...My relatives are worse they din even bother until i shouted them to stand up and leave the table(can't believe they were still eating...enjoyingly!)....bcos i saw there's a fire burning the table napkin of the next few table and it was quite an aggresive flame!Everybody ran for their lives!.....i can't imagine the consequences cos there are so many gas stove there(of cos steamboat mah!)...what if the fire touched the gas stove chamber and then by one...chain eaction!!!All of us will..........choi,tai ka lai sie!touch wood!really shocked but after that still continued to eat hehe...cos someone immediately put off the fire!hoosay!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Ticket bought...

Yay,bought the bus ticket back to JB edi!It's next Friday!After class straight rush to Puduraya then head back to my hommie JOHOR BAHRU....1 week...enuff lah! :)

Friday, October 21, 2005


Ayumi new haircolour(after 'blonding' for quite some years'finally shaded back her hair and become more mature and womanly)....but time is cruel...i can spot some wrinkles around the areas of her eye!

Btw,for this two pics are something about the launching of new MP3 players by Panasonic...For your information,she's da spokeswoman for Panasonic in Japan for about half a decade!

Watch out,Ayu's latest duo 'Bold & Delicious/Pride' and her new album will be scheduled to be out respectively on Nov 30th and Jan 1st !!!!!!!

A tribute to our beloved late-first lady...

~In Memory of...Datin Seri Endon Mahmood~


Rest In Peace

"Wajahmu Yang Kita Ingati,Jasamu Yang Kita Kenangi"

Thursday, October 20, 2005


First of all i wanna send my condolence to our Prime Minister 'Pak Lah' upon the departure of our beloved and recspectable First Lady Datin Endon Mahmood.Let's mourn for 1 minutes................

Well,Last few days still heard that the late Datin Endon is on healing and recovering but who konws suddenly this morning heard this bad news!Really very sad,no wonder today the sky so gloomy and raining for the whole day...heaven is crying for her as she was just 64 years old when she died!Her contribution to charity works and promoting Batik are something that really impress me...Rest In Peace...!


Yahoo Malaysia News:

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's wife, Endon Mahmood, died Thursday after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 64.
Official news agency Bernama quoted Abdullah as saying his wife died at 7:55 a.m. at his official residence in Putrajaya, the federal administrative capital.
Their son, Kamaludin, told reporters that family members were at her side when she passed away.
"My mother died peacefully. She managed to meet all the family members before passing away," he said.
On his father, Abdullah, he said, "He is coping as well as can be."
Abdullah and Endon were married on Sept. 4, 1965. Abdullah often called Endon his "number one supporter."
Endon was an influential figure in Abdullah's life and was instrumental in persuading him to seek the premiership. Abdullah, 65, became prime minister in October 2003.
Without his pillar of support, there were concerns that Abdullah may not be able to carry on his duty as before but Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak gave assurances that such would not be the case.
"He is very calm. He is very religious. He has come to terms with it," he said.
Endon discovered she had breast cancer after her twin sister Noraini was diagnosed with the ailment in early 2003. Noraini died a year later.
Endon had since made regular trips to the United States for chemotherapy treatment.
She came back from treatment in Los Angeles early this month after spending about three months there. She was hospitalized upon her return and was discharged Monday.
Her death was mourned by the whole nation. Thousands braved the rain to pay their respects at the sprawling hilltop official residence of the prime minister.
Parliament was adjourned until Monday. All government events were cancelled and local television stations broadcast prayers.
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsieng Loong and Thai Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai were among foreign dignitaries from the region attending the funeral.
Endon was buried in Putrajaya Muslim cemetery according to Muslim rites.
Endon and Abdullah also have a daughter, Nori, and four grandchildren. Endon's mother, a Japanese who converted to Islam when she married Endon's father and now goes by her Muslim name Mariam Abdullah, was with her when she passed away.


Today went to Borders thought of wanna buy but they don't have stock so i bought the other books about 'Geisha' too but is an biography of a former Geisha called Gion...but still i wanna buy ,if not i can't rest in peace,so i headed to Kinokuniya and guess what there have plenty or excessive amount of stock available omg!So happy that i make the decision to come to KLCC!!!Bought that without hesitating anymore!So happy then went to KL Sentral met up my sis then went to Serdang to take her car then again went to Sg Wang with her and Sue to met up my sis fren to have dinner...darn tiring lah!I jz came back y'know?Whole day...hard day!but happy!still a bit upset because of our first lady had left the KL Sentral everybody had seen stopped down their rapid pace footsteps and standing in front of the TV screnn provided there to watch the live update of the funeral of the first sad to see that but i'm glad that the citizens at least showing off their concern and hope we will be more unite than before!Stand up Pak Lah!We are here for you!Never ever give up!

General Paper or IELTS?

Should stick to GP or change to English class?

So sick of GP now!

Heard tht the bus ticket to southern had already sold out for most of them!What a disastrous thing!My Deeparaya holiday gotta spend in KL/PJ...omg shit crazy...!

I think should take train or plane(but plane is too late edi i think cos should book the ticket earlier!) ah?how?

So terribly sick now...bad flu...sleepy!Still gotta stay up to finish my law assignment and study for the test tomorrow!So torturing(i mean by mentally aspect!)

God bless...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Memoirs of Geisha

I wanna watch this show so come it comes only on January...tht means nex year (Jan. 6 shown)!!!Hope pirated will comes out earlier :p....the movie poster is damn fucking nice man!feel like wanna steal one back home from those cinema!Zhang Zi Yi is very pretty in this show(only!!)...esp. her focus-less eye!emotion-less expression and that pair of killer-240V powered eyes!omg...the insensitive eyes really...dunno how to describe!speechless!melting my heart and killing me softly!!!is like she has something to say to me but coudn't bring it out...(am i too overreacted?)oops!

The synopsis of the story...(it's actually based on a novel)...i sure gotta buy that novel version!!!BORDERS here i come!!!


In the years before World War II, a penniless Japanese child is torn from her family to work as a maid in a geisha house. Despite a treacherous rival who nearly breaks her spirit, the girl blossoms into the legendary geisha Sayuri (Ziyi Zhang). Beautiful and accomplished, Sayuri captivates the most powerful men of her day, but is haunted by her secret love for the one man who is out of her reach (Ken Watanabe).

Based on the internationally acclaimed novel by Arthur Golden.(voila!that's it!!!)


i din write much for this week cos busy with tonnes of tutorials and assignments!Moreover i'm fuckingly sick due to the capriciousness of the weatherman!Running nose,dizzy and coughing...u name it all!My eyelid so heavy once running nose!fuck!if i ever take the so called 'flu-curing pill'...aka sleeping pill(stupid hypnotized effect lah!)...i will be doomed for the whole week!curse!


i need oil(or maybe petrol!!)so much for this few weeks...cos i'm burning the midnight oil so often now that i think it'll consume more than a car...


and i keep seeing something 'horrible' flashing at the corner of my room!!!why????what's that???is it because the exam is 'around the corner'?

Monday, October 17, 2005


Due to the workload of my assignments and tutorials(damn!).So guessed i'll be lazy to write a long journal...instead I summarize it and shade unwanted words(bull shitting or crapping no more!)'s a new facelift for.....>today only lah!

Last Friday 14/10 : Went Sg Wang with Susan > Susan buy her Samsung E630 in Low Yat for RM 790(FMG set) > me then bought my Samsung D500 at Sg Wang Alcatel Booth(facing main door) at RM 1150(AP tranceiver/Orig. Accessories) :) > Eat Ice 'loh' > take LRT back to Kelana Jaya then take 900 B bus > went to eat at Jaafar > reached hostel >>>conclusion: damn tiring but happy...

Last Saturday 15/10 : Sat for Msian Studies(all asking stupid questions...) > went to pyramid > went to Times Square,Sg Wang(again!) > eat Delifrance alone but damn nice!!!Cheezie n creamy seafood... > Eat Long John Silver(not full hehe!) > wait bus...the 1/2 evil 62 to Minang > wait for papa about 1 hr >hot weather but stomach ache > reached papa home met with my parents >>>conclusion: damn hot almost dehydrate but happy...

Sunday(today) 16/10 : go Chey Ling's hse > eat > aunt's hse > eat > went Ikea/Ikano > eat > blogging > ...assignment > sleep?maybe... >>>damn tiring and sienz...assignment almost makes me gone mad!!!

Friday, October 14, 2005


''...You Drive me crazy...I just cant sleep...I’m so excited, I’m in to deep...Ohh...Crazy, But it feels alright...Baby, thinkin of you keeps me up all night...''.............*as the volume fading*

That's rite!This partial lyric (Britney's 'Crazy'...wonder if y'all still remember this when she still an innocent little girl-next-door...)really reflects my situation now.Why?Let me elaborate...

1."You Drive me Crazy" --- very obvious the essence of the whole lyric which means is the
current status of mine...(but still not as worse as those people in
the 'cuckoo nest') *giggling*

2."I just cant sleep..." --- yea,i just cant sleep without finishing my bloody law assignments
,but the problem is i felt like wanna sleep when doing it.What a
paradox scene!Well,all i can said is,'this is life man...'screw it up!

3."I'm so excited,i'm in too deep..." --- hmm...i'm really in too deep when i'm doing my
assignment,thx to all my titbits around me...mostly over
enjoyed those foods and forgot about what should i do.I'll
get excited when i see chips,twisties,chocolates(fav!) and
whatever nice yummy things that can bite grouped
together and form a very majestic view..oohoooo!time to
gain weight!

4."crazy but it feels alright..." --- i'm crazy...driven crazy but i'll get better when daybreak...i'm
not a vampire.Cos when i saw the sun coming out,i'd a snese of
new beginning of life.I'm alive...

5."Baby,thinking of you keeps me up all night..." --- when think of my final for law,my test for
law,assignment for law and
everything regarding law...really can't put
me to sleep peace's like my mind is
battling with all these lar...maybe i need
Tony Buzan's help on 'mind mapping'...:p

In conclusion one word to describe my status: fuckingly 'crazy' ...

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Well,look at my time stamp NOW!YOu'll realise that i blogged this post at midnight or should i say early in the morning?Look at's 5:20 AM!!!

Why am i still awake at this hour?
Good question.#@^!@&!Holy Shit LAW assignments cum tests which will due this thursday(test) and friday(assignment)

What had I studied then for law so far?
Practically nothing at all.The Facts are my brain saturated,my body coordination system lagging(means--->lazy),my eyelid gaining weight dragging my upper eyelid down to shut off my eye ball(simplified---->sleepy),my 6th sense told me that i ain't gonna get good marks for my test 'today'....

Then how am i going to do during the test?
Well,sleep,looking up-down -left-right-every angles(bear in mind,it doesn't means that i'm goin to peep at answers then...)i rather die than 'dirtied' my dignity ok?...gosh what am i spouting here anyway! :p


God damn it!Really sleepy now ar...but look at the clock is already 5:30 point for me to'll makes me more tired in the 'morning'!...worse than worse caused me to overslept(hehe,how I wish i can do it...well,for the sake of MR RAJ...and most important my ATTENDANCE!...swallow it then...T-T)

As i say,i'm a GOOD student...the main criteria for a GOOD student is not to SKIP your class!!!aka ponteng kelas.

But look,damn sleepy and my mind is completely blank,so as during 'today's' test(predicted)...what's the point going for Law class then...wasting time rite?

hmm...let me think about it...few minutes more to counting down for eyelid semi-shutted...*yawning* body turning 'jelly' and aaaaaaaaa.............ZZzzZZzzZz
...............I slept.

shhh...let the heaven to decide everything...*snoring*


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

aegh...pure math test sux...

Haiz...yesterday whole day like no heart to study for pure math test...!Imagine Trigonometry foundation for it really sux man!cos form 5 Pn.Rosilah din finish the topic at all and then Pn. Lai juz cover few like totally forgot...Koshy's teaching?Haha...dun blame me,i can't concentrate in his class cos all the time i was sleeping in his class!Aiks...Trigo(seems no hope for me...),Circular Measure(Still can buck up...),Function(Can lah...but need to recall back a bit lazy to do tht lar...),Geometry Coordinate(Cukup makanlah...!) main prob. for Pure MAth always lies around those trigo. thingy!really dunno how lah!Next month is my 1st sem final is GP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week we gotta crazily rush for 4 assignments that due on Friday!!!Idiot!Then 2 test on Thursday in one short...for every week!!!Insane Jesus Holy Shitty!!!!All gotta thanks to the marvellous subjuct of all:'LAW'!!!Best subject in A level ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005


Recently,really many tragics happened in the Asia's region...the most significant is the 2nd terrorist bomb blast in the beautiful paradise 'Bali'...although this time the death toll is not as much as compare to the previous but look what is the most essential thing is that what are the effects that gonna bring to the citizens of Bali subsequently?Lose of jobs because of the lay off of the income through tourism market(who dare to go to Bali if this incident is expected to happen again?)...local vendors will suffer directly from this impact...localites live in fear and dread...debris and polis surveillance every here and there...blood and corpse scattering on the street...!When will the third attack comes?Nobody can tells that?...terrorists and hiding in the dark like err...rats...should i say they are as timid as rats in the other way?Personally i agree that they are worse than that...!What's wrong with Bali?It is in Asia...certainly or 'obviously' not the northern hemisphere part of the American continent...what does it do with the dictatorial 'yankees' government?It is under the government of the Republic of Indonesia...pls make it clear!!!Don't ruin a paradise...go and confront with the one that you 'really' and 'exactly' wanna target at...not here...get out!

And the 2nd tragedy is the India-Parkistan border great earth quake that brings about 20000-30000 casualties!!!We as Malaysian should be lucky yet be aware of it cos everything is possible to happen just like the Tsunami could struck our coastal on 2004/12/26 and cos innocent lives!!!That was not a temporary issue as i said we do not know what will happen to us as everything is possible to happen nowadays...Ministers out there don't just bring out the topic after the tragic had happened and make it a hot topic for just a period of time and then just ignore it after people started to forget about consistent and never give up on the precious lives of 'hoi pollois'...we did pay tax to you right?And use our taxes wisely...dun always misused it!!!If the same thing persist,i think all of you gotta say goodbye to your post and the Parliament next few years during the SPR...we are not foolish as we know what are happening inside...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

pyramid again...

Today went to pyramid with Susan...damn boring though...we actually went to Redbox...but ended up that i sang most...she like din even wanna touch the mic...kaw...damn sien sia!me alone singing...she yawning there said she very tired...and we are there about 3 hours...i sang 3 ours one short...almost lost my vocal...haiz...blame redbox dont hav more Korean songs...

Then spent whole day in Susan ask for PT and groceries...return to my hostel already like 9 something damn tiring!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

oh my god...

Hmm,how should i start my blog today...i'm actually having many things to say in my heart but juz can't think of any words to bring it out!hmm...err...well!Today actually thought that went out for movie with Jessica and Azrul's friend Hisham.First of all before we departed from our very Sunway University College we actually met Azrul and Vinodh at the foyer and asked them where they wanna go or maybe we can juz follow them lah!But they said they wanna lepaking,so kinda senseless and pathetic that's y me and Jess. just carry on our plan to either sing K or watch we took our
'effort' to walk to pyramid and then went to see the time slot for movie then,headed to Redbox to ask for any availability of room...but then Redbox gonna sing for like atleast 3 hours...and Azrul's friend will be joining us after kinda impossible...therefore juz went to fill up our stomach in Chicken Rice Shop -_-...while then...Azrul suddenly called us up and asked us where are we and i told him that we were at the movie floor...and he asked me who were with us and i told him that only Ms. Jessica...well...i think that's the reason for all of this!!!Continue to read on...then when Azrul finally met us up at C.R.S....he was like kinda listless and moody...i still dunno what happened(eventhough till now i'm still in confusing state...)...and meet up with his friend we then buy ticket for movie and then went to arcade...all the way he was showing his cold shoulder and kinda 'blacked' face which like the world had owed him 10000000 billions...all the unsatisfactions written on his face then i smell something fishy...but i'm not sure whether it is the same prob. as i think or not...but since haven't confirm with the problem...i kept a distance between Azrul and don't really dare to approach him cos he seems like so angry dunno for wat?aiseh...and then the whole situation suddenly changed to so awkward...cos normally we go out with Azrul he sure like act as the nutcracker...and laughing as loud as so abnormal!I can hardly figure what happened which i think Ms. Jessica will felt the same rite?Juz that she pretended dunno anything...hehe!*Jess. if u happened to sit in front of ur computer screen watching this post and sipping a cup of tea dun spurt it out* my 80% accurate sense...i can see that Azrul having crush on you...u seems to know that rite?Juz u dunno how to react,nvm,i can understand afterall u all been in the same class for so many month already...eventhough Susan also can tell that same similar feeling...she discover earlier than me and even asked Azrul but Azrul denied...(*smirk*)...oh well...well during fasting season is it consider taboo...buahahaha!!!anyhow,those that with sharp vision and eyes cn tell the same thing as us too lah!Now,the problem is how am i going to do?Azrul seems like unhappy with me?OMG...i mean intention is only out for fun and relax but ended up so tension and pressure....PEACE!I really hope Azrul can understand(if i'm guessed rite...!)...he really like a pot of vinegar(idiom direct translated from Chinese...),really can say it's 'astonishing'....i dunno whether to laugh or to mind is conflicting now!wuzzzzzzzzz!If so,then he really made a biggest misunderstanding on earth lah...y so work up?Got problem then say lah...we r friend mah!OMG...anything should be straightforward...dun hide!It is not good for everyone though...*sigh* desperate now...haha!This is roughly the plot of the funny,hilarious,interesting 'story' that happened juz few hours ago which really arousing me currently and also Ms. Jessica(the main role...)!!!lol!!!haiz...really wanna * shout out loud *...shout along with the bass,the drum,electric guitar,the scratch....go to a rock n roll party or clubbing...woohoo...yeah baby!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

finish presentation... relief that i actually finish the annoying presentation...but we done it sux...they said it was too lengthy...actually i think so too!but really i am doing all these hard copy,presentation,speech for all my mates which i think i did like 90%...and we finally gathered together for rehearsal today for only few minutes...which totally incoordinate at sad to say that!!!and well my group members overall quite satisfied with their performance just that i think they should've practice to talk b4 presenting...cos they r like dunno the pronounciation of many words and reading damn soft...even me felt like wanna sleep...not to say our fellow SPECTACULARS...hard on them i think...a bit disappointed...tht's it!

Today heard some really bad news that our Stat.(math) teacher gonna leave us next sem to teach the new intake students instead us...really disappointed till the deepest of valley...i mean we already use to the type of small class(5 person in our math class for A1)...but i think SYUC or MS See herself feels that really very hard to face juz 5 students which really in contrast to what her optimum level amount of students she had...sad lah...maybe she wanna feels the sense of achievement...i mean i can understand her feeling if i'm a teacher too...facing juz few mediocre students which can say to be a very pitiful...what to do...this is already a fact that our Statistics teacher cum Mentor(best mentor ever) gonna abandon us T.T....and our well known best mentor mentee session gotta comes to mentor no more one utama for mentor more mentor treated more pyramid lepaking...noooooooooo...and the worse thing is we gotta join S1 for Math....omg....really fuk up...S1(cos they r taking STat. too)...tht;s y...but i dun like huge class with many ppl...cos very hard to learn things like dat...cos their class has 20++ students already...if we joined i think i will be very quiet that dun ask many question...just swallow whatever problems unlike now...i'm free to ask question and doubts,free to do anything as we got only five of us in class and we r in same mentor mentee group wif the same mentor...who is our mentor next i very worry about...heard that s1 math teacher is not bad and quite friendly but can i prefer the old one? five of us got really no mood after stat class...follow up msian studies still gotta do presentation...more or less effected our performance(!)....well let's just hope everything will be fine next year...(well today actually we met some of s1 student in msian studies,we told them bout that and can see that they r not please and happy with it...makes me more worry...haiz...maybe they really good in academic...but dun be so proud...u would not noe what ur future gonna be...!)

today r moody and gloomy...but relief that pesentation over...omg tmr gotta hand in law assignment and Koshy's trigo. homeworks...die lar........!time give me more time!


Haha...yesterday i skipped my law class for 2 periods to attend the so called mentor mentee in One U. hehe...actually we are just purely 'ponteng' sekolah!so funny but real fun as we head to OU straight after finish our pure math at 11:30am,and that time OU was totally quiet unlike weekend...felt strange!

We went there for lepak and celebrate pre-fasting(puasa)...means the last lunch meal for Isti and Faiz(after tht gotta fasting for 1 month,poor muslims......went for THAI food actually...Johnny's... well,the food is not tht amazing IMO,taste ordinary and mediocre...but still i like THAI food i confess...Tom Yam Kung...yummiest all the way!

After lunch then lepak again like before,i bought one decorative handstrap from a 'creative products selling shop'.Well,actually they conned me with the handstrap for RM12.90 that which after i bought that i went to a handphone shop right opposite which selling the same thing for only RM7.50...celaka betul!

Then,we decided to take 'puri-kura'(fyi:sticky photo in Japanese phrase...)...squeeze our face inside the lens damn we 6 persons there actually struggling to fit in the view that actually fits 2 person...haha!

After 'purikura' then went back to our faithful place called the 'sunway college'...which we sleep there,eat there,studying there...everything happens there

It's been few days since i started to do MSian studies power point presentation...came out everynite to foyer to do that ...damn tired...blame me that totally illiterate to Microsoft Power Point...have to seek for others help and figure most da setting myself...die!!!

OMG...gotta said again tomorrow gotta law test again(weekly test...)...haven't prepare yet until this time haha...and then Friday gotta pass up the assignment packed my space to breathe lah...Mr. Raj!

Today damn embarassing in GP class i must said that...actually we are on a topic called 'ARTS'...then JE asked us to bring things that do with 'ARTS'....actually i din even know about it until Azrul told me that...then spontaneously i present my favourite 'DZI' beads bangle which my sis bought for me on my bday...!I explained evrything about Dzi...suddenly that stupid Sukh. told JE that i got 'ARTS' on my body...well tht's my 'symbol of glorious'...then i am forced to show it to the whole class with so embarassing that i almost blush...fuck up!But i do feel proud of my 'symbol of glorious' tht means i should show it off to the whole class?NO!!!

Monday, October 03, 2005



Got really messed up wif my Malaysian Studies project ahhh......

Trigonometry is like damn confusing...Mr Koshy spare us....

Today went to mamak in SS14 for dinner wif Susan and Azrul(formerly i called him Abang...-_-)...again stuff myself up like crazy...i ate naan cheese,tandoori and tisu...crazy but ended up they help me to finish it damn funny!!!haha...

Then after finish dinner damn sleepy...cos too full...very reluctant to do Msian Studies.....

That's all la....!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Telekom Malaysia has botched up their billing system after they started merging Telekom and TMNet bills which saw many people getting exorbitant bills, that look like backdated bills from the day you start subscribing to StreamyX. Don't worry though, as Telekom has acknowledged their mistake and a quick call to Telekom should settle things for the moment.

hope my bills won't turn out like this....

source from

omg...Bali kena bomb blast again...tragic pity Indonesia....Bali is a nice place to go now it has ruined...ppl are afraid to go there now esp after the 2nd bomb blast...omg...what happen to our world now?no law?terrorists are ruling and doing whatever they want even the central government can't control over this?

they even think of bobing our neighbouring country like fav hang out place...cos extremely near to my hometown(the 1st bomb was planned to blast at Singapore MRT station(Sembawang and Yi Shun station,tht's the place i like to hang out whenever i go...YiShun...omg.Ok tht's their plan A(failed for unknown reason!)...plan B was targetted at Bali...hell qaeda...juz go to US and bomb there dun harm our peaceful SEA country...we did nothing to you afterall?ur target is the yankees go...juz go there dun come here...are u afraid of the yankees?dun let ur anger on innocent ppl...confront with BUsh and Dick!fuk u!

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Yesterday suppose to go to mama's hse but end up packing all my things and carried it back to my hostel again -_-...haha!Bcos our movie ended too late it's already 8 something that time and quite reluctant to travel to hell far Cheras by evil transport(bus)...hehe!

Juz went out with Susan,Abang and Isaac to see movie but b4 that gotta go to visit Abang's fren that kena beaten up by big bullier from Sri KL in SJMC -_- we(susan,me,isaac) dunno the guy that admitted to SJMC at all...juz follow Abang lo...afterall he was driving...then stay there nearly 1 hour chatting with the guy's mother which we dunno him/her...but her mother quite frenly lo...but felt really awkward la...instead send go to visit the boy...we din actually speak to the boy but his mother...funny funny thing...kkkkk!

Then after that went to Pyramid Sushi King then went to watch The Myth...quite bored the movie and outrageous,peculiar,i was like totally ??? wat happened in the movie(plus was damn tiring yeterday cos lack of sleep lo...)but at the end still know the wat the story try to say roughly lah...but really amazed by the scenery in the movie...not many actions by Jacky Cheung in this movie but nice 3D effect/scene,but felt very strange kind of feeling cos Jacky Cheung duet with Kim Hee Sun and born the love story(yeah LURVVVEEE story...)...funny huh?...old fella + pretty young Korean actress = mismatch...anyway tht's my opinion la...

Today,wow so happy i slept almost 14 hours one short without being interrupted...hohooo...then woke up at 1.30pm being freshed and my life starts all over again!!!!Then went out with Susan to Pyramid for lunch (yeah,pyramid again...)sienz -_-...went to Kim Gary crazily stuff ourselves up with foods like hell...esp those toast...felt like vomit once i think of bread...toast...eurghhh!then went lepak lepak here n there ,arcade,bowling(but ended up they r having tournament again,so din play...)...saw the KoreAN Drama OST songs collection 3 CD in 1 for price of only RM29.90 at Tower Record...made punde!i bought one wrongly last week in JB that is all ochestra version without vocal all instument cos i don't know when i saw the song i want inside then just grabbed it to the counter to pay...2 CD in 1 for also RM29.9(after 10% popular card discount)...fuck up man!brought back home play it and felt like wanna crach my whole CD player up...cos it is sleepy ochestra version -_-...puts me to my dreamland...omg!wasted my money since i really try hard to save up money now to buy new hp...ya btw juz now saw the LG G262 new one in nice and colour one...attractive which require fork out 13x RM100 notes and err...still quite short of it...weeeee!
Haiz,gotta do msian study stupid presentation work tonight lah...powr point sux...!Kim Chi here i come...yummy!^o^

I wanna buy many things Mind Mapping by author Tony Buzan(Auntie recommended one!),Discreet and The Samuel and Kelvin collection,Globe The Best OF collection 3 CD in 1 for RM56.90(ower record),Do As Infinity older Do The Best B-side Collection 2 CD in 1 for RM51.90(tower record),that particular 3 CD collection of Korean Drama Songs Collection(tower record),My Chemical Romance~Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge,Foo Fighters~In Your Honor,Bon Jovi latest 2005 album~Have A Nice Day(i want this very bad...!)help me y tower record hasn't selling yet!!!....wat to do half to tighten up my wallet time more loose liao then buy lo....haiz...but can buy pirated one also...T-T...desperate!