Thursday, March 09, 2006

Downpour and thunderstorm

You won't believe what happened here in our college today as around 3 sumthin during my law class we heard a loud bang and the next thing we'd seen is the abruptly downpour together with massive thunderstorm ever which is somewhat the scenes you can see in the "Day After Tomorrow".And this earthshaking storm actually reminds me a little of typhoon which don't ever(never wish it'll do)happens in Malaysia,the country which free from major universal natural disaster!The aftermath was like unbelieveable as trees fell,lamp post slanted and uprooted,muds and everywhere,pots all fell to the ground caused the road lane to close off cos blocked by the debris that scattered everywhere!!!It was so nice shocked to see all these things to be happened at only a split of second!Felt like the movie scenes anyways! :p

By the way,went to Midvalley with Andrew and his very frenly and nutcrack classmate Siti.Actually juz there to accompany Siti to buy some stuffs for her soulmate and then so funny that one of the Siti's car window being stucked halfway which cannot wind up until certain level but can only wind down.Then we were so fucking worried that whether anything will happens to the car if park it at Midvalley carpark with one of the window left ajar,which jam-stucked halfway!haha!So we imagined the worst scenario that's it when the whole car being stolen when we about to get the car after finished shopping...but then the daring and brave Siti give it a shot and finally her car is still in one piece now..hehe!

Saw one checker shirt from Island Shop that having like 50% of discount but too bad don't have the sizes I want which is the expected XL or L!Only left M and S available!PUndek,all the fatty bom so fast grabbed the large sizes!IT's only 99!!!Wah!!!Hey,mind u,is da ISLAND SHOP k?Don't underrate it!

Bought one ring ala goth style at Philosophy though!It's in silver form and after discount cost only 30.So,juz bought it and it is nice!After surveyed for so long,the most economical and well not bad looking ring has finally born!THx for Siti's opinion and comments too!Very much appreciated by me...tht's only bcos I trust ur taste ok!U should be glad to get my highly recognition...!*teeheehee*

After sending Siti off,supposed to go to Chillis to eat but for the sake of my tight income and loosely money budget.Better resort to others.Therefore,settled down at the famous local delicacies eatery "Madam Kwan's".Fyi,they have the bestest nasi lemak recipe in the world and tell you what their kangkung belacan is yummilicious and damn fucking fantabulous man!Despite of being a bit pricey,the rest is very well deserve for my compliment,I mean,hey,how frequent can u encounter with nice food in ur entire lifespan?

In order to practicalize this philosophy!We order like mad and crazily stuffed up our stomach like hell!So long after that meal,we ended up burping,farting and craving for toilet.Haha!It'sooo delicios but just too filling and no doubt we were greedy!Esp. Andrew can;t even finished off the otak-otak and I forced to finish all!

After failed to find any nice checker shirts in Midvalley,we then set off to Sunway and called it a day!Sien lor...the checker shirt form Island Shop is like real nice but to hell that don't have my sizes.

I think I'll have to make a trip to KLCC again to hunt for checker shirt!

Or maybe should diet hard b4 that?fuck you!

The earth shattering downpour.The white blur thingy is not haze but the particle drops of rain!!!So horrid...

It looks so alrite on my ring finger,we are meant to stick together,aha!There will be more to come as I gotta collect all of them!muahahahahahah!They're all mine!!!