Saturday, May 20, 2006

Eternal Flame


The dread has "flamed" itself again whenever I saw my parents.Well,they are here over the weekend so probably I gotta procrastinate my revision again.

I'm so traumatised whenever i see their face cos it's for sure I'll wanna tell them what I'm gonna study after A-Levels.But then the common downside for A-Levels students is lack of idea for what they wanna pursue in future.If you ask anyone from A-Levels they'll probably answer you things like "see first!","depend on my result!","dunno!",not sure","medicine!" but those wanted to do med. know shits about med.In contrast,ADP students are very future-concerning type and they plan ahead,me "was" one of them!If you ask an ADP student what they wanna study in future,before you can ever further your questioning,he/she will cuts in and started to talk to you like machine gun about what they want in future and what is that about,yada yada!Now,that's the difference of Commonwealth(General Certificate of Education) standard and North American(Credit system) standard.That's why I was wondering sometimes that how could this A-Levels examination survive itself from then 'till now with it's rigid and stiff assessment and teaching?It's totally problematic and wrong.Whereby,I was once in ADP and I know how flexible they are and students are taught to be outspoken,we even require to take up the Public Speaking Skill subject.Furthermore,they'll never fail to give us counselling on our future prospect once a while and every end of semester(after we gotten the result).They'll counsel us on the uni. that compatible with our requirement,make sure you can maximise your credits that going to be transferred and advise you on the course that you chose.This is something that won't ever happen under Brit. edu. system.What they will do is just force you to study and get all A's in order to apply to Oxbridge,no further.This is why I can't sort out that why do people keep on criticizing ADP as a low standard/low class program compare to other pre-U or matriculations.Don't belittle it cos you ain't taking it nor took it before.

Cut the craps.

I'm deciding some other programs to study now after my pre-U studies,here's few of my latest decision(it's still not certain yet):

~Economics and Finance(super normal non-breakthrough subject)
~Economics(a extremely normal non-breakthrough subject)
~Econometrics(to make myself crazy about interpreting complicated graphs)
~Real Estate Management(to be a valuer...)
~Financial Risk Management(similar to ACSC below)
~Actuarial Science(time to polish and strengthen my maths and econs I think)
~BioInformatics (amphibian!fusion of science and statistics)
~Psychology(it's hard to make a huge way from it but I like it though)
~Environmental Management-Toxicology/Waste Management(it's interesting!although I dun wish to waste most of my Arts subjects)
~Statistics(rocks although I'm not really excel in it :P)

Countries that I'm in favour of to further my studies:

~UK(not until I take Law)
~Australia(Business programs perhaps,twinning only)

Local don't have much choices though,sad to say that!

What I want is a profession which can really materialize my skills and do practical works rather than just keep on doing the samething again and again which bound to be lack of challenges.I prefer case study subject where I can analyse on case by case basis(despite Law).It has to be something to do with our society,real life and environment.Most of all,it serves all mankind.No doubt $alary is a very important factor too!I dun like things like require study,study but study.Again,I prefer problem solving more than anything.

I need feedbacks and comments from everyone if possible!Please dun be stingy on your opinion k?