Sunday, May 28, 2006

Nothing really matter...

Had been away for 4 days...

On a getaway and unofficial vacation...

To Port Dickson(PD)...

Just went there out of coincidence cos a distant relative of mine hold a wedding banquet at a small Town adjacent to PD town.It's quite kampung anyway...yea,the way the people behave there are somewhat distinct from us.I mean the way they speak,the way they dress,the way they behave,their habits...totally different and I can't even tolerate some of them but I dun think it sounds good to mock people here,haha!

Anyway the banquet is so-so,typical Chinese wedding ceromony with lots of yum-seng(bottoms up),Uncle-ish karaoke,and so on...and the dishes served were also nothing but the conventional type...I hate shark fins...they kill sharks!

Ok well,due to my relative's kampung house can't be able to accommodate so many of us,so,we stayed overnight at some reknowned resort hotel in PD for not longer than 24 hrs -_- but still I managed to go down to the beach to take a stroll and captured some scenic views and of course as usual,the cam-whoring!Due to the shortage of time spent,the "unofficial" trip was not too contented and there's still a piece of shade remaining in my freaking AS exams hasn't over yet ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Econs(last paper) on this coming freaky Friday!!!!!Therefore,I dare not even let go all my passion for the sun & beach :p !Save it after exams...That's the reason I named it as an unofficial trip instead.Lazy to post photo due to the laggy connection.

As long there's clean beach and mild sunlight.I'm statisfy with it...although I wanna get tanned but what to do,I'm naturally born with the lack of pigmentation which more or less look like an albino all the time.Just wanna look more healthy on my complexion that's all.

Sun & Beach rocks!

ps: Juz knew tht they gonna change Redang trip to PD!I was like OMG...not PD again!!!!!Y budget? PD beach is not so nice compare to those off shores'!They dun hav crystal clear water to allow for diving and snorkelling.They dun hav fine sandy beach...their sands are like cement and block!They dun even hav corals...!I dun wanna see vessels passing by when relaxing on beach!I dun wanna see oils and dirts floating.I dun wanna see grossy foam and bottles lying on the dinine beach!I want a less developed and inhabitated natural "virgin" beach and sea!!!

Only manage to upload 2 of this(it took 15 minutes)...stupid connection...all the Digicam's one kenot upload,here's those taken by the low res. handphone's camera:

There's a artificial lagoon behind me which kinda pointless.Therefore,pointless pose of mine -_- dun wanna be like typical tourist look ma!Pity the coconut tree though.

Looking for the coastline of Sumatra but overshadowed by the effing fog(waiting for the 2nd tsunami outbreak).Notice that there isn't any sand right?Yea,cos all of those with the sandy beach are to be held up in my memory stick and the laggy connection won't allow big-sized files uploading...fuck!These are all pointless photo and poseur-ish!pui!

I saw so many crabs and also the very cute hermit crabs!But to sustain the environment's ecosystem,being an environment concerning person all the while.I have the responsibility to protect all of them...although they may look cute and curious for u but if all of u take them home just to satisfy ur temporary curiosity and excitement...then those things won't be able to appear before our next generation!And others may not be able to enjoy a glance on all these marine creatures...therefore when I saw my little nieces trying to smuggle them back,I stopped them and taught them not to do so :p and they actually think that I'm scolding doubt they cried but it's for their own good also!haha...