Monday, September 11, 2006

I ate lotsa ashes and sniffed lotsa Carbon Mono.

Fucking shitty today...

I specially woke up a bit earlier and took cab all the way to Puduraya only to realise that no bus ticket for my desired timing!Diu!Must wait until what?I'm practically stranded in KL for 2+ hours doing nothing and I went to Times Square's Borders(for what?)...cos there's the only place I can spend more than an hour swimming in the sea of wisdom!

Anyway Starbucks was full of anonymous people so I just randomly picked a place and sat down to chill in my frap. and some books about Judaism(woohoo~).B4 I realised,it's already 4 sumthing and so have to rush back to Puduraya.I thought I could set off at 5pm sharp who noes damn driver was waiting for no one for almost 45 minutes and left us waited for nothing...walao!And I paid more expensive ticket only to realise that that was a 48 seaters!!!Damn my big ass where can tahan such narrow sit???Normally Konsortium's seat is good and comfy enough like Economy class flight...this time was like yucky public bus converted in express bus,diu lei lou mou la!Stupid Causeway Link...they dun seem to be any better in their service although all their busses look friendly with a dumb smiley face and yellow theme colour.It resembles some shits smack onto banana only!Fuck off!

JB so nice,I gotta do lotsa stuffs as well!Clean up my own room,buy speaker,hairdo appointment,meet friends,family outing,homecooked food...b4 I get my ass back to Sunway Condo!!!