Saturday, June 30, 2007

God blessed!

Today received call from Aunt saying that Ah Yeh is not in good shape, cannot control urination and excretion. We got so shocked and rushed down to see Ah Yeh immediately...his health is obviously not in pink shape. Declining day by day...haiz. For a 102 years old veteran like him, we have to be prepared all the while since this is not the first time already. Mum has to wash his body and so summore lol. But he got better after swallowing some oat meal and now can even fix the toilet door. Phew! What a day...I was driving the whole day since daddy was in good mood and never grumble single bit about my kaputed driving skill :s

Went Kerry's for a while to buy book, The Time Traveller's Wife, an old book but heard that it's nice and that's it haha used to borrow from Kei last year but never lay my hands on it once also. On top of that have to buy watercolour for next week's assignment and bought one sketching pencil...and lotsa odd stuffs. Later, went to Padini and 38 with Terence, since he's going to Aus soon also, smelly Hazree is here but no time to meet up with him. Cheryll will be leaving on 8th Aug to Arizona, one by one leaving~left me in JB T^T.

Cheryll should be watching Christina live in Singapore right now, damn!!! Complimentary ticket sial! I'm so not gonna through with it! Who wants to go Gwen Stefani's concert? It seems everyone wants to "han lui" T^T

PS : JJ Lin's new psycho MV damn kick ass but unfortunately couldn't get thru the cencorship haiz....but still can catch it at Kara. box around ^^v


It's been a while my long lost bittersweet dark choco series~

One of the many grandfather's clocks owned by Ah Yeh (my grandfather in 102)

Cover of US's Chinese tabloid...O.o

Old-skool workshop in Bentong, Uncle's hometown


Me and the bauhinia at Lantau Island=.="


“The dreamer dies, but never dies the dream,
Though Death shall call the whirlwind to his aid, Enlist men's passions, trick
their hearts with hate, Still shall the Vision live! Say nevermore, That dreams
are fragile things”