Tuesday, June 19, 2007

In conclusion

I shall practise self-appreciation from now on in midst of showering with doubts from all around.

If I ain't myself who else am I gonna be then?

Don't judge me cos u ain't me...

I love myself more than anything more than u can ever imagine...

I don't preach but the greatest love of all is learning to love urself.

I'm still on my way...

Well, it's fatigue and constantly putting myself in tension and unwanted emo-ness state are futile to say the least.

Not anymore.

I love myself...I'll do everything for myself eventhough to die for IT.

Anyway, Cal II test was kinda screwed up but it turned out to be higher than what I've been expected for...still not really through with it yet!

Lab report is getting cumbersome since my lab partner always MIA...haiz.

And I got some comments for my groupmates whilst doing ENL assignment, please be coordinative and cooperative. Divide the works equally at the same time knowing what others are doing as well.Don't push responsibilities to others when u can't do ur job well.And please cut down ur lengthy essay, yes of cos I know ur ability of writing in English is like celestial(lack of better word to describe) but assignemnt is where assignment rules applied.Don't push ur limit too far and leave us with ur donkey works.And u still have the cheek to tell us that how sad that ur beautiful senteces were being striked over under our cruellest judgement of holding down the backspace key...fuck off and burn in hell.For that I have to wake up in fucking 7 am today and do ur summarising jobs while my class was only started at 12 pm...I could have snuggle in my bed comfortably.AND why must I print it for u all at last minute and without being informed that article was needed?U made me rushed my puny life back home by leaving Anthro class earlier and got late for ENL class...and u don't even bother to look at my works.For that passenger, u oso one who has the cheek to sms me early in the morning b4 my alarm rang...good...and u didn't come for ENL class today just hoping us to write down ur divine name on the frontpage to claim some shameless credits...I'll slap u nicely once I see u...perhaps bitchslap will be more appropriate,if not more.

Apparently,I just hate everything...all mankinds are evil and hyprocrites.

What on earth is this...someone please gimme a good hard punch straight in my face!