Saturday, June 23, 2007

Morning has broken

Woke up at 6am today all thanks to Mr Yau who forgot to turn my light off -_-

My internet connection died on me yesterday before dinner due to computer memory overloaded XD...and I actually called TMnet technical operator around 9am lol...while they're still walking out from their lalaland.

Anyways,thx for taking the hassle to come all the way from Damansara,Mr Yau.If not my Friday will be like spending alone and still...alone!hehe...TGIF was damn packed yesterday :(

And I think I'm darn fat now again,gobbled down food like no one's business yesterday...the Fishmarket's platter,sushi,tart,doughnut,huge chicken drumstick and then sleep!Wah,it's been a while!Love this feeling of eating freely,talking freely and act freely without contraint~Life has never been so good...since the day I came back this place.

Slept on my Anthro text yesterday(just how boring u can ever imagine!)...pageful of words on puny issues that I don't even bother to know.This can be worse than Law man...and more to come.

Saturday Saturday...another boring weekend.I shall tidy up my room,do laundry,do some odd stuffs,do tutorials,revisions,go gym,go bookstore and talk to myself.


When the ray of light continues to shine, it means there's still hope for life somewhere awaiting to be unmasked