Friday, June 29, 2007


Just got back home after 5 hours of bus ride...

Feeling drowsy, head turned 500 kg but still insist of blogging something I encountered during my journey ^^v.

I was sitting beside this Indian girl which is 1 year younger than me to say, managed to chat with her through out the journey. Actually she started to talk to me first but I learned that she's a nursing student afterall, so no harm going on with the conversation.

Well, she came from a financially uptight family where her father passed away few years ago in Ipoh I supposed, she's from Perak by the way. So she got her loan from PTPTN to pursue her studies for Nursing in Masterskill. During the talking, I came across that she is very passionate towards her job eventhough her parents just want her to get married off as soon as possible. But then, she even intend to further to degree level for Nursing. She went all ambitious and passionate about her current internship.

Having to major in Allied Health Science, yea I mean moi!!!! It's such a great shame that I technically didn't really understand half of her talking. I don't own such great passion as compared to her eventhough I would love to tell people that what I'm majoring in but I can't go any further about that since my degree of passion is unabashedly far lesser. I do having a little haemophobia as well when she was telling me how wonderful when her lecturer show them the real human's body parts in class and being able to squeeze and feel Gah!

It's pointless, I guess I should strengthen what I'm doing now first and foremost before I can go on any further. At least, fix up Chemistry and Calculus II...the rest can talk later bah!Haha.Bummer Bummer Bummer.

How to cultivate interest in health care profession? Aiyo, someone please give me guidance T^T I love lab and stuffs that's about all -_-


Old whoring pic taken from Cheryl's room back then on the 26th floor penthouse unit of SMCH!Damn cun!And look at my nails also courtesy of emo/punk rock companion.


“Life is not a journey to the grave with
intentions of arriving safely in a pretty well-preserved body, but rather to
skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming
... WOW! What a ride!”