Friday, June 01, 2007

I'm going under

Haih...came home over the weekend.I mean my home in JB not Subang...I'll never regard that place as home,it's only a temporary shelter over head,to say the most.

Sis flight was postponed to next Tuesday so basically I can't send her all the way to Changi Airport's departure gate.This time around cannot ponteng as well,3 test on consecutive days starting Monday.

For this week,I missed 5 hours of classes.3 hours Cal II and 2 hours Chem.Partly was I couldn't wake up on time(actually if I rushed my life for it...probably still can make it to few classes),the other part was perhaps emo?I dunno.Felt sucks...practically sucks big time.Like I ever care.

I seriously sick of being joker and clown all the times.I hate my loosely expressions that sumtimes irritate ppl or giving them wrong impressions.I can be very quiet when I'm all alone but in any situation that having 2 or more presence of people,I will always try hard to melt the ice when it get tensed up,and it actually happens to me all the times for reasons that yet to be unveiled.So I'll handle all the monkey business...the life like I don't even have my own sentiments.One word : sicked!

I don't mind to be emo or up to even higher level psycho...but pls just allow me to be serious at times.I mean it.Kthx...

Today's Anthro test was quite ok and in fact fun!The essay part is so amusing...we'd been asked to write a self description by hollistic approach.lolx.cute...

And for some fucking babies killing mummies crying reasons,my T zone is badly fried with zits and blackheads.I look fucking hideous now,I swear I am...eventhough it makes no difference without those zits but still...much more hideous can?Satisfied?Seriously like moh peng now,soon to be Mark Lee's face with cellulites texture...goddammit!I musn't be nocturnal from now on,or else your neighbours' dogs die :p

Ps:I met Sheryl in KTM and had a good talk with him.She's such a cutie.
Pps:Cheryll J. best of luck in ur IELTS...7.5 or above is in ur hand for sure!Steph,all the best to ur SAT as well...dun give up!