Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Before I start off, u peeps should know what I'm going to bitch and whine about today.

You're always right! As usual...


In fact I studied for it like hell long, on the night before the test. Choking on caffeine, stretching my eyelids, holding back my crave for the keyboard, whacking my cheeks repeatedly for 8726328 times. I'm such a loser! It's gone I swear with your right leg...

What more can I expect when I couldn't even sort out the numerical value of hexa- ? I don't even want to go on mentioning that that was the first question of the entire paper.

As if not worse enough, Ms Jane is that kinda person who pms for her whole life. Never seen such an emo lecturer in my life before -_-. Talk like rocket and I doubt she will ever put in effort on teaching her stuffs. Plain crazy man. It seems that we have to stand on our own feet now out of no choice. Haih~

Puhleaseee lemme scoreee at least half of the paper or sustain my hope for "adequate" GPA at the end of semester :s

It's always ample of time but meager of effort. The almost not there perseverance. Where have all of them go? The one that used to nest away in study room and library? The who couldn't get enough of problem solvings...

...till then.