Sunday, July 15, 2007

Of debaucheries and weekend

Fruitful week, highly debauched myself and indulged in whatever that can stuff into my mouth. Since last week's Chillis, Shogun and all shits until this week is like neverending although gym still continues to skip. However, have to put a period to them now. After the clock striked 12 today, mouth shall shut for good and consume only less fat less energy high nutritions. gym session will resume in the name of GOD or else your babies and puppies die.

Parasite-ed over godparents place this week hoping for some homecook food but then coincidentally they were away to Penang left me and cousins at home T^T. Watched Harry Potter with Leong, what can I say, not a huge fan of HP and the storyline is not meant for a retarded brain like yourstruly. Piece of mind to parents out there, go buy DVD and let your kids watch at home, otherwise seal their mouth if you wanna bring them to cinema!

Did some light retail theraphy this week in MV with cousins as well, piggy was kinda empty but managed to fork some puny amount before I went broke(I'm broke now). Fully utilised the last single cent I had for 3 pieces of garment from MELL(Melinda Looi, a local designer), not bad eh. Muahaha, my long lost Econs knowledge has finally put into use...applications speak louder than theories, MR. SOMA! *lmao* So much for a calculative aka kiam siap seasonal shopping king! I love sales...regardless of the varieties, as long as I see SALES. Berserkkkk.

Last indulgence of the week :

Kaaaaa chiaaaaang ssssssaaaaaaa tehhhhhhhhh (Kajang satay) with Sue Ling!

Look at the thick and fat juicy meat, heavenly meant for every single small bites! *can please ignore the burnt parts and save me some face ah?*

I had beef, chicken and rabbit!

Kuah...gravy la!

Mediocre side dish onion also :(

Anyways, that place only sells Satay and it is like a huge building right beside the Kajang Stadium in the middle of the city. A landmark of Kajang town to be more precise. Not too hard a place to find. Anyone who wanna go can tell me, I'm more than willing to lead you there, insyaallah. The more the merrier...insyaallah!

The bottom line :
The only difference between Kajang satay and satays selling at the junction down the street is the former one comes in thicker cutlet of meats and much more succulent, they are using thicker skewers as well in this case. Nothing much to go huha about.